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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

14.2.1 Basics of Hybridization

Hybridisation, a cornerstone concept in the realm of molecular chemistry, delves into the intricate processes by which atomic orbitals intermix, resulting in the emergence of new, hybrid orbitals. This molecular metamorphosis holds the key to demystifying molecular geometries and bonding characteristics inherent in complex molecules.

Formation and Nature of Hybrid Orbitals

Atoms do not utilise their native atomic orbitals to form covalent bonds. Instead, these orbitals morph, blending together, to forge new hybrid orbitals. This transformation ensures the effective overlap of orbitals, fostering stable bond formation.

  • sp Hybridization:
    • Formation: An s and a p orbital from the same energy level merge.
    • Result: Two sp orbitals are birthed, oriented 180° apart.
    • Characteristics: Linear configuration with bond angles of precisely 180°.
    • Examples: BeCl₂ with its linear shape and CO₂, where the oxygen atoms are diametrically opposed.
  • sp2 Hybridization:
    • Formation: One s and two p orbitals fuse.
    • Result: This union begets three sp2 hybrid orbitals.
    • Characteristics: They fan out in a trigonal planar shape, establishing bond angles of around 120°.
    • Examples: Molecules like BF₃ exhibit this type, as does ethene (C₂H₄), a foundational compound in organic chemistry.
  • sp3 Hybridization:
    • Formation: A solitary s and three p orbitals from the same shell intertwine.
    • Result: This generates four sp3 orbitals.
    • Characteristics: These orbitals converge in a tetrahedral design, with internal angles measuring approximately 109.5°.
    • Examples: Methane (CH₄) demonstrates this form, as does water (H₂O), a molecule integral to life.

Elucidating Geometry and Bond Angles Through Hybridisation

The molecular layout, a fundamental trait, is profoundly influenced by the orientation of its hybrid orbitals and the intrinsic angles between these orbitals:

  • Linear Geometry (sp hybridisation): The elegance of simplicity is evident in this geometry, embraced by molecules ensconced between two atoms. The resulting straight angle of 180° offers a stark contrast to more complex configurations.
  • Trigonal Planar Geometry (sp2 hybridisation): A central atom, encircled by three others, crafts this shape. The bond angles, roughly 120°, forge a flat, equilateral triangle.
  • Tetrahedral Geometry (sp3 hybridisation): Tetrahedral molecules have a central atom orbited by four others. The bond angles, circling around 109.5°, are a testament to nature's pursuit of symmetry and balance. Importantly, if lone pairs replace some atoms, the molecular shape deviates, but the core electron geometry remains tetrahedral.

Why is Hybridisation Pivotal in Molecular Interpretation?

Delving into hybridisation is akin to unlocking the secrets of the molecular universe. It offers a lens to view, understand, and even predict the diverse geometrical vistas of molecules.

  • Predictive Prowess: Hybridisation serves as a compass. For instance, discerning sp2 hybridisation in a molecule's carbon atom foretells a trigonal planar configuration.
  • Deciphering Bond Metrics: These hybrid orbitals are instrumental in decoding bond strengths and lengths. To illustrate, in ethene, the sigma bond between carbons, crafted by the fusion of two sp2 hybrid orbitals, surpasses in strength and compactness compared to the bond in ethane, sculpted by two sp3 orbitals.
  • Spectroscopic Significance: Spectroscopy, the study of the interaction between matter and radiated energy, finds an ally in hybridisation. Techniques like Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) lean heavily on hybridisation. Different hybrid environments resonate distinct signals, simplifying molecular identification.
  • Chemical Reactivity: The type of hybridisation can give clues about the molecule's reactivity. For instance, sp hybridised carbons, being more electronegative, can participate in reactions differently compared to sp3 hybridised carbons.
  • Bridge to Advanced Concepts: Hybridisation serves as a foundation, preparing students for advanced concepts like molecular orbital theory, which offers a more detailed and nuanced view of molecular bonding.


Yes, there are scenarios where hybridisation doesn't align with observed molecular shapes. For instance, in diatomic oxygen (O₂), both oxygen atoms showcase a double bond, comprising one sigma and one pi bond. However, this molecule is best described using the concept of molecular orbital theory rather than hybridisation. Another example is BeCl₂, where linear geometry is often described via sp hybridisation, but some theories suggest pure p orbitals could be involved without the necessity of invoking hybridisation.

The concept of sp⁴ hybridisation might seem plausible since carbon has s and three p orbitals. However, sp⁴ hybridisation implies the mixing of one s orbital and four p orbitals. Since carbon (or any second-period element) only possesses three available p orbitals, sp⁴ hybridisation is not feasible. In essence, the maximum number of orbitals that can hybridise in these elements is four (one s and three p), culminating in sp3 hybridisation.

Hybridisation substantially impacts bond strengths. Generally, the higher the s-character in the hybrid orbital, the shorter and stronger the bond. This is because s orbitals are closer to the nucleus than p orbitals, resulting in greater nuclear attraction for electrons in s orbitals. For example, the carbon-carbon bond in ethyne (acetylene) with sp hybridisation is shorter and stronger than the carbon-carbon bond in ethene (ethylene) with sp2 hybridisation, which is again shorter and stronger than the bond in ethane with sp3 hybridisation.

In molecules such as water (H₂O), hybridisation factors in both bonding and lone pair electrons. Water uses sp3 hybridisation but, unlike methane (CH₄), only two of the hybrid orbitals form sigma bonds with hydrogen atoms. The other two house the lone pairs. Despite these lone pairs, the hybridisation remains tetrahedral in character. However, lone pairs repel more strongly than bonded pairs. As a result, the H-O-H bond angle in water is slightly less than the ideal 109.5° of a perfect tetrahedron, specifically around 104.5°.

The primary motive behind atomic hybridisation is the innate desire to achieve a state of minimum energy, translating into greater stability. When atoms bond, their atomic orbitals merge to create molecular orbitals. In numerous instances, the direct combination of pure atomic orbitals (like s and p) doesn't lead to the most stable configuration. Through hybridisation, the atom can blend different types of orbitals to form hybrid orbitals, which grant the molecule an optimal geometry, thereby minimising electron repulsions and yielding a more stable molecule.

Practice Questions

Describe the differences in bond angles and geometries for molecules exhibiting sp, sp2, and sp3 hybridisation. Provide one example for each type.

Molecules showcasing sp hybridisation exhibit a linear geometry with a bond angle of 180°; a prime example is BeCl₂. Those possessing sp2 hybridisation are typified by a trigonal planar geometry and bond angles approximating 120°, as seen in BF₃. In contrast, molecules displaying sp3 hybridisation embrace a tetrahedral configuration, with bond angles nearing 109.5°; methane (CH₄) is a quintessential representative of this category.

Why is the understanding of hybridisation crucial in predicting molecular shapes, and how does it assist in spectroscopic methods like NMR?

Hybridisation plays a cardinal role in molecular chemistry as it offers a roadmap for predicting molecular geometries. Identifying an atom's hybridisation type provides cues about its resultant bond angles and molecular layout. For instance, recognising sp2 hybridisation in a molecule's atom invariably signals a trigonal planar shape. In the realm of spectroscopy, particularly Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), hybridisation is invaluable. Different hybrid environments emit distinct resonance signals. As such, by gauging an atom's hybridisation, one can extrapolate and identify molecular structures, greatly aiding the interpretative process in NMR spectroscopy.

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