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3.2.3 Graph Transformations

Graph transformations play a pivotal role in understanding the behaviour of functions and their graphical representations. By applying various transformations, we can manipulate basic functions to model more intricate scenarios. In the IB Mathematics Analysis & Approaches course, we delve into four primary transformations: translations, reflections, stretches, and compressions.


A translation involves moving the graph of a function either vertically, horizontally, or both, without changing its shape. To further understand how these transformations apply to trigonometric functions, you might want to explore the graphs of sine and cosine.

Horizontal Translations

When we add or subtract a constant to the input of a function, it results in a horizontal shift.

  • General Form: For a function y = f(x), the transformation y = f(x - c) shifts the graph c units to the right if c is positive and to the left if c is negative.Example: The function y = x2 represents a parabola. If we transform it to y = (x - 2)2, the parabola shifts 2 units to the right.

Vertical Translations

Adding or subtracting a constant to the entire function results in a vertical shift.

  • General Form: For a function y = f(x), the transformation y = f(x) + c shifts the graph upwards by c units if c is positive and downwards if c is negative.Example: The function y = x2 represents a parabola. Transforming it to y = x2 + 3 shifts the parabola 3 units upwards.


Reflections create a mirror image of the graph of a function over a specific axis. Reflections over axes can also be visualised through graphs of tangent and cotangent, offering a deeper understanding of these transformations.

Reflection over the x-axis

This transformation is achieved by taking the negative of the entire function.

  • General Form: For a function y = f(x), its reflection over the x-axis is given by y = -f(x).Example: The function y = x3 represents a cubic curve. Its reflection over the x-axis is y = -x3.

Reflection over the y-axis

This transformation is achieved by negating the input of the function.

  • General Form: For a function y = f(x), its reflection over the y-axis is y = f(-x).Example: The function y = x^3 represents a cubic curve. Its reflection over the y-axis is y = (-x)3, which is still y = x3.

Stretches and Compressions

Stretches and compressions modify the scale of the graph either vertically or horizontally, akin to basic differentiation rules which help in understanding the change in slopes and their implications on graph transformations.

Vertical Stretches and Compressions

Multiplying the entire function by a factor changes its vertical scale.

  • General Form: For a function y = f(x), the transformation y = af(x) stretches the graph vertically by a factor of a if a > 1 and compresses it if 0 < a < 1.Example: The function y = sin(x) represents a sine wave. Transforming it to y = 2sin(x) stretches the wave vertically by a factor of 2.

Horizontal Stretches and Compressions

Multiplying the input of the function by a factor changes its horizontal scale. This concept is further elaborated in the graphing techniques section, providing a comprehensive view on how to effectively sketch complex graphs.

  • General Form: For a function y = f(x), the transformation y = f(bx) compresses the graph horizontally by a factor of b if b > 1 and stretches it if 0 < b < 1.Example: The function y = cos(x) represents a cosine wave. Transforming it to y = cos(2x) compresses the wave horizontally by a factor of 2.

Real-world Applications

Understanding graph transformations isn't just a theoretical exercise. In real-world scenarios, especially in physics, engineering, and economics, functions often undergo multiple transformations to model specific situations. For instance, in signal processing, a signal might be amplified (stretched) and delayed (translated) to achieve desired outcomes. Similarly, in economics, forecasting models might be adjusted (translated or stretched) based on new data or changing conditions. To see these concepts applied in more diverse mathematical contexts, consider studying parametric equations.

Example Questions:

1. Given the function y = x2, how will the graph look for y = 2(x - 3)2 + 4?

Answer: This function represents a series of transformations on y = x^2. The term x - 3 shifts the graph 3 units to the right. The factor of 2 stretches the graph vertically by a factor of 2, and the addition of 4 shifts the graph upwards by 4 units.

2. How will the graph of y = sin(x) transform for y = -sin(x - pi/2)?

Answer: The negative sign reflects the graph over the x-axis. The term x - pi/2 shifts the sine curve to the right by pi/2 units.


Absolutely! Graph transformations are used in various real-world scenarios. Engineers and scientists use them to model and analyse different phenomena. For instance, in physics, wave functions can be shifted or stretched to represent waves under different conditions. In economics, transformations can help adjust data for inflation or other external factors. In audio processing, transformations can modify sound waves to produce desired effects. Understanding how to manipulate graphs provides a powerful tool for interpreting and predicting real-world behaviours and outcomes.

A reflection transformation flips the graph of a function over a specific axis. When a function is reflected over the x-axis, the y-values of the function change sign, resulting in an upside-down version of the original graph. Similarly, reflecting a function over the y-axis means the x-values change sign, producing a mirror image of the original graph. It's essential to understand that a reflection doesn't alter the overall shape of the graph; it merely changes its orientation in the coordinate plane.

The phase shift in trigonometric functions is a type of horizontal translation. Specifically, it represents how much the graph of a trigonometric function, like sine or cosine, is shifted horizontally from its standard position. A positive phase shift moves the graph to the right, while a negative phase shift moves it to the left. In mathematical terms, a phase shift of 'c' units in the function y = sin(x + c) or y = cos(x + c) translates the graph 'c' units horizontally.

Yes, multiple transformations can be applied to a function simultaneously. When this happens, the order in which the transformations are applied can affect the final result. For instance, if a function is first reflected over the x-axis and then translated upwards, the outcome will be different than if it were first translated upwards and then reflected. It's crucial to carefully follow the order of operations and understand each transformation's effect to accurately predict the resulting graph.

A translation involves moving the entire graph of a function either horizontally, vertically, or both, without changing its shape. For instance, adding a constant to the function will shift it vertically, while adding a constant to the input (x-value) will shift it horizontally. On the other hand, a stretch involves changing the shape of the graph by pulling it away from or pushing it towards an axis. A vertical stretch affects the y-values, making the graph appear taller or shorter, while a horizontal stretch affects the x-values, making the graph appear wider or narrower.

Practice Questions

The function y = f(x) is transformed to y = 2f(x - 1) + 3. Describe the transformations applied to the original function.

The function y = f(x) undergoes several transformations to become y = 2f(x - 1) + 3. Firstly, the term (x - 1) inside the function represents a horizontal translation of 1 unit to the right. Secondly, the coefficient 2 outside the function indicates a vertical stretch by a factor of 2. Lastly, the constant term +3 added outside the function results in a vertical translation upwards by 3 units. Therefore, the original function is shifted 1 unit to the right, stretched vertically by a factor of 2, and then shifted upwards by 3 units.

A function g(x) is reflected in the x-axis and then translated 4 units downwards to produce the function y = -g(x) - 4. If the original function has a maximum point at (2, 5), what are the coordinates of the maximum point after the transformations?

The function g(x) is first reflected in the x-axis, which changes the sign of the y-coordinate of all its points. Therefore, the maximum point (2, 5) becomes (2, -5) after this reflection. Following this, the function is translated 4 units downwards, which subtracts 4 from the y-coordinate of all its points. Thus, the point (2, -5) becomes (2, -9) after this translation. Therefore, after both transformations, the coordinates of the maximum point are (2, -9).

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