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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

9.2.2 Electrolytic Cells

Electrolytic cells are pivotal in the realm of chemistry, driving non-spontaneous reactions using electrical energy. Central to this is the process of electrolysis, which finds its application in areas like electroplating. This exploration will delve into the intricate principles and varied applications of electrolytic cells. To understand the contrasting mechanisms between electrolytic and voltaic cells, it's beneficial to review the principles of voltaic cells.

Principles of Electrolysis

Electrolysis is a fascinating process where electrical energy is utilised to instigate a chemical reaction. In stark contrast to galvanic cells, which are energy producers, electrolytic cells are energy consumers. Here's a detailed breakdown:

  • Electrodes: These are typically made of conductive materials, often metals. They're immersed in the electrolyte and serve as the sites for the redox reactions. The anode is where oxidation (loss of electrons) occurs, while the cathode is the site of reduction (gain of electrons). The reactions at the electrodes in an electrolytic cell are fundamentally different from those in a galvanic cell.
  • Electrolyte: This is a solution or molten salt that conducts electricity. It's replete with ions which, during electrolysis, migrate towards the respective electrodes.
  • Oxidation and Reduction Reactions: At the anode, substances lose electrons and are, therefore oxidised. Conversely, at the cathode, substances gain electrons, undergoing reduction. Understanding the process of oxidation and reduction is key to grasping the concept of calculating pH in various chemical solutions.
  • Energy Source: An external electrical source, like a battery or power supply, is connected to the electrodes. This external energy is essential to drive the non-spontaneous reaction.

Applications of Electrolytic Cells


Electroplating is a technique that uses electrolysis to coat an object with a thin layer of metal. This can be for decorative purposes, corrosion resistance, or to provide specific surface properties. The electroplating process highlights the application of electrolysis in creating addition polymers, where similar principles of layer deposition are employed in polymer production.


1. Preparation: The object to be plated, which acts as the cathode, and a piece of the plating metal, the anode, are both immersed in a solution containing the plating metal's ions.

2. Electrolysis: Upon applying electricity, metal ions from the solution are reduced and get deposited onto the object.

3. Finishing: Post-plating, the object might undergo further treatments like polishing or coating to achieve the desired finish or properties.


  • Corrosion Resistance: Metals like zinc or nickel can be plated onto iron or steel objects to protect them from rust.
  • Wear Resistance: Hard metals like chromium can be plated onto softer metals to reduce wear and tear.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Precious metals like gold or silver can be plated onto cheaper metals to enhance their appearance, especially in jewellery. The aesthetic applications of electroplating are similar to those in alcohol production, where the end-product's properties are significantly enhanced.

Other Applications

  • Electrorefining: A method to purify metals. For instance, blister copper, which is 99% pure, can be refined via electrolysis to produce copper of over 99.9% purity. The impure metal acts as the anode, and the pure metal is deposited on the cathode.
  • Production of Chemicals: Electrolysis is employed to produce several chemicals. A classic example is the chlor-alkali process, where salt (sodium chloride) solution undergoes electrolysis to produce chlorine gas, hydrogen gas, and sodium hydroxide.
  • Water Splitting: Electrolysis of water is a method to produce hydrogen and oxygen gases. Given the increasing interest in clean energy, this method is seen as a potential way to produce hydrogen fuel, which can be used in fuel cells.
  • Battery Recharging: Rechargeable batteries, like lead-acid batteries or lithium-ion batteries, use the principles of electrolysis. When the battery is charged, an external voltage is applied, driving a non-spontaneous reaction.


The choice of electrolyte directly influences the products formed during electrolysis. Different electrolytes dissociate into different ions in solution. During electrolysis, cations move towards the cathode and undergo reduction, while anions move towards the anode and undergo oxidation. The specific ions present in the electrolyte determine which elements or compounds are produced at each electrode. For instance, using sodium chloride as the electrolyte will produce chlorine gas at the anode and sodium metal at the cathode, whereas using water as the electrolyte will produce oxygen at the anode and hydrogen at the cathode.

Not all metals are suitable for electroplating. The metal to be plated must be able to exist in ionic form in the electrolyte and be reduced to its metallic form at the cathode. Some metals, when ionised, may form complex ions or may not be easily reduced to their metallic state. Additionally, the metal should be non-reactive in the conditions of the electrolytic cell and should adhere well to the substrate. Factors like cost, availability, and the specific properties desired in the plated layer (e.g., corrosion resistance, appearance) also influence the choice of metal for electroplating.

Overpotential, or overvoltage, refers to the extra voltage required, beyond the theoretical value, to drive an electrolysis reaction. It's significant because it accounts for energy losses in the system, often due to factors like electrode resistance, gas bubble formation, or surface conditions of the electrode. Recognising overpotential is essential for accurately determining the voltage needed to initiate and sustain an electrolysis reaction. It ensures that the desired reaction occurs at the electrodes rather than any competing, undesired reactions.

The amount of current directly influences the thickness of the plated layer during electroplating. According to Faraday's first law of electrolysis, the mass of substance deposited at an electrode is directly proportional to the amount of electricity (or charge) passed through the cell. Therefore, increasing the current will increase the rate of metal deposition, leading to a thicker plated layer in a given time. Conversely, a lower current will result in a thinner layer. It's essential to control the current to achieve the desired thickness and uniformity of the plated layer.

An electrolyte solution is crucial in an electrolytic cell because it facilitates the movement of ions, allowing the conduction of electricity. Without an electrolyte, there would be no medium for the ions to move between the anode and cathode, halting the process of electrolysis. The electrolyte not only provides a pathway for ion flow but also supplies the ions that are either reduced or oxidised during the process. Its presence ensures the completion of the electrical circuit, making the electrolysis process feasible.

Practice Questions

Describe the process of electroplating a copper object with silver. What role does the object to be plated play in the electrolytic cell?

Electroplating involves using electrolysis to deposit a layer of metal onto an object. To electroplate a copper object with silver, the copper object acts as the cathode, while a silver electrode acts as the anode. Both are immersed in a solution containing silver ions, typically silver nitrate. When electricity is applied, silver ions from the solution are reduced at the cathode (copper object) and get deposited as a layer of silver. The copper object, being the cathode, is crucial as it's the site where the reduction (gain of electrons) occurs, leading to the deposition of silver.

In the context of electrolytic cells, explain the significance of Faraday's laws of electrolysis.

Faraday's laws of electrolysis are foundational to understanding the quantitative aspects of electrolysis. The first law states that the amount of substance produced or consumed at an electrode is directly proportional to the amount of electricity (or charge) passed through the cell. This means that doubling the current will double the amount of substance deposited or released. The second law posits that a specific amount of electricity will deposit equivalent amounts of substances at the electrodes based on their respective equivalent weights. In essence, these laws provide a mathematical framework to predict and analyse the outcomes of electrolytic processes.

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