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1.2.4 Geometric Sequences Formulas

Understanding the Core: General Formula

A geometric sequence is a sequence of numbers where each term after the first is found by multiplying the previous one by a fixed, non-zero number known as the ratio. Let's delve deeper into the general formula which is pivotal in understanding the nature and calculation of geometric sequences:

an = a * r(n-1)


  • a: The first term in the sequence.
  • r: The common ratio.
  • n: The term number.

To further understand the progression in sequences, comparing geometric sequences with arithmetic sequences can provide a broader perspective on how different types of sequences operate.

Exploring the General Formula

The general formula is crucial for determining any term within a geometric sequence without having to iterate through each preceding term. The power of this formula lies in its ability to directly calculate the value of the nth term, providing a streamlined approach to handling geometric sequences in various mathematical problems and real-world applications.

Example 1: Direct Calculation of a Term

Consider a geometric sequence where a = 2 and r = 3. To find the 4th term:

a4 = 2 * 3(4-1) a4 = 2 * 33 a4 = 2 * 27 a4 = 54

The 4th term of the sequence is 54, showcasing the utility of the general formula in swiftly determining specific terms within a geometric sequence.

Diving into the Sum Formulas of Geometric Sequences

The sum of the terms of a geometric sequence can be finite or infinite, and understanding how to calculate these sums is pivotal in various mathematical and practical applications.

Finite Sum (Partial Sum) Formula

The sum (Sn) of the first n terms of a geometric sequence is given by:

Sn = a * (rn - 1) / (r - 1)


  • S_n: Sum of the first n terms.
  • a: First term.
  • r: Common ratio.
  • n: Number of terms.

Example 2: Calculating the Sum of Initial Terms

Consider a geometric sequence where a = 5 and r = 2. To find the sum of the first 4 terms:

S4 = 5 * (24 - 1) / (2 - 1) S4 = 5 * (16 - 1) / 1 S4 = 5 * 15 S4 = 75

The sum of the first 4 terms of the sequence is 75, illustrating the application of the finite sum formula in determining the partial sum of a geometric sequence.

Infinite Sum Formula

The sum (S) of an infinite geometric sequence is defined and finite only when |r| < 1. The formula to find the sum of an infinite geometric sequence is:

S = a / (1 - r)

Understanding the concept of infinity in sequences can enhance comprehension of the compound interest basics, where the formula for calculating compound interest is similar in its nature to the infinite sum formula of geometric sequences.

Example 3: Summing to Infinity

Consider a geometric sequence where a = 1 and r = 0.5. To find the sum to infinity:

S = 1 / (1 - 0.5) S = 1 / 0.5 S = 2

The sum of the infinite geometric sequence is 2, demonstrating the infinite sum formula's capability in determining the sum to infinity under specific conditions.

Applications and Implications of Geometric Sequence Formulas

Geometric sequences and their formulas find extensive applications in various fields, including finance, physics, and computer science. Understanding the underlying formulas allows for precise calculations and predictions in these contexts.

Example 4: Real-World Application in Finance

Imagine investing £1000 with an annual interest rate of 5%. The future value of the investment after n years, assuming the interest is compounded annually (a geometric sequence), can be calculated using the general formula:

an = a * (1 + r)n

Substituting a = £1000, r = 0.05, and n = 10:

a10 = £1000 * (1 + 0.05)10 a10 = £1000 * 1.62889 a10 = £1628.89

After 10 years, the investment will grow to £1628.89, illustrating the application of the geometric sequence formula in financial calculations.

Delving Deeper: Further Applications and Considerations

Geometric sequences permeate various aspects of mathematics and applied sciences. From calculating the decay of radioactive substances to determining the progression of a particular algorithm in computer science, the formulas governing geometric sequences provide a robust framework for analysis and prediction.

Example 5: Exploring Further in Physics

In physics, particularly in the study of oscillations and waves, geometric sequences and their sum formulas find applications in calculating quantities like the total displacement of a particle in a medium after a certain number of oscillations. Understanding the nuances of the formulas allows physicists to model and predict physical phenomena with higher accuracy and efficiency. This predictive power of geometric sequences is akin to the methodologies used in creating mathematical models for various scenarios.

Additionally, the application of geometric sequences is not limited to theoretical aspects; it extends to real-world scenarios such as the design and analysis of 3D shapes in engineering and architecture, where calculating volumes and surface areas are crucial.

Through these examples and applications, it is clear that geometric sequences and their formulas are fundamental to both pure and applied mathematics, providing a powerful tool for calculation, prediction, and analysis across a wide range of disciplines.


Yes, a geometric sequence can have a common ratio between -1 and 0. When the common ratio is negative and the absolute value is less than 1, the terms in the sequence will alternate in sign and decrease in absolute value. For instance, if a = 1 and r = -0.5, the sequence will be: 1, -0.5, 0.25, -0.125, and so on. The terms alternate between positive and negative values and approach zero as n increases, which can lead to interesting and useful properties in mathematical modelling and analysis.

The common ratio in a geometric sequence, denoted as r, significantly impacts the behaviour and properties of the sequence. If |r| > 1, the terms of the sequence will increase or decrease without bound, depending on the sign of r. If |r| < 1, the terms will approach zero, and if r is between -1 and 1, the sequence will converge to a finite sum when extended to infinity. The common ratio thus determines whether the geometric sequence represents exponential growth, decay, or oscillation, and influences its graphical representation and applicability in various mathematical and practical contexts.

The formula for the sum of an infinite geometric sequence, S = a / (1 - r), is derived considering the sum of an infinite series as a limit. If we take S to be the sum of the infinite geometric series, then rS would be the same series but with all terms multiplied by r. Subtracting rS from S (S - rS) gives us the first term a, since all other terms cancel out. Solving for S, we get S = a / (1 - r). This formula is applicable only when the common ratio r is between -1 and 1, ensuring the terms get smaller and approach zero, allowing for a finite sum.

The geometric sequence formula is intrinsically related to exponential growth and decay because each term in the sequence is an exponential function of its position. Specifically, the nth term an = a * r(n-1) represents an exponential function. When 0 < r < 1, the sequence represents exponential decay because each subsequent term is smaller than the previous one. Conversely, when r > 1, the sequence represents exponential growth as each term is larger than the preceding one. This relationship is pivotal in various fields, such as finance, biology, and physics, to model growth and decay phenomena.

Absolutely, geometric sequences are widely used to model various real-world phenomena, especially those exhibiting exponential growth or decay. For example, in finance, the formula for compound interest and the future value of an investment are based on geometric sequences. In biology, the exponential growth of a bacterial colony or the decay of a radioactive substance can be modelled using geometric sequences. The general formula and sum formulas of geometric sequences provide a mathematical framework to predict, analyse, and understand the underlying mechanisms of such phenomena, offering insights and facilitating decision-making in diverse fields.

Practice Questions

A geometric sequence has a first term of 3 and a common ratio of 2. Find the sum of the first 6 terms of the sequence.

The sum of the first n terms (Sn) of a geometric sequence can be found using the formula: Sn = a * (rn - 1) / (r - 1) Substituting the given values a = 3, r = 2, and n = 6 into the formula, we get: S6 = 3 * (26 - 1) / (2 - 1) S6 = 3 * (64 - 1) / 1 S6 = 3 * 63 S6 = 189 Therefore, the sum of the first 6 terms of the geometric sequence is 189.

A geometric sequence has a first term of 5 and a sum to infinity of 25. Determine the common ratio of the sequence.

The sum to infinity (S) of a geometric sequence is given by the formula: S = a / (1 - r) Given that S = 25 and a = 5, we can rearrange the formula to find the common ratio (r): 25 = 5 / (1 - r) 25 * (1 - r) = 5 25 - 25r = 5 25r = 20 r = 20/25 r = 0.8 Therefore, the common ratio of the geometric sequence is 0.8.

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