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IB DP Philosophy Study Notes

7.1.3 Methodologies of Science

Understanding the methodologies of science is crucial for grasping how scientific knowledge is acquired and validated. The scientific method is not a linear path but rather a complex network of approaches and processes aimed at uncovering the truths of the natural world.


At the core of scientific inquiry lies observation—the disciplined and structured process of perceiving phenomena.

Types of Observations

  • Direct Observation: Involves firsthand witness through the senses or with the enhancement of scientific instruments.
  • Indirect Observation: Utilises inferential logic to deduce about phenomena that cannot be observed directly, such as subatomic particles.

Characteristics of Scientific Observation

  • Observations are systematic and deliberate.
  • They are recorded meticulously to ensure that they can be verified and replicated by others.
  • Observations lead to the formulation of inquiries and testable hypotheses.


Experimentation is a more proactive form of investigation that involves manipulating variables to elucidate cause and effect.

Experimental Design

  • Randomised Control Trials (RCTs): Participants are randomly assigned to groups to test the effect of an intervention.
  • Blind and Double-blind Experiments: Limit bias by preventing subjects or even experimenters from knowing who is in the control or experimental group.

Importance of Controls

  • Controlled Variables: These are kept constant to isolate the impact of the independent variable.
  • Control Group: Serves as a baseline to compare with the outcomes of the experimental group.


Measurement is the assignment of numbers to objects or events in accordance with rules.


  • Ensures that the measurements are consistent and comparable across different contexts and times.
  • The International System of Units (SI) is widely adopted to maintain uniformity in measurement.

Reliability and Validity

  • Reliability: Refers to the consistency and repeatability of measurements.
  • Validity: Indicates how well a measurement reflects the true value of the property it intends to quantify.

Theory Formation

A scientific theory is an overarching explanation of related phenomena based on a large body of evidence.

The Role of Theories

  • Theories integrate and explain the relationships between various observations and experimental results.
  • They offer a framework for making predictions about new situations.

Criteria for Scientific Theories

  • Must be broadly applicable across multiple scenarios.
  • Should have strong empirical support from observations and experiments.
  • Must be potentially falsifiable through empirical evidence.

Inductive Reasoning

Induction is the process of inferring general principles from specific instances.

Basis of Induction

  • Induction rests on the assumption that a sequence of events in the past predicts future occurrences.
  • The strength of inductive conclusions is proportional to the amount and reliability of observations.

Problems with Induction

  • The Problem of Induction highlights that past regularities do not necessarily guarantee future occurrences.
  • Inductive reasoning can be vulnerable to biases such as confirmation bias.

Deductive Reasoning

Deductive reasoning is a logical process where a conclusion is based on the concordance of multiple premises that are generally assumed to be true.

Process of Deduction

  • Premises are stated, and a conclusion is drawn.
  • If the premises are true and the logic is valid, the conclusion is necessarily true.

Limitations of Deduction

  • Deductive reasoning is limited by the truth of its premises.
  • It is more concerned with the structure of reasoning rather than the empirical truth of the premises.


A hypothesis is a conjectural statement about a relationship between variables that can be tested by scientific research.

Formulating Hypotheses

  • Hypotheses are specific and stated in a way that they can be empirically tested.
  • They are based on observations, existing literature, and theory.

Role of Hypotheses

  • Serve as a tentative explanation or prediction.
  • Guide the design and focus of experiments.

Deductive-Nomological (D-N) Model

The Deductive-Nomological model provides a structure for scientific explanations involving a law-like generalization.

Components of the D-N Model

  • Explanandum: The statement that describes the event or phenomenon to be explained.
  • Explanans: The set of statements (laws and initial conditions) that are used to explain the phenomenon.

Use of the D-N Model

  • It is used for making predictions based on the laws and for providing explanations post-facto.
  • The D-N model is highly valued in natural sciences for its predictive capacity.

Critiques of the D-N Model

  • The model is criticised for its inability to account for explanations that do not fit the mold of physical sciences, such as those in biology and psychology.
  • It assumes that all valid scientific explanations can be made through deductive reasoning, which is not always the case.


Replication is essential in scientific methodologies because it strengthens the reliability and validity of experimental results. When an experiment is replicated and the same results are consistently achieved, it increases confidence in the findings and suggests that they are not due to chance, bias, or flawed methodology. Replication also helps identify any errors or anomalies in the original experiment and can lead to new insights or a deeper understanding of the studied phenomenon. Furthermore, replicability is fundamental for scientific knowledge to be considered credible and accepted by the scientific community. It is through repeated testing across different contexts, by different researchers, and with various participants that scientific claims are verified.

A scientific law and a scientific theory are both fundamental concepts in science but serve different purposes. A scientific law is a statement, often expressed mathematically, that describes a consistently observed phenomenon. It does not explain why the phenomenon exists or what causes it; it merely states that it happens. For instance, the Law of Gravity describes the attraction between two bodies but does not explain why gravity exists. On the other hand, a scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and confirmed through observation and experimentation. Theories are broader in scope than laws and provide explanatory frameworks for understanding how and why phenomena occur.

Deductive reasoning plays a pivotal role in the development of scientific theories by allowing scientists to derive specific predictions from general principles or established theories. Starting from a universally accepted law or a well-supported theory, scientists use deduction to forecast particular outcomes. For example, from the general principles of gravity and motion, predictions about the trajectory of a satellite can be deduced. If the deduced predictions are consistently observed, it provides strong support for the theory. Conversely, if the predictions fail, the theory may be called into question. Deductive reasoning thus ensures that theories are not just abstract concepts but have practical implications that can be tested and observed.

Falsifiability is a critical criterion proposed by philosopher Karl Popper as a demarcation between science and non-science. For a hypothesis to be considered scientific, it must be inherently testable in such a way that it could potentially be proven false by observation or experiment. This concept is crucial because it ensures that scientific hypotheses are not irrefutable by mere design. Hypotheses that are formulated must make predictions that can be observed and measured; if these predictions do not hold under scrutiny, the hypothesis must be rejected or revised. Thus, falsifiability promotes an environment of continuous questioning and refinement in scientific methodologies, fostering progress and discouraging clinging to untestable or "unfalsifiable" claims.

Peer review is a critical process in scientific research methodologies that involves the assessment of research by experts in the same field. It serves several key functions:

  • Quality Control: Peer reviewers scrutinise the research for accuracy, validity, and rigour, helping to ensure that only high-quality research is published.
  • Credibility: The peer review process adds credibility to research by having it validated by independent and objective experts.
  • Improvement: Reviewers often provide feedback that can help researchers refine their studies, clarify their arguments, and strengthen the evidence for their conclusions.
  • Filtering: It acts as a filter to prevent the dissemination of flawed or unsubstantiated findings. Overall, peer review helps maintain the integrity of the scientific literature and is an essential part of the scientific method.

Practice Questions

Explain the significance of randomised control trials (RCTs) in the context of scientific methodologies and how they contribute to the reliability of experimental results.

Randomised control trials (RCTs) are a cornerstone of empirical research, primarily because they aim to eliminate bias by randomly assigning participants to control or treatment groups. This randomisation ensures that the results are attributable to the intervention rather than external variables. RCTs contribute significantly to the reliability of experimental results, as they help establish causality by isolating the variable of interest. Moreover, the use of control groups allows for a comparison that can validate the effects of the treatment. An excellent IB Philosophy student would recognise that the method's robustness comes from its capacity to minimise systematic errors and confounding factors, thus ensuring the study's findings are replicable and generalisable.

Describe the Deductive-Nomological (D-N) model and assess its limitations in explaining scientific phenomena.

The Deductive-Nomological (D-N) model is a logical framework that explains scientific phenomena through law-like generalisations and initial conditions. It is deductive in nature; if the general laws are true, then the explanation of the phenomenon necessarily follows. However, the model has limitations. It may not be applicable in all scientific contexts, particularly in sciences like biology or psychology, where laws are less absolute and more prone to exceptions. Furthermore, the D-N model presumes that explanations must be predictive, which is not always possible or necessary for understanding certain phenomena. An excellent IB Philosophy student would critique the D-N model's assumption of universal laws and its potential reductionism in complex systems where multiple variables interact in non-linear ways.

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