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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

14.1.1 Covalent Bonding and Molecular Structures

The complexity and diversity of molecular structures can be traced back to the covalent bonds holding atoms together. Within this intricate world, sigma and pi bonds play pivotal roles. Additionally, the formal charge of atoms within molecules provides insights into molecular stability and reactivity. Resonance structures further refine our understanding of molecules that cannot be adequately represented by a single structural formula. Let’s dive deeper into these essential aspects of covalent bonding and molecular structures.

Sigma (σ) and Pi (π) Bonds

Origins of Sigma and Pi Bonds

Sigma Bonds (σ):

  • Originating from the Greek letter σ, sigma bonds result from the head-to-head overlap of atomic orbitals. This direct overlap allows for a significant electron density between the atomic nuclei, leading to the formation of a strong bond.

Pi Bonds (π):

  • Named after the Greek letter π, pi bonds arise from the side-to-side overlap of parallel atomic orbitals, most commonly p-orbitals. These bonds are typically found in molecules that feature double and triple bonds.

Detailed Properties of Sigma and Pi Bonds

Sigma Bonds (σ):

  • Strength: Due to their direct orbital overlap, sigma bonds are inherently stronger and more stable than pi bonds.
  • Rotation: Unlike pi bonds, sigma bonds permit free rotation. This characteristic plays a role in the three-dimensional shape of organic molecules, especially in isomers.
  • Orbital Types: While s-s, s-p, and p-p overlap are all possible, the strength and length of the sigma bond can vary depending on the atomic orbitals involved.

Pi Bonds (π):

  • Bond Strength: Being weaker than sigma bonds, pi bonds are more susceptible to breaking under conditions that promote chemical reactions.
  • Restrictions: A defining feature of pi bonds is their restriction of rotation. This is pivotal in cis-trans isomerism in organic chemistry.
  • Electron Cloud: The electrons in a pi bond are located above and below the plane of the bonding atoms, forming an electron cloud.

Formal Charge

Understanding and Calculating Formal Charge

Formal charge offers a tool to determine the charge distribution of an atom within a molecule. Though it doesn’t always represent the true charge, it assists in deducing the most likely arrangement of atoms and bonds in a molecule.

The formula for the formal charge is: Formal Charge = (Number of valence electrons in the atom) - (Number of unbounded electrons) - (½ Number of bonding electrons)

For Instance: In the carbonate ion (CO₃²⁻), calculating the formal charge on each oxygen atom helps in predicting the double and single bonds’ arrangement with the central carbon atom.

Importance of Formal Charge in Molecular Analysis

  • Stability Evaluation: Formal charge serves as an excellent indicator of a molecule's stability. Structures exhibiting formal charges closer to zero typically reflect higher stability.
  • Reactivity Prediction: Atoms within molecules having high or very negative formal charges might display heightened reactivity, becoming focal points for chemical reactions.

Resonance Structures

Grasping Resonance Structures

While Lewis structures provide a representation of molecules, some molecules cannot be depicted accurately by a single Lewis structure. In these cases, multiple structures, called resonance forms, are drawn to represent the molecule's electronic configuration.

For instance, benzene (C₆H₆) can't be described by a single structure with alternating double and single bonds. Instead, two resonance structures with equivalent double bonds at alternating positions are used to represent its bonding scheme.

Deciphering the Implications of Resonance

  • True Nature of Molecules: Resonance emphasises that real molecules aren’t accurately captured by a single structure. Instead, they're a hybrid or average of all possible resonance forms.
  • Stability and Energy: Resonance typically endows molecules with extra stability. This is because the molecule's energy is lower than the energy of any individual resonance form.
  • Chemical Properties: Resonance can dramatically affect the molecule’s properties, including its reactivity. For example, benzene's resonance imparts it with a stability that makes it less reactive than other alkenes.


Calculating the formal charge on an atom helps in determining the most appropriate Lewis structure for a molecule. A molecule's most stable Lewis structure typically has formal charges closest to zero for all its atoms. Additionally, if there is any charge, it should reside on the atom that can best accommodate it, based on electronegativity. By evaluating formal charges, one can also predict the likely sites for reactivity in the molecule and make insightful judgements about the molecule's overall stability.

Sigma (σ) and pi (π) bonds are fundamentally different in their formation. Sigma bonds are formed from the direct, head-to-head overlap of atomic orbitals and lie along the axis connecting the two bonding nuclei. In contrast, pi bonds result from the side-to-side overlap of parallel atomic orbitals, creating an electron cloud above and below this axis. Since they occupy different spatial regions and don't interfere with each other, a molecule can possess both sigma and pi bonds simultaneously without conflict.

Resonance effectively delocalises electrons over a larger region of the molecule, rather than confining them between two specific atoms. This electron delocalisation leads to a lowering of the molecule's energy, making it more stable. Additionally, the actual molecule is a hybrid of all its resonance forms, meaning its actual energy is even lower than any individual resonance form would suggest. This added stability can influence the molecule's chemical reactivity. For instance, benzene, which exhibits resonance, is less reactive than expected for an alkene due to its increased stability from resonance.

The restriction in rotation around double bonds arises from the presence of a pi (π) bond alongside a sigma (σ) bond. In a single bond, which consists only of a sigma bond, the orbital overlap is head-to-head, enabling free rotation. However, a pi bond, formed due to side-to-side overlap of p-orbitals, creates an electron cloud above and below the plane of the bonded atoms. This electron cloud acts as a barrier, preventing the bonded atoms from rotating freely around the bond axis.

When a molecule exhibits resonance, it means the molecule does not adhere strictly to a single Lewis structure but is better represented as an average of all its resonance forms. This averaging effect is often evident in bond lengths. For instance, in the benzene molecule, the carbon-carbon bonds are intermediate in length between a single and a double bond. This is due to the resonance structures of benzene, where alternating single and double bonds are depicted. Hence, resonance can make a molecule's physical properties differ from what one might expect from a single, canonical Lewis structure.

Practice Questions

Explain the primary differences between sigma (σ) and pi (π) bonds in terms of formation, strength, and rotational properties.

Sigma bonds are formed through the head-to-head overlap of atomic orbitals, leading to a significant electron density between the atomic nuclei. This direct overlap results in sigma bonds being inherently stronger and more stable than pi bonds. Moreover, sigma bonds permit free rotation around them. In contrast, pi bonds arise from the side-to-side overlap of parallel atomic orbitals, typically found in molecules with double or triple bonds. They are weaker than sigma bonds and restrict rotation, which is pivotal in observing phenomena such as cis-trans isomerism in organic compounds.

A molecule is depicted with two separate Lewis structures. What does this signify and how does it relate to resonance structures? Elaborate on its importance in molecular stability.

This depiction indicates that the molecule exhibits resonance. Resonance structures are multiple Lewis structures used to represent a molecule's electronic configuration when a single Lewis structure is insufficient. The actual molecule is a hybrid or average of all possible resonance forms. Resonance is crucial for understanding molecular stability, as it typically provides the molecule with enhanced stability. This is because the actual energy of the molecule is lower than the energy of any individual resonance form. Such stability implications can also influence the molecule's chemical reactivity, as seen in compounds like benzene, which is less reactive due to its resonance.

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