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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

3.1.2 Transition Metals

Transition metals, occupying the central block of the periodic table, are renowned for their distinctive properties and versatile applications. This section delves deeper into the characteristics that set them apart from main group elements and their pivotal roles in catalysis and the intriguing world of coloured compounds.

Characteristics of Transition Metals

Distinguishing Features from Main Group Elements

  • Variable Oxidation States: One of the hallmark features of transition metals is their ability to exhibit multiple oxidation states. This variability is intricately related to the concept of d-sub level splitting, which influences their chemical behaviour. This is due to the close energy levels of the 4s and 3d orbitals, allowing electrons from both to be involved in bonding. For instance, manganese can display oxidation states ranging from +2 to +7.
  • Formation of Complex Ions: Transition metals have an affinity to form complex ions. In these structures, the metal atom or ion is at the centre, surrounded by molecules or ions called ligands. These ligands can donate electron pairs to form coordinate bonds with the metal. This ability plays a crucial role in their catalytic activities, particularly in speeding up chemical reactions without being consumed.
  • High Melting and Boiling Points: The presence of more delocalised electrons from the d-orbitals, which can participate in metallic bonding, imparts transition metals with generally higher melting and boiling points compared to main group elements. For example, tungsten, a transition metal, has one of the highest melting points known. This property is related to the properties of metals, highlighting their importance in various industrial applications.
  • Good Conductors of Electricity and Heat: The sea of delocalised electrons in transition metals facilitates the movement of electric charge, making them excellent conductors. Their lattice structure also allows for efficient heat transfer, a property essential in the functioning of voltaic cells.
  • Magnetic Properties: The presence of unpaired electrons in the d-orbitals of some transition metals gives rise to magnetic properties. Iron, cobalt, and nickel are ferromagnetic, meaning they can be permanently magnetised. Understanding the s, p, d, and f blocks of the periodic table can provide further insight into these magnetic properties.

Colour of Compounds

  • The vibrant colours associated with transition metal compounds arise due to electronic transitions between d-orbitals of different energy levels. When light interacts with these compounds, certain wavelengths are absorbed, promoting electrons to higher energy d-orbitals. The light that isn't absorbed is transmitted or reflected, and this is what our eyes perceive as colour. This phenomenon is closely linked with the structure of alcohols and how their molecular arrangement affects light absorption.

Importance in Catalysis

Transition metals, owing to their ability to interchange between different oxidation states, are often employed as catalysts in various chemical reactions. Their surface can provide a platform where reactants can come together, facilitating bond-breaking and bond-making processes.

  • Haber Process: In the synthesis of ammonia, finely divided iron acts as a catalyst. It provides a surface for the nitrogen and hydrogen molecules to adsorb, align, and react more efficiently.
  • Hydrogenation of Alkenes: In the presence of finely divided nickel, alkenes can be hydrogenated to form alkanes. The nickel surface adsorbs the alkene and hydrogen molecules, bringing them into close proximity and facilitating the addition reaction.
  • Contact Process: Vanadium(V) oxide serves as a catalyst in the Contact Process for sulphuric acid production. It speeds up the oxidation of sulphur dioxide to sulphur trioxide by atmospheric oxygen.

Formation of Coloured Compounds

Transition metals' propensity to form coloured compounds has found applications in various industries and scientific endeavours:

  • Analytical Chemistry: The specific colours of transition metal complexes can be used in qualitative and quantitative analysis. For instance, the deep blue colour of copper(II) solutions is a diagnostic feature of its presence.
  • Photography: Transition metal compounds, especially those of silver, play a crucial role in traditional photography. Silver halides, which are light-sensitive, are used in photographic films.
  • Art and Industry: Transition metal compounds are integral in the pigment industry. Chromium oxide is used as a green pigment, while cadmium sulphide serves as a bright yellow pigment in paints.
  • Biological Systems: Transition metals, especially iron in haemoglobin, play a role in transporting oxygen in the blood. The interaction of oxygen with iron gives blood its characteristic red colour.


Gold and copper are among the least reactive transition metals. Their low reactivity means they don't readily combine with oxygen or other non-metals in the environment. As a result, they can exist in their elemental form without oxidising. On the other hand, many transition metals are more reactive and readily form compounds, especially oxides, when exposed to the environment. These metals are typically found as ores, which are then processed to extract the metal. For example, iron is often found as iron oxide ores like hematite and magnetite.

Transition metals, when mixed with other metals to form alloys, can enhance the hardness and strength of the resultant material. The introduction of different-sized atoms from the transition metals into a metallic lattice can disrupt the regular arrangement of atoms. This disruption makes it harder for layers of atoms to slide over each other, thereby increasing the strength and hardness of the alloy. For instance, the addition of small amounts of carbon to iron produces steel, an alloy much harder and stronger than pure iron.

Transition metals have vacant d-orbitals that can accept electron pairs from ligands, leading to the formation of coordinate bonds. This ability to form multiple coordinate bonds with ligands allows transition metals to form complex ions. Additionally, their variable oxidation states and small ionic sizes compared to s-block metals make them more versatile in forming complexes. The formation of these complex ions often results in stabilisation of the metal ion, especially if it leads to a filled or half-filled d-orbital configuration.

The magnetic properties of certain transition metals, especially iron, cobalt, and nickel, arise from their unpaired d-electrons. These metals are ferromagnetic, meaning they can be permanently magnetised. This property finds extensive applications in everyday life. For instance, iron is used to make permanent magnets found in motors, speakers, and magnetic locks. Additionally, the magnetic properties of transition metals are harnessed in data storage devices like hard drives, where tiny magnetic domains represent binary data. Transition metal compounds are also used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as contrast agents to enhance the quality of images.

The formation of coloured solutions in transition metals is predominantly due to the d-d electron transitions within their d-orbitals. When light interacts with these metal ions, certain wavelengths are absorbed, promoting electrons between the split d-orbitals. The remaining light gives the solution its characteristic colour. In contrast, s-block elements have fully filled or empty s-orbitals in their ions, and there are no available d-orbitals close in energy for such transitions. Thus, there are no electronic transitions in the visible region, resulting in colourless solutions for most s-block elements.

Practice Questions

Describe the significance of variable oxidation states in transition metals and explain how this property makes them suitable as catalysts in chemical reactions.

Transition metals' ability to exhibit variable oxidation states arises from the close energy levels of their 4s and 3d orbitals, allowing electrons from both to be involved in bonding. This unique property enables them to form intermediates with reactants, facilitating the breaking and making of bonds. As catalysts, transition metals can provide a platform where reactants can adsorb, align, and react more efficiently. Their ability to interchange between different oxidation states allows them to speed up reactions without being consumed, making them reusable. For instance, in the Haber process, iron acts as a catalyst, providing a surface for nitrogen and hydrogen molecules to react and form ammonia.

Why do many transition metal compounds exhibit colour? Use the concept of d-orbitals in your explanation.

The vibrant colours associated with transition metal compounds are a result of electronic transitions between d-orbitals of different energy levels. When light interacts with these compounds, certain wavelengths are absorbed, promoting electrons to higher energy d-orbitals. The energy difference between these d-orbitals corresponds to the energy of visible light, leading to the absorption of specific colours. The light that isn't absorbed is transmitted or reflected, and this is what our eyes perceive as colour. For example, the deep blue colour of copper(II) solutions arises from the transition of electrons between its split d-orbitals when exposed to light.

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