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IB DP Geography Study Notes

C.1.1 Global Distribution of Cold and High Altitude Environments

Extreme environments present unique challenges and opportunities. This section examines the global distribution of cold and high-altitude environments, including their climatic and topographical features. These regions, such as polar areas, glaciers, periglacial zones, and high mountains outside polar regions, offer insights into the Earth's diverse landscapes and climatic extremes.

A map showing distribution of extreme environments.

Image courtesy of geo41.com

Polar Regions


  • Location: Encompassing the Arctic in the Northern Hemisphere and Antarctica in the Southern Hemisphere, these regions are defined by their position at the Earth's extremities.
  • Climate: Characterized by frigid temperatures, polar areas experience long periods of darkness in winter and continuous daylight in summer.

Climatic and Relief Features

  • Temperature Extremes: Winter temperatures often drop below -50°C, creating an inhospitable environment for most life forms.
  • Ice Sheets and Sea Ice: Massive ice sheets cover Antarctica and parts of the Arctic, while seasonal sea ice forms and melts annually, influencing global climate and ocean currents.
  • Permafrost: This permanently frozen ground layer affects soil stability and is crucial for maintaining the structure of the landscape.

Ecological Aspects

  • Flora and Fauna: Despite harsh conditions, these regions support unique ecosystems, including polar bears in the Arctic and penguins in Antarctica.
  • Human Presence: Limited to research stations and indigenous communities, human activity is minimal but impactful, particularly in terms of climate research and historical exploration.

Glacial Areas


  • Distribution: Found in both polar and non-polar regions, notable examples include the Greenland Ice Sheet, the glaciers of the Canadian Rockies, and those in the European Alps.
  • Formation and Movement: Glaciers form through the accumulation and compaction of snow. Their slow movement shapes the landscape, carving valleys and forming moraines.

Climatic and Relief Impact

  • Temperature and Precipitation: Glacial regions are defined by low temperatures and significant snowfall, which contribute to the growth and maintenance of glaciers.
  • Glacial Landforms: Features like U-shaped valleys, fjords, drumlins, and eskers illustrate the powerful geological impact of glacial movement.

Periglacial Areas


  • Location and Environment: Found near glacial environments, these include parts of Siberia, Alaska, and Northern Scandinavia. Characterized by freeze-thaw cycles, they are not perpetually ice-covered but are significantly influenced by nearby glaciers.

Climatic and Relief Influence

  • Soil and Geomorphology: Freeze-thaw action leads to unique soil processes like frost heaving and solifluction, altering the landscape and creating features such as patterned ground and pingos.
  • Vegetation and Wildlife: Adapted to extreme cold and changing conditions, vegetation is limited to hardy species. Wildlife, such as Arctic foxes and reindeer, have evolved to thrive in these conditions.

High Mountains in Non-Polar Regions


  • Notable Examples: Including the Himalayas in Asia, the Andes in South America, the Rocky Mountains in North America, and the European Alps, these mountains are significant for their biodiversity and cultural importance.
  • Altitudinal Variance: Environments vary significantly with altitude, exhibiting different climatic conditions, vegetation zones, and wildlife habitats.

Climatic and Relief Features

  • Temperature and Weather Patterns: As altitude increases, temperatures drop, and weather can become more unpredictable, affecting both natural and human systems.
  • Mountain Glaciers and Water Resources: Many of these regions house glaciers, which are critical sources of freshwater for downstream ecosystems and human use.
  • Biodiversity: High-altitude environments support a range of plant and animal life, with species often adapted to specific altitude ranges.

Factors Contributing to Extremity


  • Extreme Temperatures: Both polar and high-altitude environments experience temperatures that challenge survival, agriculture, and infrastructure development.
  • Precipitation Patterns: Snow and rainfall patterns are crucial in shaping these environments, influencing water availability and ecosystem dynamics.


  • Challenging Terrain: Mountainous and glaciated terrains pose significant challenges for transportation, construction, and resource extraction.
  • Accessibility and Isolation: Remote and difficult to access, these regions require specialised logistics for travel and habitation.

Environmental and Human Aspects

  • Ecosystems and Biodiversity: These regions host unique ecosystems, with species adapted to extreme conditions. Understanding these ecosystems is key for conservation efforts.
  • Human Interaction and Impact: Human activities, including research, tourism, and limited habitation, have varied impacts on these fragile environments. The balance between exploration and conservation is critical.

In conclusion, the cold and high-altitude environments of our planet present a fascinating combination of extreme conditions and unique ecosystems. Understanding the distribution, characteristics, and challenges of these environments is crucial for geographers, ecologists, and policymakers alike. These regions not only test the limits of human endurance and adaptability but also offer invaluable insights into the Earth's climatic and ecological systems.


High-altitude environments significantly influence local climate and weather patterns. The most apparent effect is the decrease in temperature with increasing altitude, known as the lapse rate. This results in cooler climates at higher elevations, with distinct microclimates developing along the slope of a mountain. High-altitude areas also affect precipitation patterns; mountains can act as barriers to air movement, leading to orographic rainfall on the windward side and creating rain shadows on the leeward side. This results in varied moisture levels and ecosystems on different sides of a mountain range. Additionally, mountain ranges can influence the path of large-scale weather systems, affecting regional weather and climate patterns. These climatic variations play a critical role in the biodiversity and ecological dynamics of high-altitude regions.

Glacial movements profoundly shape landscapes in cold environments through processes like erosion and deposition. As glaciers move, they erode the underlying rock, creating distinctive landforms such as U-shaped valleys, fjords, cirques, and hanging valleys. The erosive power of glaciers is immense, capable of carving out significant portions of the landscape over geological timescales. Additionally, glaciers deposit sediments known as glacial till, forming various features like moraines, drumlins, and eskers. These features provide important insights into past glacial movements and environmental conditions. Understanding how glaciers shape the landscape is vital for studying Earth's climatic history and predicting future changes in these environments.

Climate change is significantly impacting cold and high-altitude environments, leading to noticeable shifts in their distribution and characteristics. One of the most prominent effects is the retreat of glaciers worldwide, reducing the size of glacial areas and affecting water supplies downstream. In polar regions, rising temperatures are causing the melting of ice sheets and sea ice, leading to rising sea levels and changes in global climate patterns. Permafrost thawing is another significant concern, as it can release large amounts of greenhouse gases and destabilize the ground. Additionally, changing temperatures and precipitation patterns are altering ecosystems in these environments, affecting the distribution of flora and fauna. These changes pose challenges for species adapted to specific climatic conditions and can lead to a loss of biodiversity. The implications of these changes are far-reaching, affecting not only these environments but also global weather patterns, sea levels, and ecological systems.

Conducting scientific research in polar regions poses several challenges, primarily due to the extreme cold, remote location, and harsh environmental conditions. The extreme cold can affect both equipment and researchers, necessitating special gear and procedures to ensure safety and operational functionality. Accessibility is another major challenge; these regions are often remote and can only be reached by specialized transport methods, such as icebreakers or aircraft equipped for cold weather operations. Logistics, therefore, becomes a significant aspect of planning research in these areas. Furthermore, the long periods of darkness in winter and continuous daylight in summer can affect both human health and the scheduling of research activities. Despite these challenges, polar research is crucial for understanding global climate systems and environmental changes.

Permafrost, a permanently frozen layer of soil found in periglacial areas, significantly impacts both the ecosystem and human activities. In terms of ecology, permafrost restricts the types of vegetation that can grow, leading to a landscape dominated by hardy, low-growing plants. This limited vegetation affects the types of animals that can inhabit these regions, often resulting in a unique but fragile ecosystem. For human activities, permafrost presents challenges in construction and infrastructure development. Buildings and roads must be specially designed to accommodate the ground's frozen nature, as thawing permafrost can lead to ground instability and damage to structures. Additionally, permafrost contains large amounts of organic carbon; its thawing due to global warming could release significant amounts of greenhouse gases, further impacting climate change.

Practice Questions

Explain how the climatic conditions of polar regions contribute to their classification as extreme environments.

Polar regions, characterized by their extreme cold, are defined by frigid temperatures that often fall below -50°C, especially in winter. This severe cold is a fundamental aspect that classifies these areas as extreme environments. These regions also experience prolonged periods of darkness during winter and continuous daylight in summer, which further exacerbates the extreme conditions. The climatic factors result in unique ecosystems and challenge human habitation and activity. The ability of flora and fauna to adapt to such conditions is limited, making the polar regions a study in survival and adaptability. This harsh climate influences global weather patterns and plays a crucial role in Earth's climate systems.

Describe the environmental significance of high mountains in non-polar regions and their impact on biodiversity.

High mountains in non-polar regions, such as the Himalayas or the Andes, have significant environmental importance due to their diverse climates and rich biodiversity. These mountains experience a decrease in temperature with increasing altitude, creating varied ecological zones. Each zone supports distinct types of flora and fauna, contributing to the region's high biodiversity. These areas are crucial for the study of species adaptation to different climatic conditions. Additionally, mountain glaciers in these regions are vital sources of freshwater and significantly impact the water supply for surrounding ecosystems and human populations. The diversity and adaptability of life in these high-altitude environments underscore their ecological importance.

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