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5.2.1 Basic Integration Techniques

Integration, often referred to as antidifferentiation, is a cornerstone of calculus. It represents the inverse operation of differentiation and has a myriad of applications, from finding areas under curves to solving differential equations. Before diving into integration techniques, it's beneficial to have a solid understanding of the basic differentiation rules, as integration is essentially the reverse process. This set of notes will delve deep into the basic techniques of integration, focusing on the power rule, substitution method, and integration by parts.

Power Rule

The power rule for integration offers a direct way to integrate polynomial functions and is the counterpart to the differentiation power rule. Understanding the properties of polynomial theorems can enhance your grasp of how the power rule for integration applies to polynomials.


For a function where f(x) = x raised to the power of n, where n is a real number, the integral of f(x) with respect to x is: Integral of x raised to the power of n with respect to x = (x raised to the power of (n+1)) divided by (n+1) + C Here, C is the constant of integration.

Detailed Explanation:

When we integrate using the power rule, we are essentially finding the antiderivative of the function. The power rule is particularly useful for polynomial functions, where each term is raised to a specific power. By increasing the power by one and dividing by the new power, we can easily find the integral of such functions.


To integrate f(x) = x raised to the power of 3:

Using the power rule, we get: Integral of x raised to the power of 3 with respect to x = (x raised to the power of 4) divided by 4 + C

Substitution Method

Also known as the change of variables or u-substitution, this method is used to simplify complex integrals by replacing a part of the function with another variable. Familiarising yourself with properties of logarithms can sometimes provide insights into effective substitutions, particularly in integrals involving exponential functions.


If u = g(x) is differentiable and f is continuous, then: Integral of f(g(x)) times g prime of x with respect to x = Integral of f(u) with respect to u

Detailed Explanation:

The substitution method is a powerful technique that transforms a complicated integral into a simpler one. By making a clever substitution, we can often turn an integral that looks difficult or impossible into one that we know how to evaluate.


To find the integral of 2x times e raised to the power of x squared:

Let u = x squared Then, du = 2x with respect to x

The integral becomes: Integral of e raised to the power of u with respect to u

On integrating, we get: e raised to the power of u + C

Substituting back for u: e raised to the power of x squared + C

Integration by Parts

This technique, derived from the product rule for differentiation, is especially useful for integrating products of functions. For a deeper understanding of integrating functions that are products of trigonometric functions, explore trigonometric integrals.


Integral of u times dv = u times v - Integral of v times du

Detailed Explanation:

Integration by parts is based on the product rule for differentiation. It's a method used to integrate the product of two functions. The formula essentially breaks down the product of two functions into simpler parts, making the integration process more manageable.


To integrate x times cos of x:

Choose: u = x which gives du = 1 dv = cos of x which gives v = sin of x

Using the formula: Integral of x times cos of x = x times sin of x - Integral of sin of x = x times sin of x + cos of x + C

Understanding how to solve first-order differential equations can further your comprehension of integration techniques, as it's another crucial application of integration in mathematics.

Practice Questions

1. Evaluate the integral of 3x squared.

2. Use the substitution method to find the integral of x squared times e to the power of x cubed.

3. Apply integration by parts to evaluate the integral of x times ln of x.

Mastering these basic integration techniques opens the door to a wide array of applications in mathematics and beyond. Whether you're calculating the area under a curve, solving complex differential equations, or exploring the vast field of calculus, the foundation you build here will serve you well. Remember to revisit concepts such as inverse functions to strengthen your understanding and apply these techniques more effectively in various contexts.


The substitution method, often termed u-substitution, is a technique that transforms a complex integral into a simpler form by changing variables. The idea is to replace a part of the integrand with a single variable, making the integral more straightforward. This method is particularly useful when the integrand contains a composite function or when its derivative is present in the integral. By making a clever substitution, we can often turn an integral that initially appears complicated into one that is more recognisable and easier to evaluate. It's akin to a change of perspective that makes the problem more approachable.

Yes, there are functions for which an elementary antiderivative does not exist. An elementary function is one composed of algebraic functions, trigonometric functions, exponential functions, and their inverses. Some functions cannot be integrated using standard techniques and expressed in terms of elementary functions. A classic example is the integral of e raised to the power of (-x squared). While this function is essential in probability and statistics, its antiderivative cannot be expressed in terms of elementary functions. For such functions, numerical methods or special functions might be used to approximate or represent the integral.

Choosing the right method for integration often comes with practice and familiarity with different techniques. Initially, it's helpful to look for clues in the integrand. If it's a polynomial, the power rule might be the best approach. If there's a composite function or its derivative present, the substitution method could be apt. For products of functions, especially when one is easily integrable and the other easily differentiable, integration by parts might be the way to go. Over time, as one gains experience with various integrals, the choice of method becomes more intuitive. It's always a good idea to start with the simplest approach and then explore other techniques if needed.

The constant of integration, denoted as C, is added to account for the fact that there are infinitely many antiderivatives for a given function. When we differentiate a constant, the result is always zero. Hence, when we integrate, we cannot determine the exact value of that constant from the given information. Therefore, to represent all possible antiderivatives, we add C. It's a way of acknowledging that while we know the general shape and behaviour of the antiderivative, we don't have enough information to pinpoint its exact vertical position on the coordinate plane without additional data.

Integration by parts is especially beneficial when dealing with the product of two functions where one function is easily integrable, and the other is easily differentiable. Common scenarios include integrating products of polynomial functions with logarithmic, exponential, or trigonometric functions. The method breaks down the product into simpler parts, allowing for easier integration. It's derived from the product rule for differentiation and essentially reverses that process. While the formula might seem daunting at first, with practice, it becomes a powerful tool in the mathematician's arsenal for tackling more complex integrals.

Practice Questions

Evaluate the integral of the function f(x) = 4x^3 - 2x + 5 with respect to x.

To integrate the function, we'll apply the power rule for each term separately.

For the term 4x3:

Integral = (4x4)/4 = x4

For the term -2x:

Integral = -x2

The constant 5 integrates to:

Integral = 5x

Combining all the terms, the integral of f(x) is:

Integral of f(x) dx = x4 - x2 + 5x + C

Where C is the constant of integration.

Use the substitution method to evaluate the integral of integral e^(2x) sin(e^(2x)) dx.

For this integral, we can use the substitution method. Let's choose a substitution:

Let u = e(2x)

Then, du = 2e(2x) dx

Rearranging for dx, we get:dx = du/(2e(2x))

Substituting in the integral, we get:

Integral sin(u) du/2

This integral can be solved as:-1/2 cos(u) + C

Substituting back for u, the integral becomes:-1/2 cos(e(2x)) + C

This is the integral of the given function with respect to x.

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