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1.3.1 Simple Interest Basics

Definition of Simple Interest

Simple interest is a quick method to calculate the interest charge on a loan. It is determined based on the original amount of a loan or deposit, also known as the principal, and is not influenced by the interest that accumulates on the money over time. In other words, it does not earn “interest on interest” and only grows linearly over time.

  • Principal (P): The initial amount of money that is deposited or loaned.
  • Rate (R): The interest rate per time period, typically expressed as a percentage.
  • Time (T): The time the money is deposited or borrowed for, generally measured in years.

Formula for Simple Interest

The formula to calculate simple interest (I) is given by:

I = P * R * T

And to find the total amount (A) at the end of the investment or loan period, you can use:

A = P + I


  • I is the interest,
  • P is the principal balance,
  • R is the rate of interest per period,
  • T is the time the money is invested or borrowed for in years, and
  • A is the total amount after T years.

Example 1: Calculating Simple Interest

Imagine you invest £1000 at an interest rate of 5% per annum for 3 years. Calculate the simple interest earned at the end of the investment period.

Using the formula: I = P * R * T I = £1000 * 0.05 * 3 I = £150

Thus, the simple interest earned after 3 years will be £150.

Example 2: Finding the Final Amount

Continuing from Example 1, if you want to find the total amount after 3 years:

A = P + I A = £1000 + £150 A = £1150

Therefore, the total amount after 3 years will be £1150.

IB Maths Tutor Tip: Understand that simple interest offers a predictable growth pattern for investments or costs of loans, making it easier to plan financial decisions for short-term goals.

Applications of Simple Interest

Simple interest is widely used in various financial scenarios, such as:

  • Savings Accounts: Some savings accounts utilise simple interest to calculate the interest earned on the principal amount deposited in the account.
  • Loans and Credits: Certain types of loans and credit options, like auto loans or consumer loans, may use simple interest.
  • Investments: Some short-term investments might use simple interest to calculate the returns on investment. For a deeper understanding of how simple interest plays a role in financial scenarios, including both savings and borrowing, exploring detailed examples can provide additional insights.

Example 3: Loan Repayment

Consider you take a loan of £2000 from a friend and agree to pay it back with a 6% simple interest rate after 4 years. How much interest will you pay, and what will be the total amount to repay?

Calculating the interest: I = P * R * T I = £2000 * 0.06 * 4 I = £480

Calculating the total amount to repay: A = P + I A = £2000 + £480 A = £2480

Thus, you will pay £480 as interest and will repay a total amount of £2480 after 4 years.

Understanding the Implications

Understanding simple interest is pivotal in making informed financial decisions. It allows individuals to calculate the cost of a loan or the returns on an investment, thereby aiding in planning and managing finances effectively. Moreover, it provides a clear, straightforward method to evaluate the growth of an investment or the cost of borrowing, which can be particularly useful for short-term financial planning. To explore the difference between simple and compound interest, consider how each affects the total amount repaid over time.

Example 4: Choosing Between Investment Options

Suppose you have £5000 to invest and you are presented with two investment options:

  • Option A offers a simple interest rate of 4% per annum for 5 years.
  • Option B offers a simple interest rate of 3.5% per annum for 6 years.

Which option will yield more interest?

Calculating for Option A: IA = P * R * T IA = £5000 * 0.04 * 5 IA = £1000

Calculating for Option B: IB = P * R * T IB = £5000 * 0.035 * 6 IB = £1050

Option B will yield more interest over the investment period, despite having a lower interest rate, due to the longer investment time. Understanding arithmetic sequences can further illuminate how regular, linear growth like simple interest accumulates over time.

Diving Deeper into Simple Interest

While the concept of simple interest might seem straightforward, it is essential to delve deeper and understand its nuances and implications in various scenarios. The simplicity of its calculation and its linear growth over time make it a preferred choice for short-term loans and investments. However, it is crucial to note that in the real world, many financial products like credit cards and mortgages use compound interest, which can have significantly different financial implications. For a comprehensive understanding of how simple interest compares to other financial metrics, examining interpreting correlation and basic probability can offer valuable insights into financial decision-making.

Example 5: Impact on Longer-Term Loans

Imagine you borrow £10,000 at a simple interest rate of 7% per annum for 10 years. How much interest will you pay, and what will be the total amount to repay?

Calculating the interest: I = P * R * T I = £10000 * 0.07 * 10 I = £7000

Calculating the total amount to repay: A = P + I A = £10000 + £7000 A = £17000

In this scenario, you will pay £7000 as interest and will repay a total amount of £17000 after 10 years. This example illustrates that while simple interest can be beneficial for short-term loans due to its linear growth, for longer-term loans, it can accumulate to a substantial amount, making the loan significantly more expensive.

IB Tutor Advice: Always double-check your calculations for simple interest and total amounts in exams by ensuring you've correctly applied the formula and interpreted the interest rate and time period accurately.

Example 6: Impact on Short-Term Loans

Consider you borrow £500 at a simple interest rate of 5% per annum for 1 year. How much interest will you pay, and what will be the total amount to repay?

Calculating the interest: I = P * R * T I = £500 * 0.05 * 1 I = £25

Calculating the total amount to repay: A = P + I A = £500 + £25 A = £525

In this case, you will pay £25 as interest and will repay a total amount of £525 after 1 year. This example demonstrates that for short-term loans, simple interest can be relatively low and manageable, making it a viable option for short-term borrowing.


The principal amount (P) directly influences the calculated simple interest and the total amount after the interest period because it is the base amount on which the interest is calculated. A higher principal will result in higher interest and, consequently, a higher total amount, assuming the rate (R) and time (T) remain constant. This is because the simple interest is directly proportional to the principal, as seen in the formula I = P * R * T. Therefore, understanding the impact of the principal amount is crucial in estimating the cost of a loan or the return on an investment.

Yes, changing the time period can affect the calculation of simple interest if the rate and time are not adjusted accordingly. The rate of interest (R) is typically expressed per time period, and the time (T) should correspond to this. For instance, if R is given as an annual rate but T is measured in months, the rate must be converted to a monthly rate by dividing by 12, and the time should be converted to years by dividing by 12 as well. It’s crucial to ensure that the rate and time are consistent with each other in their time frames to accurately calculate simple interest.

While simple interest can theoretically be applied to any financial calculation, it is not typically used to calculate returns on investments like stocks and mutual funds due to its linear nature and the fact that it does not account for the compounding effect. Investments like stocks and mutual funds often have returns that are reinvested, leading to a compounding effect which is not captured by simple interest. Compound interest or other models that account for the compounding effect and varying rates of return are generally more appropriate for calculating returns on such investments.

Simple interest is often used in short-term loans and investments due to its straightforward and linear calculation. The interest is calculated only on the original principal, and it does not compound over time, making it relatively lower compared to compound interest for short periods. This simplicity and predictability make it easier for both the borrower and lender or investor to understand the cost or return on investment and plan their finances accordingly. Moreover, for short durations, the difference between simple and compound interest is not significantly large, making simple interest a cost-effective and uncomplicated choice for short-term financial dealings.

Simple interest and compound interest are two distinct methods of calculating interest, each with its own applications and implications. Simple interest is calculated only on the initial principal throughout the entire period of the loan or investment. It is computed using the formula I = P * R * T, where I is the interest, P is the principal, R is the rate, and T is the time. On the other hand, compound interest is calculated on the initial principal, which also accumulates interest each period on the amount of principal plus any previous interest. This results in the interest amount compounding, leading to a higher total amount due to the “interest on interest” effect. Compound interest is typically used in more complex financial products and can lead to exponentially growing costs or investment returns.

Practice Questions

A student takes a loan of £3000 to buy a laptop for his IB studies. The bank charges a simple interest rate of 4% per annum. Calculate the total amount he will have to repay if he plans to settle the loan in 5 years.

The formula to calculate simple interest is I = P * R * T, where P is the principal amount, R is the rate of interest, and T is the time in years. Substituting the given values, we have I = £3000 * 0.04 * 5 = £600. Now, to find the total amount (A) to be repaid, we use the formula A = P + I. Substituting the found value of I, we get A = £3000 + £600 = £3600. Therefore, the student will have to repay a total amount of £3600 after 5 years.

Sarah invests £5000 in a fixed deposit account that offers a simple interest rate of 3% per annum. After how many years will the total amount in the account be £5750?

To find the total amount (A) in the account after a certain number of years with simple interest, we use the formula A = P + I, where P is the principal and I is the interest. The interest (I) can be found using the formula I = P * R * T, where R is the rate of interest and T is the time in years. We are given A, P, and R and need to find T. First, let's find I by rearranging the first formula: I = A - P. Substituting the given values, we get I = £5750 - £5000 = £750. Now, substituting I, P, and R into the second formula and solving for T, we get T = I / (P * R) = £750 / (£5000 * 0.03) = 5. Therefore, the total amount in the account will be £5750 after 5 years.

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