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5.1.3 Implicit Differentiation

Implicit differentiation is a vital technique in calculus, especially when dealing with equations that don't clearly define one variable in terms of another. It's a method that allows us to find the derivative of a function without necessarily having it in the standard form y = f(x).

Introduction to Implicit Differentiation

In many mathematical scenarios, we encounter equations where the relationship between variables isn't given explicitly. For instance, the equation of a circle, x2 + y2 = r2, doesn't express y solely in terms of x. Implicit differentiation offers a way to differentiate such equations, providing us with a means to understand how one variable changes concerning another, even if their relationship isn't straightforward.

Techniques of Implicit Differentiation

1. Differentiate Both Sides

The first step in implicit differentiation is to differentiate both sides of the equation concerning the independent variable, typically x. This process might introduce new terms, especially when differentiating terms involving the dependent variable.

Key Point: When differentiating terms involving the dependent variable, use the chain rule. For instance, differentiating a term like y2 concerning x would yield 2y * y', where y' represents the derivative of y concerning x.

2. Solve for the Derivative

Once you've differentiated both sides, the next step is to rearrange the resulting equation to solve for the derivative, often denoted as y' or dy/dx.

3. Remember the Chain Rule

The chain rule is a fundamental concept in calculus and is crucial for implicit differentiation. It allows us to differentiate composite functions, and in the context of implicit differentiation, it helps us handle terms involving the dependent variable.

One of the primary applications of implicit differentiation is in solving related rates problems. These problems often involve finding the rate at which one quantity changes as another quantity changes.


Suppose a snowball is melting, causing its radius to decrease at a rate of 2 cm/min. How fast is the volume of the snowball decreasing when the radius is 3 cm?

Using the formula for the volume of a sphere V = (4/3)πr3, we can set up an equation and differentiate it implicitly concerning time to find out how fast the volume is decreasing.

We're told that the radius is decreasing at a rate of 2 cm/min, so:

dr/dt = -2 cm/min

(The negative sign indicates the radius is decreasing.)

We want to find out how fast the volume is decreasing, so we need to find:


Using the chain rule, we can differentiate the volume with respect to time (t):

dV/dt = (dV/dr) * (dr/dt)

First, we find dV/dr, which is the derivative of the volume with respect to the radius. Then, we multiply it by dr/dt to get dV/dt.

When we differentiate V with respect to r, we get:

dV/dr = 4 * pi * r2

Now, multiplying this by dr/dt:

dV/dt = 4 * pi * r2 * (-2)

Plugging in r = 3 cm, we get:

dV/dt = -72 * pi cm3/min

So, the volume of the snowball is decreasing at a rate of 72 * pi cm3/min when its radius is 3 cm.

Deep Dive into Implicit Differentiation

Implicit differentiation is particularly useful when dealing with curves that can't be easily expressed as functions. For instance, the equation x2 + y2 = 25 represents a circle of radius 5. If we were to express y in terms of x, we'd have two functions (the top half and the bottom half of the circle). Implicit differentiation allows us to handle such scenarios seamlessly.


For the equation x2 + y2 = 25, differentiating both sides concerning x, we get: 2x + 2y * y' = 0 From this, we can solve for y' to find: y' = -x/y

This equation gives us the slope of the tangent to the circle at any point (x,y) on it.

Challenges in Implicit Differentiation

While implicit differentiation is a powerful tool, it's not without its challenges. One common challenge students face is keeping track of which variable they're differentiating concerning, especially in equations with multiple variables. It's crucial to be meticulous and systematic when applying the technique to avoid errors.

Practice Questions

1. Differentiate the equation x2y + xy2 = 6 concerning x.

Solution: Differentiating both sides, we get x2y' + 2xy + y2 + 2xyy' = 0. From this, we can solve for y'.

2. A balloon is being inflated such that its volume increases at a rate of 100 cm3/s. How fast is the radius increasing when the radius is 5 cm

Solution: Using the formula V = (4/3)πr3, differentiate implicitly concerning time to find dr/dt given dV/dt = 100 and r = 5.


Implicit differentiation finds applications in various real-world scenarios, especially in physics and engineering. One common application is in related rates problems, where two or more quantities, which are related by an equation, change over time. For instance, it can be used to determine how fast the radius of a balloon expands as it's being inflated, given the rate at which the volume is increasing. Another application is in the study of the geometry of curves, where it helps in determining the slope of tangents to curves defined by implicit equations.

Yes, implicit differentiation can be extended to equations involving more than two variables. For instance, if we have an equation relating x, y, and z, and we want to find dy/dx, we can implicitly differentiate the equation with respect to x, treating both y and z as implicit functions of x. Similarly, if we wish to find dz/dx, we'd differentiate with respect to x while treating z as an implicit function of x. The process remains consistent; we just need to account for additional variables and their respective derivatives.

Implicit differentiation is closely related to the chain rule. When we differentiate both sides of an equation with respect to x, and y is implicitly a function of x, we apply the chain rule. The chain rule states that the derivative of a composite function is the derivative of the outer function times the derivative of the inner function. In the context of implicit differentiation, when differentiating a term involving y with respect to x, we multiply by dy/dx, effectively applying the chain rule.

Implicit differentiation is particularly useful when dealing with equations that are challenging or impossible to express as explicit functions. While explicit differentiation works well for functions written in the form y = f(x), there are many equations where isolating y is not straightforward or feasible. In such cases, implicit differentiation allows us to find the derivative without having to rewrite the equation in an explicit form. It provides a systematic approach to handle curves and relations that can't be easily expressed as functions of a single variable.

While implicit differentiation is a powerful tool, it does come with its challenges. One of the main challenges is that it often leads to equations involving dy/dx that need to be solved algebraically to find dy/dx. This can sometimes result in complex or cumbersome algebraic manipulations. Additionally, not all equations will have solutions for dy/dx for all values of x, and there might be points where the derivative doesn't exist. It's essential to be cautious and verify the domain of the solution when working with implicit differentiation.

Practice Questions

Given the equation x^2 + xy + y^2 = 3, find the value of dy/dx when x = 1 and y = 1.

To find dy/dx, we'll differentiate the given equation implicitly with respect to x. Differentiating, we get: 2x + y + x dy/dx + 2y dy/dx = 0.

Rearranging to solve for dy/dx, we get: dy/dx = (-2x - y) / (x + 2y).

Substituting x = 1 and y = 1 into the above expression, we find: dy/dx = -3/3 = -1.

So, dy/dx is -1 when x = 1 and y = 1.

A curve is defined by the equation x^3 + y^3 = 6xy. Determine dy/dx at the point where x = 2.

To determine dy/dx, we'll differentiate the equation implicitly with respect to x. Doing so, we get: 3x2 + 3y2 dy/dx = 6y + 6x dy/dx.

Rearranging to solve for dy/dx, we get: dy/dx = (6y - 3x2) / (3y2 - 6x).

Substituting x = 2 into the original equation, we can solve for y and then use that value to determine dy/dx. After solving, we find that y is approximately 1.817 and dy/dx is approximately 0.287 when x = 2.

Thus, dy/dx is approximately 0.287 at the point where x = 2.

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