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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

16.1.1 Definition of Rate

In the realm of chemical kinetics, delving into the rate of a reaction illuminates the trajectory of reactants as they evolve into products. This concept, while seemingly straightforward, branches into nuances like instantaneous and average rates, the units and dimensions underpinning rate, and methods to unravel rate from experimental observations.

Instantaneous vs. Average Rate

Instantaneous Rate

  • Definition: The rate of reaction at a specific, singular point in time. It sheds light on the behaviour of the reaction at that exact moment.
  • Drawing Parallels with Motion: In physics, the concept of instantaneous speed, such as that of a moving car captured at a precise second, mirrors the idea of instantaneous rate in chemistry.
  • Graphical Interpretation: On a concentration-time graph, the instantaneous rate corresponds to the gradient or slope at a specific time. It's achieved by determining the tangent to the curve at that point and subsequently assessing its gradient.

Case in Point: If one were to inspect a graphical representation detailing the concentration of a reactant over time, the instantaneous rate at, let’s say, t=3s would be demarcated by the gradient of the tangent sketched at t=3s.

Average Rate

  • Definition: This rate doesn’t narrow down to a moment but spans over a designated time interval. It encapsulates the overall tempo of the reaction during that duration.
  • Formula for Clarity: Average rate = (Change in concentration) ÷ (Elapsed time)
  • Practical Insight: An average rate offers a panoramic view, painting a broader picture of the reaction's pace, unlike the instantaneous rate, which zooms into a micro-moment.

Illustration: Should the concentration of reactant wane by 0.05mol/L over a stretch of 12 seconds, the average rate throughout this span is 0.0042mol/L/s.

Units and Dimensions of Rate

A meticulous comprehension of the units affiliated with rate is cardinal for unambiguous and coherent interpretation of data.

  • Standard Unit: Predominantly, the unit for rate is mol/L/s or M/s, signifying the alteration in concentration (quantified in moles per litre) every second.
  • Diverse Scenarios: Depending on the specifics of the study, the unit might deviate. For instance, if studying the dissolution of a solid in a solvent, the unit might be g/L/hr. In enzyme kinetics, often, the rate might be expressed in terms of the product formed, and thus units like μM/min could be encountered.

Pivotal Note: When juxtaposing rates from diverse studies or different sources, maintaining uniformity in units is paramount.

Calculating Rate from Experimental Data

Accurate gleaning of experimental data and its judicious interpretation stand at the core of kinetic studies.

Graphical Approach

  • Concentration-time Graphs: These are quintessential in kinetics. The steepness or gradient of the curve offers insights. For an instantaneous rate, one zeroes in on a particular point sketches a tangent and discerns its gradient. For an average rate, the slope between two time junctures suffices.

Exemplification: On such a graph, if you wish to ascertain the average rate between 0 and 4 seconds, you'd subtract the concentrations at these two instants and divide by the time interval, which in this case is 4 seconds.

  • Rate-concentration Graphs: Beyond just rates, these are instrumental in deducing the reaction order. The gradient or the specific pattern of the curve can unearth aspects of the reaction's inherent kinetics.

Tabular Method

  • A more traditional yet effective approach involves tabulating data at routine intervals.
  • To calculate the average rate between two temporal landmarks:Average rate = (Concentration difference between the two points) ÷ (Time interval)

Demonstration: A table might chronicle concentration metrics at intervals of 0, 2, 4, and 6 seconds. To compute the average rate between 2 and 4 seconds, one would subtract the concentrations at these points and divide by the interval duration, which here is 2 seconds.

Considerations to Bear in Mind

  • Data Precision: Ensuring that your readings and measurements are spot-on and consistent is the linchpin for trustworthy rate calculations.
  • Replication: To ward off aberrations and elevate the dependability of the rate discerned, conducting multiple iterations of the experiment is prudent.
  • External Dynamics: Always be vigilant about external catalysts like temperature fluctuations or atmospheric pressure, which might surreptitiously influence the reaction rates.


The rate is often measured early in a reaction because, at the start, the concentration of reactants is at its maximum, providing the maximum possible rate (initial rate). As the reaction progresses, reactants are consumed, reducing their concentrations, and typically, the rate slows down. Measuring the initial rate ensures that the measurement is less influenced by factors like reverse reactions or secondary reactions that might be negligible at the beginning but become significant as reactant concentrations decrease.

The rate of a reaction, as commonly defined, cannot be negative. Rates describe how concentrations change over time, and a negative rate would imply that the concentration of a product or reactant is decreasing as the reaction progresses, which is counterintuitive. However, when discussing the rate of decrease of reactants, a negative sign is sometimes used to indicate the consumption of the reactant. In such contexts, it's essential to clarify that the "negative rate" refers to the decreasing concentration of a substance being used up.

Temperature plays a pivotal role in influencing the rate of a reaction. As temperature increases, the kinetic energy of the particles also increases, causing them to move faster. This increase in motion leads to a higher frequency of collisions between reactant particles. Moreover, a greater fraction of these collisions have the necessary energy to overcome the activation energy of the reaction. This dual effect of increased collision frequency and more effective collisions leads to a noticeable increase in reaction rate with a rise in temperature. However, it's worth noting that the exact relationship between temperature and reaction rate can vary depending on the reaction being studied.

The rate of many reactions is directly proportional to the concentration of the reactants. This is because, as the concentration of reactants increases, there are more particles available to react per unit volume, leading to a higher likelihood of effective collisions between reacting particles. Consequently, the reaction proceeds faster. The specific relationship between concentration and rate is detailed by the rate law and the order of the reaction with respect to each reactant, which quantifies this dependence.

Distinguishing between instantaneous and average rates is crucial because they offer different insights into the reaction's progress. An average rate provides a general overview of the reaction's speed over a given time interval, while the instantaneous rate offers a snapshot of the rate at a specific moment. This distinction can be vital in studying reactions that slow down or speed up over time. Knowing the instantaneous rate can help chemists pinpoint stages in a reaction where things might change rapidly, whereas average rates are beneficial for general assessments of a reaction's overall speed.

Practice Questions

In an experiment to study the rate of reaction between hydrogen and oxygen gases, data was collected to plot a concentration-time graph. How would you determine the instantaneous rate of the reaction at a time t = 5s?

The instantaneous rate of a reaction at a specific time can be determined using a concentration-time graph by drawing a tangent to the curve at that specific time and calculating its gradient. For t = 5s, I would pinpoint the exact spot on the graph corresponding to this time, draw a tangent at this point, and then determine its slope. The gradient of this tangent represents the rate of reaction at t = 5s. It's crucial to ensure that the tangent is accurately drawn for precise results.

Given a tabulated data set indicating concentrations of a reactant at different time intervals, describe the method to ascertain the average rate of reaction between two-time intervals.

To determine the average rate of reaction between two-time intervals from tabulated data, subtract the concentrations of the reactant at the start and end of the interval and then divide by the duration of the interval. Specifically, the formula for the average rate is "'average rate = change in concentration/change in time". By using the concentrations listed in the data set for the specific time intervals, one can calculate the average rate of reaction over that period. Ensure that units are consistent throughout the calculation to provide an accurate measure of the reaction's average rate.

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