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5.2.3 Improper Integrals

Improper integrals are a cornerstone of calculus, allowing mathematicians to explore the behaviour of functions over unbounded domains or at points of discontinuity. They provide a framework for understanding how functions behave when stretched to their limits.


In the realm of calculus, not all integrals are created equal. While many functions can be integrated over a closed, bounded interval without any issues, there are cases where the standard rules of integration don't apply. These are the realms of the improper integrals. They arise in two primary scenarios:

1. When the interval of integration is infinite.

2. When the function to be integrated has an infinite discontinuity within the interval.

Techniques for Evaluating Improper Integrals

1. Infinite Intervals

When dealing with infinite intervals, the direct application of the fundamental theorem of calculus is not possible. Instead, we turn to limits to help us out.

For an integral from a to ∞: The approach is to replace ∞ with a variable, say t. We then evaluate the integral from a to t and subsequently take the limit as t approaches ∞.

For an integral from -∞ to b: Similarly, replace -∞ with a variable, say t. Evaluate the integral from t to b and then consider the limit as t approaches -∞.

For further detail on basic integration techniques relevant to these situations, explore our dedicated page on Basic Integration Techniques.

2. Discontinuous Integrand

When the function has a point of discontinuity, c, within the interval [a, b], the integral is divided into two at the point c. Each section is then tackled separately using limits.

For instance, if there's a discontinuity at c, then the integral from a to b of the function is the sum of the integrals from a to c and from c to b.

Convergence and Divergence

The heart of improper integrals lies in determining whether they converge or diverge. If an improper integral converges, it means that it has a finite value. If it diverges, it doesn't settle to any particular value.

The behaviour of the function as it approaches the point of discontinuity or as x approaches infinity determines the convergence or divergence of an improper integral. For instance, functions that decrease rapidly as x approaches infinity are more likely to have convergent integrals. To understand more about this, see our explanation on Convergence and Divergence.


Evaluate the integral of 1/x from 1 to ∞.

To tackle this, we look at the integral from 1 to t of 1/x and then consider the limit as t approaches ∞. Using integration techniques, we find that the integral is ln|x|. Evaluating from 1 to t and considering the limit, we deduce that the integral diverges.

Area Under a Curve

A significant application of improper integrals is in determining the area under curves that stretch indefinitely. It's fascinating to note that even if a curve extends forever, the area beneath it might be finite. This is contingent on how the function behaves as it stretches towards infinity. An interesting exploration of this concept through trigonometric integrals can be found on our Trigonometric Integrals page.


Determine the area under the curve y = 1/x2 from 1 to ∞.

By employing the techniques highlighted above, we can ascertain that the area, though under an infinite stretch of the curve, is finite and equals 1.

Deep Dive into Techniques

While the above provides an overview, let's delve deeper into the techniques:

1. Integration by Parts: This technique, derived from the product rule for differentiation, is especially useful when integrating the product of two functions.

2. Trigonometric Substitution: When dealing with integrals containing quadratic expressions, trigonometric substitution can simplify the integrand, making it easier to evaluate.

3. Partial Fractions: For rational functions, expressing the integrand as a sum of partial fractions can simplify the integration process. For a comprehensive understanding, refer to our section on Partial Fractions.

Practice Questions

1. Evaluate the integral of e(-x) from 0 to ∞.

Answer: By applying the techniques of integration over infinite intervals, we find that the integral converges to a value of 1. This demonstrates how functions that decrease exponentially as x approaches infinity tend to have convergent integrals, which can be further explored in problems involving Second-Order Differential Equations.

2. Determine the value of the integral of 1/(x2 + 1) from -∞ to ∞.

Answer: Using the properties of improper integrals and the techniques of integration, we can deduce that the integral converges to a value of π. This example illustrates the application of improper integrals to determine significant values in calculus and further problems can be practised through exploring more about Second-Order Differential Equations.

The study of improper integrals offers a window into understanding how certain functions behave under extreme conditions — whether stretched across infinite domains or encountering points of discontinuity. It is a fascinating area of calculus that bridges theoretical mathematics with real-world applications, allowing for the exploration of phenomena that extend beyond finite boundaries. Whether you are determining the convergence of an integral, exploring the area under an infinite curve, or diving deeper into the techniques required for their evaluation, the journey through improper integrals is a compelling aspect of mathematical study. For additional practice and deeper understanding, engage with the comprehensive explanations and problems provided in the linked topics.


The behaviour of the function being integrated, especially near the points where it becomes unbounded or at the ends of an infinite interval, determines the convergence or divergence of the integral. For instance, if a function decreases rapidly enough as it approaches infinity, the area under its curve might be finite, leading to a convergent integral. Conversely, if the function doesn't decrease rapidly enough, the integral might diverge. The specific rate at which the function needs to decrease for convergence can vary depending on the function and the interval of integration.

Yes, there are several comparison tests that can be used to determine the convergence or divergence of an improper integral without directly evaluating it. One common method is the Comparison Test, where the given integral is compared to another integral that is known to be convergent or divergent. If the function being integrated is less than or equal to a function with a known convergent integral over the same interval, then the given integral also converges. Similarly, if it's greater than or equal to a function with a known divergent integral, then the given integral diverges. Another useful test is the Limit Comparison Test. These tests provide a way to infer the behaviour of a challenging integral by comparing it to a simpler one.

The concept of integration is fundamentally about summing up infinitesimally small areas under a curve. When dealing with improper integrals, either the function or the interval (or both) is unbounded. This means that the standard rules of integration can't directly apply because we're trying to sum up an infinite number of these small areas. By approaching the problem as a limit, we're essentially asking what happens to the sum of these areas as they approach infinity. This allows us to determine if the total area is finite (convergent) or infinite (divergent).

A proper integral is one where both the interval of integration and the function being integrated are finite. This means that the area under the curve of the function, over the interval, is finite and can be calculated using standard integration techniques. On the other hand, an improper integral involves either an infinite interval of integration (like from a to infinity) or a function that becomes infinite at some points within the interval. In such cases, the integral is approached as a limit, and it may either converge to a finite value or diverge, indicating an infinite area.

No, an improper integral can either be convergent or divergent, but not both. If the integral converges, it means that the area under the curve, over the infinite interval or where the function is unbounded, is finite. If it diverges, the area is infinite. The terms "convergent" and "divergent" are mutually exclusive in this context.

Practice Questions

Evaluate the improper integral of 1/x^3 from 1 to infinity.

To evaluate the improper integral, we'll consider the integral from 1 to t of 1/x3 and then take the limit as t approaches infinity. Integrating 1/x3 with respect to x, we get -1/(2x2). Evaluating this from 1 to t and taking the limit as t approaches infinity, we find that the integral converges to a value of 1/2. Therefore, the value of the improper integral of 1/x3 from 1 to infinity is 1/2.

Determine the convergence or divergence of the integral of e^(-x^2) from 0 to infinity.

To determine the convergence or divergence of this integral, we'll consider the integral from 0 to t of e(-x^2) and then take the limit as t approaches infinity. The integral of e(-x^2) does not have a simple elementary antiderivative, but we know that the function e(-x^2) approaches 0 as x approaches infinity. This means that as x grows larger, the contribution to the area under the curve becomes negligible. By comparing with known convergent integrals and using the properties of exponential functions, we can deduce that the integral converges, though finding its exact value requires more advanced techniques.

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