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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

3.1.1 Groups and Periods in the Periodic Table

The periodic table, a cornerstone of chemistry, systematically arranges elements, offering a window into their properties and interactions. This section explores the intricacies of groups and periods, elucidating their role in organising elements and the trends they exhibit.



  • Groups, often referred to as families, represent the vertical columns in the periodic table.
  • They are numbered from 1 to 18, starting from the leftmost column.
  • Elements within the same group have similar chemical properties. This similarity arises from the fact that they possess the same number of valence electrons, which play a pivotal role in chemical reactions.


  • Periods are the horizontal rows in the periodic table.
  • The table comprises seven periods, labelled from 1 to 7.
  • Within a period, the number of protons in the nucleus of the elements increases as one moves from left to right. This gradual increase significantly influences the properties and behaviours of the elements.

Organisation of Elements

By Groups

  • The periodic table's design ensures that elements in the same group have the same number of electrons in their outermost shell. These are the valence electrons, which are instrumental in determining an element's reactivity.
  • Due to this shared electron configuration, elements in the same group exhibit similar chemical behaviours.
  • For instance, Group 1 elements, known as alkali metals, are highly reactive. They have a single electron in their outermost shell, which they readily lose to achieve a stable electron configuration.

By Periods

  • Elements within a single period have their valence electrons populating the same principal energy level.
  • As one traverses a period from left to right, the number of valence electrons increases. However, they remain in the same energy shell.
  • This configuration results in a systematic and predictable change in properties across a period. The elements transition from metallic characteristics on the left to non-metallic traits on the right.

Atomic Radius

  • In Groups: Descending a group, the atomic radius sees an increase. This expansion is attributed to the addition of more electron shells, which increases the distance between the nucleus and the outermost electrons.
  • In Periods: Progressing from left to right across a period, the atomic radius typically contracts. The increasing proton count in the nucleus exerts a stronger pull on the electrons, drawing them closer.

Ionisation Energy

  • In Groups: Ionisation energy, the energy required to remove an electron from an atom, diminishes as one moves down a group. The increasing number of electron shells means the outermost electron is further from the nucleus, making it easier to detach.
  • In Periods: Ionisation energy sees a surge from left to right across a period. The nucleus, with its increasing proton count, exerts a stronger pull on the electrons, making their removal more energy-intensive.


  • In Groups: Electronegativity, which measures an atom's ability to attract and bind with electrons, generally wanes as one descends a group. The increased distance between the nucleus and the valence electrons diminishes the atom's electron-attracting capability.
  • In Periods: Electronegativity witnesses an upswing from left to right across a period. The valence electrons, being closer to the nucleus due to the increasing proton count, are more strongly attracted, enhancing the atom's electronegativity.

Similarities Among Elements

In Groups

  • Elements within a group react in remarkably similar fashions, a consequence of their shared valence electron count.
  • For instance, all alkali metals (Group 1) undergo reactions with water, producing hydrogen gas and a corresponding metal hydroxide. This reactivity stems from their eagerness to lose their lone valence electron.

In Periods

  • While elements in the same period don't exhibit identical reactions, there exists a predictable gradation in their behaviours. This gradation is evident in their transition from metallic properties on the left, through metalloids in the middle, to non-metallic properties on the right.
  • For example, metals, typically found on the left, are good conductors of electricity, malleable, and ductile. Non-metals, on the right, are generally poor conductors and more brittle. Metalloids, straddling the middle, exhibit a blend of these properties.

Role in Chemical Reactions

Understanding the organisation of the periodic table into groups and periods is not just academic. It has practical implications in predicting how elements will react with one another. For instance:

  • Alkali metals (Group 1) are known to react vigorously with halogens (Group 17) to form salts. Sodium (Na) from Group 1 reacts with chlorine (Cl) from Group 17 to produce sodium chloride (NaCl), a common table salt.
  • Transition metals, found in the middle of the periodic table, often form coloured compounds and can act as catalysts in various chemical reactions, speeding up the reaction rate without being consumed.


While elements in the same period have their valence electrons in the same principal energy level, the number of valence electrons and the type of orbital they occupy can vary. As one moves from left to right across a period, the number of protons in the nucleus increases, leading to a stronger positive charge that pulls the electrons closer. Additionally, the type of orbital being filled changes (from s to p to d and so on). These factors, combined with electron-electron repulsions and shielding effects, result in varying properties across a period, such as differences in atomic size, electronegativity, and ionisation energy.

The lanthanides and actinides, also known as the f-block elements, are placed separately at the bottom of the periodic table primarily for reasons of space and clarity. If they were integrated into the main body of the table, it would become excessively wide and less user-friendly. Moreover, both these series have elements that fill the f-orbitals. By placing them separately, it's easier to identify and study their unique properties, which are somewhat different from the s-, p-, and d-block elements. It's worth noting that their placement at the bottom doesn't diminish their importance; it's merely a design choice to make the table more manageable.

The electron configuration of an element dictates its position on the periodic table. Elements are arranged in increasing order of atomic number, which also means increasing the number of electrons. As electrons are added to an atom, they fill the atomic orbitals in a specific sequence. The periodic table is structured such that elements with similar outer electron configurations (and hence similar chemical properties) are grouped together. For instance, all elements in Group 1 have one electron in their outermost s orbital, while elements in Group 17 have seven electrons in their outermost s and p orbitals. The period number corresponds to the principal energy level of the outermost electrons.

The periodic table is structured based on the electron configurations of elements. The 18 groups arise from the maximum number of electrons that can occupy the s, p, d, and f subshells in any principal energy level. Specifically, s can hold 2, p can hold 6, d can hold 10, and f can hold 14 electrons, totalling 32. However, not all subshells are filled in every period. The 7 periods correspond to the principal energy levels (n=1 to n=7) of atomic orbitals. As we move down the periods, more subshells become available for electron filling, but the principal energy level remains the defining factor for the number of periods.

Metalloids, often found between metals and non-metals on the periodic table, exhibit a blend of both metallic and non-metallic properties, making them unique. Unlike metals, which are good conductors of electricity, metalloids generally have intermediate conductivity, which can be adjusted by adding impurities, a process known as doping. This semi-conductive property is crucial in the electronics industry. Metalloids, like non-metals, can form covalent compounds with other non-metals. However, under certain conditions, they can also form metallic alloys. Their appearance can be shiny like metals or dull like non-metals. In essence, metalloids bridge the gap between metals and non-metals, possessing a mix of characteristics from both groups.

Practice Questions

Explain the trends in atomic radius and ionisation energy as one moves down a group and across a period in the periodic table.

As one moves down a group in the periodic table, the atomic radius increases. This is due to the addition of more electron shells, which increases the distance between the nucleus and the outermost electrons. Consequently, the outermost electron is further from the nucleus, making it easier to remove. This results in a decrease in ionisation energy down a group. On the other hand, as one moves from left to right across a period, the atomic radius typically decreases. This is because the increasing number of protons in the nucleus exerts a stronger pull on the electrons, drawing them closer. Concurrently, the ionisation energy increases across a period due to the stronger pull of the nucleus on the outermost electrons, making them harder to remove.

Why do elements in the same group of the periodic table exhibit similar chemical behaviours? Use an example to illustrate your answer.

Elements in the same group of the periodic table exhibit similar chemical behaviours because they have the same number of valence electrons. These valence electrons play a pivotal role in chemical reactions, determining how an element will react. For instance, all alkali metals in Group 1 have one valence electron. This shared electron configuration results in similar reactivity patterns. A classic example is the reaction of alkali metals with water. All alkali metals, such as sodium (Na), react with water to produce hydrogen gas and a corresponding metal hydroxide, like sodium hydroxide (NaOH). This consistent behaviour across the group is a direct consequence of their shared electron configuration

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