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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

16.1.2 Rate Laws

In the realm of chemical kinetics, understanding the rate laws is a crucial foundation. Rate laws bridge the concentration of reactants to the rate at which reactions occur, offering predictions and insights into molecular behaviours during reactions. This section elaborates on the intricacies of rate laws, their significance, and the methodologies to determine them.

Definition and General Form of Rate Laws

Rate laws express the relationship between the rate of a chemical reaction and the concentration of its reactants. It's pivotal to remember that these laws are deduced from empirical observations and not just from balanced chemical equations.

General Rate Law Equation:

The generic form of the rate law for a reaction involving reactants A and B is:



  • Rate represents the speed or rate of the reaction.
  • k stands for the rate constant.
  • [A] and [B] denote the molar concentrations of reactants A and B, respectively.
  • m and n are termed as the orders of reaction concerning A and B.

Key Points:

  • The order of reaction (either m or n) might be 0, 1, 2, or even fractions in rare cases. It determines the rate's sensitivity to the concentration of a specific reactant.
  • Although the stoichiometry of a balanced equation provides valuable information, the rate law and the individual orders of reaction are determined empirically.
  • The reaction's overall order is deduced by adding m and n together.

Importance and Units of the Rate Constant (k)

The rate constant, symbolised as k, serves as the fingerprint of a reaction. It offers insights into the reaction's intrinsic rapidity under stipulated conditions.

Characteristics of k:

  • The magnitude of k differentiates between slow and fast reactions. For two reactions under similar conditions, the one with a higher value of k will be speedier.
  • k doesn't have a universal unit. Its unit varies based on the overall order of the reaction: mol/L·s for zero-order, s-1 for first-order, and L/mol·s for second-order reactions.
  • k is temperature-sensitive. A rule of thumb: higher temperatures generally elevate the value of k, accelerating reactions.

Methods to Determine Rate Laws from Experimental Data

Experimental data holds the key to unlocking rate laws. Chemical equations, no matter how balanced, don't directly yield these laws. Delve into the various methods to extract rate laws from empirical observations:

1. Method of Initial Rates:

  • This method requires the execution of multiple experiments, each time tweaking the initial concentration of one reactant and maintaining the others.
  • By measuring the initial rate for each experiment, one can discern how the rate alters with varying concentrations.
  • From this, the order of reaction concerning a specific reactant is extrapolated.

2. Graphical Method:

  • A meticulous measurement of a reactant's concentration over time, followed by plotting, can reveal the rate law.
  • For zero-order reactions, a straightforward concentration vs time graph yields a linear relationship.
  • First-order reactions require plotting the natural logarithm of concentration against time for a linear graph.
  • In the case of second-order reactions, plotting 1/concentration vs time gives a straight line.

3. Rate vs. Concentration Plots:

  • This direct approach involves plotting the reaction rate against the concentration of the reactant.
  • A linear graph indicates the reaction is first-order concerning that specific reactant.

4. Isolation Method:

  • This involves saturating one reactant's concentration and virtually "isolating" another reactant.
  • It simplifies the study, allowing the reaction order concerning the isolated reactant to be ascertained.


Yes, the value of the rate constant 'k' can change. It's particularly sensitive to temperature. According to the Arrhenius equation, the rate constant increases exponentially with temperature due to the increased fraction of molecules possessing energy greater than the activation energy. Additionally, 'k' might also vary with the presence of a catalyst, which lowers the activation energy, and with changes in pressure or the solvent in some reactions. However, 'k' remains unaffected by changes in the concentrations of the reactants or products.

Not necessarily. A single rate law describes the relationship between the rate of the reaction and the concentrations of the reactants for a given interval. However, as a reaction progresses and conditions like concentration or pH change, the initially derived rate law might not hold true for the entire duration. Especially for complex reactions involving multiple steps or reactions sensitive to changing conditions, rate laws might differ during various stages of the reaction.

The units of the rate constant ensure that the rate law equation's dimensions remain consistent, yielding a rate with the units of concentration per unit time (usually mol/L·s). As the order of the reaction changes, the units of the rate constant adjust to maintain this consistency. For instance, a first-order reaction has k units of s-1 because only one concentration term is present. Conversely, a second-order reaction involves the multiplication of two concentration terms, requiring k to have units of L/mol·s to give the rate its standard units.

When a reactant is zero order, it means the rate of the reaction is independent of the concentration of that specific reactant. In mathematical terms, for Rate = k[A]0, any concentration of A raised to the power of zero is one, making the rate simply equal to k. Such behaviour could arise due to a reactant being present in large excess or its concentration not being a determining factor in the rate-limiting step of the reaction. In practical scenarios, external factors, such as the presence of a catalyst, might influence this zero-order dependence.

Rate laws are empirically determined and are based on experimental observations. While balanced chemical equations provide the stoichiometric relationships between reactants and products, they don't provide information about the reaction mechanism or the steps involved. In many reactions, not all reactants participate directly in determining the rate, especially in multi-step reactions. Therefore, it's essential to rely on experimental data to deduce the rate law, as it depicts the relationship between concentration and rate, incorporating all mechanistic intricacies of the reaction.

Practice Questions

For a given reaction, you conduct several experiments altering the initial concentrations of the reactants. Based on your results, you derive the rate law to be Rate = k[A]2[B]. Describe the meaning of each term in the rate law and explain how a change in concentration of reactant A would influence the rate.

In the rate law, Rate = k[A]2[B], each term holds a distinct meaning. "Rate" signifies the speed at which the reaction occurs. The term "k" represents the rate constant, a unique value for a specific reaction under defined conditions, which tells us about the inherent speed of that reaction. "[A]" and "[B]" denote the molar concentrations of reactants A and B, respectively. The exponents 2 and 1 signify the orders of reaction concerning A and B. In this scenario, the reaction is second order with respect to A and first order with respect to B. Therefore, if we were to double the concentration of reactant A, the rate would quadruple (since 22 = 4), while keeping the concentration of reactant B constant.

How is the unit of the rate constant (k) determined, and what would be the unit for a second-order reaction? Explain the importance of the rate constant in relation to chemical kinetics.

The unit of the rate constant, k, is derived from the rate law's form and is contingent on the overall order of the reaction. Its unit ensures the rate's proper dimensionality (usually mol/L·s). For a second-order reaction, the unit of k would be L/mol·s. The rate constant's importance lies in its ability to offer insights into a reaction's inherent speed. A larger value of k indicates a faster reaction, ceteris paribus. The rate constant, specific to particular conditions like temperature and pressure, also serves as an indicator for comparing the rates of different reactions under similar conditions.

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