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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

10.1.1 Homologous Series

The realm of organic chemistry is vast and intricate. A foundational concept that aids in navigating this complex field is the homologous series. This series is paramount for students aiming to unravel the mysteries of organic compounds.


A homologous series can be described as a family or series of organic compounds wherein each successive member varies from the preceding one by a consistent repeating unit, typically a -CH2 group. Each member of this series contains the same functional group, hence bestowing them with analogous chemical properties. In essence, it’s like a family where everyone has a shared trait, but each member differs slightly in certain aspects.

General Properties

  • Consistent Difference: Members of a homologous series show uniformity, with each succeeding member having an additional -CH2 group. This implies an increment of 14 units in the molecular weight.
  • Physical Properties Gradient: It's intriguing to note that with an increase in the chain length (i.e., the number of carbon atoms), several physical properties also escalate. The boiling point, melting point, and molecular mass are classic examples. This phenomenon is attributed to the escalating strength of the van der Waals forces, which become stronger with an increase in molecular size.
  • Uniform Chemical Reactions: Owing to the identical functional group in each member, their chemical reactions showcase remarkable similarity. This makes it easier to predict the reactions of untested compounds within the series.
  • Gradual Transition in Properties: As one moves across the series, adjacent members portray very close physical and, at times, chemical properties. This trend showcases a gradual transition, ensuring that no two neighbouring compounds are poles apart in their behaviours.
  • Solubility Patterns: As the hydrocarbon chain length amplifies, its solubility in water tends to dwindle. However, the converse is observed for solubility in organic solvents, such as hexane, where solubility elevates with a longer chain.

Examples of Homologous Series and Their Properties

  1. Alkanes:
    • Defining Feature: Single bond between carbon atoms (C-C).
    • Examples: Methane (CH4), Ethane (C2H6), Propane (C3H8).
    • Properties: Generally unreactive except in the presence of a catalyst or under specific conditions; undergo combustion to produce carbon dioxide and water.
  2. Alkenes:
    • Defining Feature: Presence of a carbon-carbon double bond (C=C).
    • Examples: Ethene (C2H4), Propene (C3H6).
    • Properties: More reactive than alkanes due to the double bond; undergo addition reactions.
  3. Alkynes:
    • Defining Feature: Marked by a carbon-carbon triple bond (C≡C).
    • Examples: Ethyne (C2H2), Propyne (C3H4).
    • Properties: Even more reactive than alkenes, can partake in various chemical reactions due to the triple bond.
  4. Alcohols:
    • Defining Feature: Carry the functional group -OH.
    • Examples: Methanol (CH3OH), Ethanol (C2H5OH).
    • Properties: Display both acidic and basic characteristics; can be oxidised to form compounds like aldehydes, ketones, or carboxylic acids, depending on conditions.

Significance in Predicting Properties of Organic Compounds

  • Trend Prediction: The structured nature of a homologous series enables chemists to prophesy the properties of an untested compound within the series. This predictive capability is instrumental, especially when dealing with a myriad of organic compounds.
  • Systematic Study: Given the consistent behaviour of compounds within a homologous series, it's logical and efficient to study them collectively rather than in isolation. This strategy aids in condensing the expansive domain of organic chemistry into more manageable segments.
  • Industrial Implications: Mastery over the properties of a homologous series and its associated trends facilitates numerous industrial applications. The process of fractional distillation in petroleum refineries, which segregates crude oil into distinct fractions, is fundamentally grounded in the distinct boiling points of hydrocarbons.
  • Research and Development: With the power to predict behaviours, scientists can design and synthesise new compounds tailored for specific roles, be it in pharmaceuticals, agriculture, or other pivotal sectors.
  • Education and Further Exploration: Grasping the concept of the homologous series is quintessential for students. Not only does it lay the groundwork for organic chemistry but also preps them for intricate concepts such as stereochemistry, isomerism, and much more.


The petroleum industry heavily relies on the concept of the homologous series. Crude oil, a primary product extracted from the earth, is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons. The process of fractional distillation separates these hydrocarbons based on their boiling points. Since boiling points increase with molecular size in a homologous series, this method effectively segregates the crude oil into fractions of varying chain lengths. These fractions, like gasoline, diesel, and kerosene, are then further processed or used directly. Understanding the homologous series and its trends helps in optimising this separation process, ensuring the efficient extraction of valuable hydrocarbon products.

While homologous series provide a structured and predictable approach, there can be exceptions or slight deviations, especially when considering isomers or external conditions. For example, as previously mentioned, branched-chain alkanes might have different boiling points than straight-chain alkanes of similar molecular weights. Additionally, external factors such as impurities or conditions like pressure and temperature can influence the observed properties. However, these deviations are often minor, and the overall trends of a homologous series remain a reliable and foundational tool in organic chemistry.

The homologous series is invaluable in organic synthesis. Its structured nature allows chemists to predict the behaviour of untested compounds within the series. By understanding the reactivity pattern of known compounds in a series, chemists can strategise the synthesis of new compounds, ensuring desired properties and functionalities. For instance, knowing the behaviour of a certain alkane can guide the synthesis of a longer-chain alkane or even its derivative. Furthermore, the series provides insight into potential intermediates and catalysts that can be employed in synthesis, reducing the trial-and-error approach and promoting efficiency in the laboratory.

Yes, the homologous series concept can be applied to compounds with branched chains. Even though the primary chain might be consistent in terms of the repeating unit, branching introduces isomers - compounds with the same molecular formula but different structural arrangements. These isomers will belong to the same homologous series as they have the same functional group. However, branching can lead to variations in physical properties. For instance, branched alkanes often have lower boiling points than their straight-chain counterparts due to a reduced surface area and, consequently, weaker van der Waals interactions.

The chemical properties of compounds are primarily influenced by the type of functional group present. Since all members of a homologous series possess the same functional group, their chemical reactions display remarkable similarities. Physical properties, on the other hand, are largely governed by the molecular size and shape, and intermolecular forces. As the chain length increases in a homologous series (with each addition of a -CH₂ group), there's an increase in molecular size. This enhancement leads to stronger van der Waals forces, resulting in varied physical properties like boiling point, melting point, and solubility.

Practice Questions

Define the term "homologous series" and explain its significance in predicting the properties of organic compounds.

A homologous series is a series of organic compounds in which each member differs from the next by a consistent repeating unit, typically a -CH₂ group. Each member of this series possesses the same functional group. Hence they exhibit similar chemical properties. The significance of a homologous series in predicting the properties of organic compounds lies in its systematic and consistent nature. As one progresses in the series, physical properties such as boiling point, melting point, and molecular mass show a gradual increase, primarily due to the strengthening of Van der Waals forces. Additionally, the presence of the same functional group ensures similar chemical reactivity within the series. This predictability aids chemists in estimating the properties of untested compounds within a particular series, streamlining research and applications in various industries.

Taking alkanes as an example of a homologous series, describe their general properties and how these properties change as the chain length increases.

Alkanes are hydrocarbons characterised by single carbon-carbon (C-C) bonds. They are members of a homologous series where each successive compound differs by a -CH₂ unit. In terms of reactivity, alkanes are generally unreactive and are often termed paraffins, meaning "little affinity". They undergo combustion to produce carbon dioxide and water. As the chain length of alkanes increases, there is a consistent increase in their boiling and melting points. This is due to the enhanced strength of the van der Waals forces between molecules with a larger surface area. Additionally, as the chain length grows, alkanes become less soluble in water but more soluble in organic solvents. The trend showcases how molecular size and structure influence the physical properties of compounds in a homologous series.

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