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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

20.1.2 Stereoisomerism

Stereoisomerism, a captivating facet of organic chemistry, concerns molecules with identical structural formulas but distinct spatial arrangements of atoms. This spatial difference profoundly impacts molecular behaviour, interactions, and biological significance. For a broader understanding, you may also explore structural isomerism, which delves into isomers with different connectivity of atoms.

Geometric (cis-trans) Isomerism

Definition and Occurrence

  • Geometric isomerism, commonly known as cis-trans isomerism, emerges predominantly in alkenes. The double bond in alkenes restricts rotation, leading to fixed relative positions of substituents.
  • This isomerism also manifests in cyclic compounds, where the ring structure restricts rotation around single bonds. The concept of functional groups is crucial in understanding how different groups attached to the carbon skeleton affect isomerism and molecular properties.

Cis and Trans Isomers

  • Cis Isomers: In these isomers, the atoms or functional groups of interest reside on the same side of the double bond or ring structure. This arrangement often results in a polar molecule if the substituents are different.
  • Trans Isomers: Here, the atoms or groups are positioned on opposite sides of the double bond or ring. This configuration often leads to a more symmetrical and typically non-polar molecule if the substituents are different.

Examples and Implications

  • Consider 2-butene. The cis isomer places both methyl groups on the double bond's same side, while the trans isomer positions them on opposite sides.
  • In cyclic structures, like cyclohexane, cis and trans describe substituent positions relative to the ring plane. Cis places both above or below, while trans arranges one above and one below. Understanding the properties of alkanes can provide additional insights into how similar principles apply to saturated hydrocarbons.
  • Geometric isomers often display varied physical properties. For instance, differences in molecular shape can lead to variations in boiling points, melting points, and solubilities. The study of mass spectrometry can further illustrate how these physical properties affect molecular identification and analysis.

Optical Isomerism and Chiral Centres

Chiral Centres and Enantiomers

  • Chiral centres, typically carbon atoms, bond to four distinct atoms or groups. This unique bonding leads to non-superimposable mirror images called enantiomers.
  • Enantiomers are a pair of molecules that are mirror images of each other, much like left and right hands. They have identical physical properties but differ in how they interact with plane-polarised light and chiral environments. The concept of chirality is pivotal in the synthesis of addition polymers, where the spatial arrangement of monomers can influence the properties of the polymer.

Optical Activity and Its Measurement

  • Enantiomers can rotate plane-polarised light in opposite directions. The direction and magnitude of this rotation, termed optical activity, is a defining characteristic of enantiomers.
  • One enantiomer, termed the dextrorotatory isomer, rotates light clockwise. In contrast, the levorotatory isomer rotates it counterclockwise. These rotations are typically measured using a polarimeter.

Examples and Biological Implications

  • A classic example is lactic acid, which possesses a chiral centre. It exists as two enantiomers: D-lactic acid and L-lactic acid. While chemically similar, these enantiomers can have distinct biological effects.
  • Enantiomers can exhibit different chemical reactivities, especially in chiral environments like biological systems. Enzymes, receptors, and other biomolecules often have chiral "pockets" that preferentially bind one enantiomer over the other.

Importance in Drug Design and Biological Activity

  • The world of pharmaceuticals is replete with chiral drugs. The different enantiomers of a drug can have varied therapeutic effects, potencies, and side effect profiles.
  • A notorious example is thalidomide. While one enantiomer acted as an effective sedative and anti-nausea medication, its mirror image caused severe birth defects. This tragedy underscored the importance of chiral purity in drug design. The study of stereoisomerism is fundamental in drug design to ensure the safety and efficacy of pharmaceuticals.
  • Modern pharmaceutical research often focuses on developing enantiomerically pure drugs. This approach aims to harness the therapeutic benefits of the active enantiomer while minimising potential risks from its inactive or harmful counterpart.
  • Beyond pharmaceuticals, the significance of stereoisomerism extends to areas like food chemistry, where the chirality of molecules can influence taste and smell, and materials science, where the spatial arrangement of molecules can affect material properties.


The (R) and (S) nomenclature provides a systematic way to assign absolute configurations to chiral centres. This system, called the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog (CIP) priority rules, assigns priorities to substituents attached to a chiral centre based on atomic numbers. Once priorities are assigned, one can determine the order in which the substituents are arranged in space. If the arrangement is clockwise, the configuration is (R) (from the Latin "rectus"), and if counterclockwise, it's (S) (from the Latin "sinister"). This nomenclature is crucial for unambiguously describing the three-dimensional structure of chiral molecules.

While chiral centres typically impart optical activity to a molecule, certain molecules with chiral centres can be optically inactive. These are meso compounds, which possess an internal plane of symmetry. When a molecule has this symmetry, its two halves are mirror images, causing the optical activities of each half to cancel out. As a result, the molecule as a whole does not rotate plane-polarised light. An example is meso-tartaric acid, which, despite having two chiral centres, is optically inactive due to its internal plane of symmetry.

Enantiomers are non-superimposable mirror images with identical bond lengths, bond angles, and molecular masses, leading to identical physical properties like boiling point, melting point, and solubility. However, their spatial arrangement differs, causing them to interact differently with plane-polarised light. One enantiomer will rotate plane-polarised light in one direction (dextrorotatory), while the other enantiomer will rotate it in the opposite direction (levorotatory). This unique property, termed optical activity, differentiates enantiomers and is a direct result of their distinct spatial configurations.

A chiral centre, typically a carbon atom, is one that is bonded to four different atoms or groups, resulting in non-superimposable mirror images. However, having a chiral centre doesn't always guarantee that the molecule is chiral. A chiral molecule is one that cannot be superimposed on its mirror image. Some molecules may have multiple chiral centres but are still superimposable on their mirror image, making them achiral. These are called meso compounds. For instance, 2,3-dichlorobutane has two chiral centres, but one of its isomers is a meso compound and is achiral.

Diastereomers and enantiomers are both types of stereoisomers, but they differ in their spatial arrangements and properties. Enantiomers are non-superimposable mirror images of each other, having opposite configurations at all chiral centres. Diastereomers, on the other hand, are not mirror images and have different configurations at one or more (but not all) chiral centres. Unlike enantiomers, which have identical physical properties (except optical activity), diastereomers can have different physical and chemical properties. For instance, they might exhibit different boiling points, melting points, and reactivities.

Practice Questions

Explain the difference between geometric isomerism and optical isomerism, providing an example for each.

Geometric isomerism, also known as cis-trans isomerism, arises due to restricted rotation, typically around a double bond or in cyclic compounds. The isomers differ based on the relative positions of substituents. For instance, in 2-butene, the cis isomer has both methyl groups on the same side of the double bond, while the trans isomer has them on opposite sides. On the other hand, optical isomerism occurs in molecules with chiral centres, leading to non-superimposable mirror images called enantiomers. For example, lactic acid exists as two enantiomers: D-lactic acid and L-lactic acid, which rotate plane-polarised light in opposite directions.

Why is the study of stereoisomerism particularly important in the field of drug design and pharmaceuticals?

The study of stereoisomerism is paramount in drug design because enantiomers, though chemically similar, can exhibit vastly different biological activities. One enantiomer might be therapeutically beneficial, while the other could be inactive or even harmful. A classic example is thalidomide: one enantiomer was an effective sedative, while the other caused severe birth defects. Understanding and controlling stereoisomerism allows for the development of safer and more effective drugs. Moreover, certain enantiomers can bind more specifically to target receptors, leading to enhanced efficacy and reduced side effects, underscoring the importance of chiral purity in pharmaceuticals.

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