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3.2.2 Graphs of Tangent and Cotangent

The tangent and cotangent functions are two of the primary trigonometric functions. Their unique characteristics, such as periodicity and asymptotic behaviour, make them distinct from other trigonometric functions. In this section, we'll delve deeper into the graphs of these functions, focusing on their period, asymptotes, and phase shift. For a foundational understanding of trigonometric equations which underpin these concepts, see Solving Trigonometric Equations.

Introduction to Tangent and Cotangent

Before diving into the specifics, let's understand the basic definitions:

  • The tangent of an angle in a right triangle is the ratio of the length of the side opposite the angle to the length of the side adjacent to the angle.
  • The cotangent is the reciprocal of the tangent, representing the ratio of the length of the adjacent side to the opposite side. To further grasp the relationship between angles and their ratios, exploring Compound and Double Angle Formulas may provide additional insights.


The concept of periodicity is fundamental in trigonometry:

  • Both tangent and cotangent functions are periodic, meaning their values repeat after a specific interval.
  • The standard tangent and cotangent functions have a period of pi. This means that their values repeat every pi units.
  • If there's a coefficient with x, say 'B', the period changes. For functions of the form y = tan(Bx) or y = cot(Bx), the period P is given by P = pi/|B|. For a broader understanding of trigonometric functions' periodic nature, refer to Graphs of Sine and Cosine.

Example Question:Find the period of y = tan(3x).

Solution:Using the formula P = pi/|B|, where B = 3, the period P = pi/3.


Vertical asymptotes are lines where the function approaches but never actually reaches:

  • For the tangent function, vertical asymptotes occur at odd multiples of pi/2, such as pi/2, 3pi/2, and so on.
  • For the cotangent function, these asymptotes are at integral multiples of pi, like pi, 2pi, etc.
  • The position of these asymptotes can be shifted based on transformations applied to the function, especially horizontal translations. Understanding Graph Transformations can aid in visualising how these shifts occur.

Example Question:Determine the vertical asymptotes of y = cot(x - pi/6).

Solution:The standard cotangent function has asymptotes at multiples of pi. The phase shift of pi/6 to the right will shift each asymptote right by pi/6. Thus, the asymptotes will be at x = pi/6, 7pi/6, 13pi/6, and so on.

Phase Shift

The phase shift or horizontal shift is a crucial concept in understanding the translations of the graph:

  • For functions of the form y = tan(x - C) or y = cot(x - C), the phase shift is C.
  • A positive value of C shifts the graph to the right, while a negative value shifts it to the left. For those interested in more complex graph behaviour, exploring Parametric Equations could provide deeper insights.

Example Question:Determine the phase shift of y = tan(x - pi/4).Solution:The phase shift is pi/4 units to the right.

Graph Characteristics

Understanding the basic shape and behaviour of the tangent and cotangent graphs is essential:

  • The tangent function starts from 0 and rises to positive infinity as it approaches its first asymptote at pi/2. After this point, it drops to negative infinity and rises again, crossing the x-axis at pi. This behaviour repeats every pi units.
  • The cotangent function starts from positive infinity, drops, and crosses the x-axis at pi/2, then continues to negative infinity. This pattern repeats every pi units.

Example Question:Sketch the graph of y = cot(2x + pi/3).


1. The period is pi/2 as the coefficient of x is 2.

2. The phase shift is -pi/3 units to the left due to the term +pi/3.

3. Plotting these characteristics, we get a cotangent curve with half the usual width and shifted pi/3 units to the left.


Real-World Applications

The tangent and cotangent functions, with their unique graphs, find applications in various fields:

  • Engineering: In signal processing, the phase shift of signals can be analysed using the tangent and cotangent functions.
  • Physics: These functions are used in wave mechanics, especially in studying the behaviour of waves under different conditions.
  • Astronomy: The tangent function is used in calculating the angle of elevation of celestial bodies.


Horizontal asymptotes are lines that a function approaches as the input (x-value) goes to positive or negative infinity. For the tangent and cotangent functions, as the input approaches certain values, the output goes to positive or negative infinity, resulting in vertical asymptotes. However, there's no value that the functions consistently approach as x goes to positive or negative infinity. Hence, there are no horizontal asymptotes for these functions.

The cotangent function is the reciprocal of the tangent function. Graphically, this means that where the tangent function has a zero, the cotangent function will have a vertical asymptote and vice versa. Additionally, the peaks and troughs of the tangent function correspond to the zeros of the cotangent function. The two graphs are symmetrical about the line y = x when viewed over a common period.

The tangent function is zero wherever its numerator (sine) is zero and its denominator (cosine) is not zero. This occurs at integral multiples of pi, like 0, pi, 2pi, etc. The cotangent function, being the reciprocal of the tangent function, is zero wherever the tangent function has a vertical asymptote, which is at odd multiples of pi/2.

The tangent and cotangent functions don't have an amplitude in the same way the sine and cosine functions do, because they can take on all values from negative to positive infinity. However, a vertical stretch or compression can change the steepness of their graphs. The phase shift, on the other hand, translates the graph horizontally. A positive phase shift moves the graph to the right, while a negative one moves it to the left.

The period of a function is the interval over which its values repeat. Since the cotangent function is the reciprocal of the tangent function, wherever the tangent function has a zero, the cotangent function has a vertical asymptote, and vice versa. This reciprocal relationship ensures that both functions repeat their values over the same interval, giving them the same period of pi.

Practice Questions

Given the function y = tan(2x - pi/3), determine the period, phase shift, and the x-values for the first two vertical asymptotes.

For the function y = tan(2x - pi/3):

  • The coefficient of x is 2, which affects the period. The period P of the standard tangent function is pi. With the coefficient, the period becomes P = pi/2.
  • The phase shift is how much the graph is shifted horizontally. For y = tan(bx - c), the phase shift is c/b. For y = tan(2x - pi/3), c is pi/3 and b is 2. So, the phase shift is pi/6 to the right.
  • The vertical asymptotes for the standard tangent function are at odd multiples of pi/2. With the phase shift, the first two vertical asymptotes will be at x = 5pi/12 and x = 11pi/12.
The cotangent function has a vertical asymptote at x = 0. If a function is given by y = cot(x + pi/4), where will the first vertical asymptote be located?

For the function y = cot(x + pi/4):

  • The term +pi/4 indicates a phase shift. The graph is shifted to the left by pi/4 units.
  • The standard cotangent function has its first vertical asymptote at x = 0. With the phase shift of -pi/4, the first vertical asymptote for the given function will be at x = -pi/4.

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