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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

20.2.1 Alkanes

Alkanes, often referred to as paraffins, are the simplest class of hydrocarbons. Comprising only carbon and hydrogen atoms, these saturated compounds play a pivotal role in the energy sector and form the backbone of organic chemistry.

Nomenclature of Alkanes

General Formula

  • Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons, meaning they contain no double or triple bonds. Their general formula is CnH2n+2. For further exploration of hydrocarbon naming conventions, see nomenclature in organic chemistry.

Basic Naming

  • The base name of an alkane depends on its number of carbon atoms:
    • 1: Methane
    • 2: Ethane
    • 3: Propane
    • 4: Butane
    • 5: Pentane
    • ... and so forth up to any conceivable number of carbons.

Branches and Substituents

  • When alkanes have branches or side chains, these are termed as alkyl groups.
    • Methyl (CH3-), ethyl (C2H5-), propyl (C3H7-), and so on.
  • The position of the substituent on the main chain is indicated by a number, ensuring the lowest possible numbers for the substituents. For instance, 2-methylpentane has a methyl group on the second carbon of a pentane chain.
  • If multiple identical substituents are present, prefixes like di-, tri-, and tetra- are used. For example, 2,3-dimethylbutane. This type of complexity in structure introduces the concept of structural isomerism.

Complex Naming

  • For alkanes with multiple and different substituents, the substituents are listed in alphabetical order. For instance, 3-ethyl-2-methylhexane.

Properties of Alkanes

Physical Properties

  • Boiling Point: The boiling point of alkanes increases with molecular weight due to increased van der Waals forces. However, branching tends to decrease the boiling point because of the reduced surface area, leading to weaker van der Waals interactions. To understand more about these interactions, consider reading about van der Waals forces.
  • Density: Alkanes have densities less than water, which is why oil floats on water. The density increases with increasing molecular weight but remains below that of water.
  • Solubility: Alkanes are hydrophobic, meaning they do not mix with water. However, they are soluble in non-polar solvents like benzene and chloroform.

Chemical Properties

  • Reactivity: Alkanes are characterised by their low reactivity. This is attributed to the strong sigma bonds between carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen atoms. However, they can undergo certain types of reactions.
  • Combustion: Alkanes readily combust in the presence of oxygen, producing carbon dioxide, and water, and releasing energy. This exothermic reaction is the basis for their use as fuels. Alkanes are also essential in understanding the addition polymers they can form.
    • Example: C4H10 + 6.5O2 -> 4CO2 + 5H2O
  • Substitution Reactions: Alkanes can undergo halogenation in the presence of UV light. This reaction replaces a hydrogen atom with a halogen.
    • Example: CH4 + Cl2 -> CH3Cl + HCl
  • Cracking: Longer-chain alkanes can be broken down into smaller, more useful hydrocarbons through a process called cracking. For a deeper understanding, review the basics of alkanes and their properties here.

Importance of Alkanes

Alkanes as Fuels

  • Alkanes are the primary components of many fuels. Methane, for instance, is a significant component of natural gas, while propane and butane are used in liquid petroleum gas (LPG).
  • Longer-chain alkanes, ranging from pentane to octane, are crucial components in petrol. These hydrocarbons, when combusted, release significant amounts of energy, making them ideal for powering vehicles.

Petrochemical Industry

  • Crude oil, primarily composed of alkanes, is the lifeblood of the petrochemical industry. Through refining processes, various fractions of crude oil are separated and then further processed to produce a range of products.
  • Alkanes undergo cracking, both thermal and catalytic, to produce smaller alkanes and alkenes. These smaller molecules serve as precursors for a wide variety of chemicals, from solvents to polymers.
  • Beyond fuels, alkanes find use in the production of lubricating oils, paraffin waxes, and even in the synthesis of more complex chemicals.


Branching in alkanes affects their boiling points due to changes in the surface area and the strength of the van der Waals forces. As the branching increases, the surface area of the molecule decreases. A reduced surface area leads to weaker van der Waals forces between the molecules. As a result, less energy is required to break these forces during boiling. Consequently, branched alkanes have lower boiling points compared to their straight-chain isomers. For example, isobutane (a branched alkane) has a lower boiling point than n-butane (a straight-chain alkane).

Alkanes don't readily participate in addition reactions because they lack the reactive sites present in alkenes, namely the carbon-carbon double bonds. The carbon-carbon single bonds in alkanes are strong and non-polar, making them relatively unreactive. Alkenes, on the other hand, have a carbon-carbon double bond which creates an area of high electron density. This makes them more susceptible to attack by electrophiles, leading to addition reactions. Alkanes, lacking this reactive site, mainly undergo substitution reactions when exposed to suitable conditions.

Alkanes, particularly methane (CH4), play a significant role in the greenhouse effect. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, with a global warming potential many times greater than carbon dioxide (CO2) over a 20-year period. When alkanes are released into the atmosphere, either through natural processes like decomposition or human activities such as fossil fuel extraction and agriculture, they can trap heat. Methane, in particular, can absorb and emit infrared radiation, leading to the warming of the Earth's atmosphere. However, its concentration is much lower than CO2, but due to its potency, it still has a considerable impact on global warming.

Alkanes are primarily extracted from natural sources like crude oil and natural gas. Crude oil, a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, is drilled from oil wells and then refined in oil refineries. During the refining process, crude oil is subjected to fractional distillation, where it is heated and separated into different fractions based on boiling points. The fractions are then further processed and purified to obtain individual alkanes. Natural gas, primarily composed of methane, is extracted from gas wells. It can be purified by removing impurities and then used directly as a fuel or converted into other products.

Alkanes are termed as saturated hydrocarbons because they contain the maximum possible number of hydrogen atoms for the given number of carbon atoms, with no double or triple bonds between the carbon atoms. This means that all the valencies of the carbon atoms are fully satisfied or "saturated" with hydrogen atoms. The presence of only single bonds ensures that each carbon atom forms four single covalent bonds, either with other carbon atoms or with hydrogen atoms, making the molecule saturated with hydrogen.

Practice Questions

Explain the difference between alkanes and alkenes in terms of their structural formula and reactivity. Provide an example for each.

Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons, meaning they contain only single bonds between carbon atoms. Their general formula is CnH2n+2. An example of an alkane is methane (CH4). In contrast, alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons containing at least one carbon-carbon double bond. Their general formula is CnH2n. An example of an alkene is ethene (C2H4). In terms of reactivity, alkanes are relatively unreactive due to their strong sigma bonds. They mainly undergo substitution reactions. Alkenes, on the other hand, are more reactive due to the presence of the double bond, which allows them to undergo addition reactions.

Describe the process of cracking in the petrochemical industry. Why is it considered an essential process?

Cracking is a process in the petrochemical industry where long-chain hydrocarbons are broken down into shorter-chain hydrocarbons by the application of heat and sometimes catalysts. There are two main types of cracking: thermal cracking, which uses high temperatures, and catalytic cracking, which uses a catalyst to lower the temperature and pressure requirements. Cracking is considered essential because it helps in converting less useful, long-chain hydrocarbons from crude oil into more valuable shorter-chain hydrocarbons. These shorter chains can be used as fuels or as precursors for the synthesis of other chemicals, making the process economically beneficial and aiding in meeting the demand for various hydrocarbon products.

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