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IB DP Philosophy Study Notes

7.1.1 The Nature of Science

In examining the nature of science, we probe its intrinsic aims, foundational assumptions, and the bedrock upon which its methodologies and truths are constructed. This exploration involves delving into vigorous debates and philosophical standpoints that have shaped scientific thought throughout history.

Aims of Science

Science serves as a beacon in humanity's quest for knowledge, seeking not just to understand but also to utilise nature for the betterment of existence.

  • Discovery of Truth: Aimed at uncovering the truths behind the physical universe through a methodical and systematic approach.
  • Causal Relationships: Identifies causes and effects within natural phenomena, providing a deeper comprehension of how and why things occur.
  • Societal Advancement: Scientific breakthroughs often lead to technological and medical advancements that transform societies.
  • Knowledge Expansion: Aims to continually expand the body of empirical knowledge, promoting a progressive understanding of the universe.

Assumptions in Science

Underpinning scientific inquiry are several critical assumptions that guide the scientific method.

  • Rationality: Presumes that the universe operates according to consistent principles that can be understood through reason and logic.
  • Testability: Science assumes that hypotheses and theories can be tested through observation and experimentation.
  • Simplicity: Prefers simpler explanations (Occam’s Razor) over more complex ones when all else is equal.
  • Universality: Assumes that laws of nature apply everywhere and are not bound to specific locations or times.

Foundations of Science

The bedrock of science lies in its commitment to certain key principles which have stood the test of time.

  • Empirical Evidence: Data obtained through observation and experimentation form the foundation of scientific knowledge.
  • Rational Argumentation: Logic and reason are the tools used to construct and evaluate scientific explanations.
  • Repeatability: Experiments must be repeatable under the same conditions to validate findings.
  • Falsifiability: For a hypothesis to be scientific, it must be capable of being proven false.

Scientific Realism vs Anti-Realism

A central debate within the philosophy of science is whether scientific theories represent truth or are merely useful fictions.

Scientific Realism

  • Mind-Independence: Argues that the universe’s structure is independent of our thoughts and perceptions.
  • Correspondence Theory of Truth: Holds that statements are true if they correspond to facts or states of affairs in the world.
  • Convergence to Truth: Asserts that science is progressively getting closer to the true nature of reality through refinement of theories.


  • Empirical Adequacy over Truth: Anti-realists argue that theories need only to accurately describe observable phenomena.
  • Pessimistic Meta-Induction: Cites the history of science as a graveyard of once accepted but now discarded theories, challenging the notion that current theories are close to the truth.
  • Sociocultural Influence: Emphasizes that what is accepted as 'scientific' is often influenced by sociocultural factors.

Positivism and Post-Positivism

These philosophies articulate differing viewpoints on the role of science in acquiring knowledge.


  • Auguste Comte: As the father of positivism, Comte asserted that scientific knowledge is the pinnacle of human understanding.
  • Anti-Metaphysics: Positivists reject metaphysical speculation as meaningless since it cannot be tested by scientific methods.
  • Phenomenalism: The belief that science should only concern itself with phenomena, not the underlying reality.


  • Recognition of Theory-Ladenness: Acknowledges that even basic observations are influenced by the conceptual lenses of the observer.
  • Critical Rationalism: As advocated by Karl Popper, post-positivism embraces the tentative nature of scientific theories and the central role of falsification in scientific progress.
  • Historical and Social Context: Accepts that scientific inquiry is influenced by its historical and social context.

Feyerabend’s Philosophy

Paul Feyerabend, a 20th-century philosopher, introduced provocative views on scientific methodology.

  • Diverse Methodologies: Feyerabend argued that science thrives on a diversity of approaches, rejecting the notion of a single scientific method.
  • Science as an Art: Compared scientific pursuit to the arts, suggesting that creativity and innovation are crucial to scientific discovery.
  • Cultural Relativism in Science: Held that scientific claims are culturally relative and that there is no privileged standpoint from which to judge scientific truth.

Central Features of Science

The heart of science lies in its distinctive characteristics that set it apart as a unique endeavour.

  • Testability and Predictive Power: Science distinguishes itself by developing theories that can predict future phenomena, which are verifiable by empirical testing.
  • Controlled Experimentation: Controlled conditions allow for the isolation of variables to determine causal relationships.
  • Consilience: The unity of knowledge; scientific explanations often bring together findings from different disciplines
  • Dynamic Evolution: Science is not static; it evolves through the incorporation of new findings, often leading to paradigm shifts.


In the philosophy of science, it is often argued that scientific theories cannot be proven true in an absolute sense due to the problem of induction; they can only be considered 'not yet disproven'. The inherent provisional nature of scientific theories is underlined by the fact that they are based on empirical evidence, which is always subject to revision and expansion with new observations. As such, scientific knowledge is often said to be reliable yet tentative, and scientists typically talk in terms of probability and confidence levels rather than certainty.

The underdetermination of theory by data is the concept that empirical evidence alone cannot fully determine the choice between competing scientific theories. That is, multiple theories may be consistent with the observed data. This is important in the philosophy of science because it highlights that scientific theory selection is not just a matter of empirical adequacy; it also involves theoretical virtues such as simplicity, coherence, and explanatory power. Moreover, underdetermination suggests that extra-scientific factors, such as societal, cultural, and personal values, can influence theory choice, thereby challenging the objectivity of science and giving rise to debates regarding scientific realism and instrumentalism.

Thought experiments play a crucial role in scientific reasoning by allowing scientists to explore hypothetical scenarios and reason about the implications of theories in situations that may be difficult or impossible to test empirically. They serve as a powerful tool for assessing the coherence and completeness of a theory, often leading to new insights or highlighting potential problems. For instance, Einstein's elevator thought experiment was pivotal in developing the theory of general relativity. While thought experiments do not replace empirical testing, they significantly contribute to theory development, refinement, and critical evaluation within the scientific community.

The problem of induction, famously articulated by David Hume, challenges the scientific method's reliance on inductive reasoning—the process of deriving general principles from particular facts or instances. Hume argued that the assumption that the future will resemble the past is not necessarily justified; just because the sun has risen every day until now does not guarantee it will rise tomorrow. This presents a fundamental challenge to science, which often predicts future events based on past observations. However, the scientific method counters this by continuously testing and retesting hypotheses and not claiming absolute certainty, thus acknowledging the tentative nature of inductive conclusions.

Occam's Razor, a principle attributed to the 14th-century logician and Franciscan friar William of Ockham, is instrumental in scientific methodology. It posits that when presented with competing hypotheses that make the same predictions, one should select the solution with the fewest assumptions. In practice, this means that the simplest theory that can explain the phenomena is to be preferred. This is not because simplicity is a virtue in itself, but because a simpler hypothesis, if wrong, is more easily disproved and refined. Therefore, Occam's Razor is not just about simplicity but is a methodological tool to ensure that scientific theories remain as objective and unencumbered by superfluous elements as possible, thereby facilitating clarity and testability.

Practice Questions

Evaluate the significance of falsifiability in demarcating science from non-science, referencing Karl Popper’s philosophy.

An excellent IB Philosophy student might write: Falsifiability, as espoused by Karl Popper, is paramount in delineating science from non-science. It asserts that for a theory to be considered scientific, it must be testable and potentially refutable. This criterion wards off confirmation bias, demanding that theories not only explain known facts but also predict new, observable phenomena that can challenge the theory's validity. Popper's demarcation criterion is significant because it promotes a progressive and rigorous approach to scientific inquiry, ensuring that scientific knowledge is provisional and subject to refinement or abandonment upon the emergence of new evidence.

Discuss the implications of scientific anti-realism for the understanding of scientific progress.

An excellent IB Philosophy student might write: Scientific anti-realism posits that theories need not be true but only empirically adequate. Its implications for scientific progress are profound; it suggests that progress is not necessarily a closer step to truth but rather an improvement in the utility and coherence of our models with observed phenomena. This perspective infers that scientific advancement is measured by the increased ability to predict and manipulate phenomena, rather than by uncovering objective truths. Consequently, from an anti-realist viewpoint, progress is less about ontological discovery and more about the pragmatic enhancement of our interaction with the world.

George Christofi avatar
Written by: George Christofi
Oxford University - Masters Philosophy

George studied undergraduate and masters degrees in Classics and Philosophy at Oxford, as well as spending time at Yale. He specialises in helping students with UK and US university applications, including Oxbridge and the Ivy League. He writes extensively on education including on schools, universities, and pedagogy.

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