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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

11.1.1 Types of Errors in Measurements

Scientific measurements underpin much of our understanding of the world. In this pursuit, errors, though inevitable, are important to grasp. Recognising the types and causes of these errors is pivotal in refining methods, ensuring reliable results, and establishing trust in data.

Systematic Errors

Systematic errors, as the name suggests, occur in a consistent and predictable manner every time a measurement is taken. They push results in a specific direction, either higher or lower than the true value.


1. Instrumental errors: Every tool or device, no matter how sophisticated, has its limitations.

  • Example: A thermometer that hasn't been calibrated might consistently read temperatures 2°C too high. Thus, all temperature measurements taken with this thermometer will be offset by this consistent error.

2. Observational errors: Humans, by nature, are prone to making subjective interpretations.

  • Example: When using a burette in a titration experiment, the level of the liquid might be read at the top of the meniscus by one individual and the bottom by another. Understanding the concept of stoichiometry can aid in mitigating the impact of such errors by ensuring precise chemical calculations.

3. Environmental errors: The world around us is in constant flux, and this can impact measurements.

  • Example: A gas collected might be slightly more or less than expected due to changes in atmospheric pressure on that particular day. This variability underscores the importance of calculating pH accurately in experiments involving gases and solutions.

4. Theoretical errors: Assumptions and models, though robust, are not infallible.

  • Example: Ideal gas laws work well under many conditions, but extreme pressures or temperatures can lead to deviations from expected behaviours. In this context, understanding emission spectrum and ionization energy can help explain some discrepancies in experimental data.


1. Calibration: Regularly updating and checking instruments ensures they measure true values.

  • Example: Use known standard solutions to calibrate a pH meter before a set of measurements.

2. Training: Equipping individuals with proper skills and awareness can reduce subjective errors.

  • Example: Instructing students on how to correctly read a graduated cylinder from eye level can minimise parallax errors.

3. Controlled environment: Create a stable setting for experiments.

  • Example: Conduct sensitive reactions in a temperature-controlled room or water bath.

4. Use of standard methods: Implementing universally accepted procedures ensures consistency.

  • Example: Always using a burette to measure liquid volumes in titration ensures uniformity in technique. Familiarity with rate equations is crucial for experiments that depend on reaction rates.

Random Errors

Random errors are the unpredictable ones. They introduce variability and scatter into the measurements without a consistent bias.


1. Instrument limitations: Even the most advanced tools aren't immune to slight inconsistencies.

  • Example: Digital balances might occasionally fluctuate between two readings due to minute vibrations.

2. Observer variation: Even well-trained individuals can have slight variations in readings.

  • Example: Two lab technicians might register slightly different colours when determining an endpoint in a titration.

3. Environmental fluctuations: Unpredictable, minute changes can introduce errors.

  • Example: A slight draft in the lab could alter the weight measurement of a lightweight sample on balance.

4. Sample impurities: Especially in chemistry, the purity of a substance plays a pivotal role.

  • Example: If a solid sample being analysed has moisture, it might lead to higher weight readings. The purity of samples is fundamental, as illustrated in discussions on uncertainty.

How to Minimise:

1. Repetition: Increase the number of trials to ensure a better average value.

  • Example: Taking multiple readings of a sample's weight and calculating the mean can reduce the impact of outlier values.

2. Improved instrument precision: Invest in better tools where possible.

  • Example: Switching from a beaker to a volumetric flask for precise volume measurements.

3. Standardised procedures: Strictly following a set protocol minimises variations.

  • Example: Using a stopwatch to ensure a reaction always occurs for the exact same duration.

4. Cross-checking: Employ different methods to verify results.

  • Example: To determine the concentration of acid, one might use both a titration method and a pH meter.

Difference Between Accuracy and Precision

  • Accuracy: This concept deals with how close a measured value is to the true or accepted value. An archer hitting the bullseye consistently is an analogy for high accuracy.
  • Precision: This is about consistency. If the archer's arrows are all closely grouped, even if away from the bullseye, they're precise.

Drawing a distinction between these is essential. In the lab, a set of measurements can be highly precise, indicating good reproducibility, but they could still be inaccurate if there's a systematic error at play. Conversely, a set of measurements could be accurate on average but show a lot of variability, suggesting a high degree of random errors.


No, a precise set of data only indicates that your method is consistent and reproducible. It doesn't necessarily imply that the method is flawless or free from errors. There might still be systematic errors embedded within the method, which could result in data that is consistently off from the true value (hence lacking in accuracy). It's essential to cross-check results using different methods or tools and ensure that instruments are correctly calibrated to ensure both precision and accuracy in experimental data.

With advancements in technology and the incorporation of automated systems, the impact of observational errors has diminished. Automated systems are designed to consistently perform tasks without the biases and subjective interpretations that humans might introduce. For instance, an automated titration system can detect the endpoint using precise sensors, eliminating the potential error a human might make in judging the colour change. However, it's essential to remember that while automation reduces human-induced observational errors, it might introduce its own set of instrumental or software-related systematic errors. Thus, regular calibration and system checks remain crucial.

Theoretical errors arise when assumptions or models used don't hold up perfectly in practice. In some cases, acknowledging these errors can lead to advancements in understanding and refining theories. For instance, discrepancies between experimental data and predictions based on classical physics led to the development of quantum mechanics. While the term "error" often has negative connotations, theoretical discrepancies can serve as windows into deeper understanding or new scientific frontiers. Therefore, in some scenarios, theoretical errors can indeed be beneficial by highlighting areas where current theories or models might need revision or refinement.

Having multiple measurements that are precise means that your results are consistent and reproducible. This suggests that the method or procedure you are using is reliable and any systematic errors are consistent across the measurements. Such consistent data can often help in identifying and correcting systematic errors. On the other hand, if data is accurate but not precise, it means that while, on average, the measurements might be close to the true value, the individual measurements are scattered. This scattering indicates that there are unpredictable, random errors at play, which are often more challenging to identify and correct than systematic ones.

Environmental errors in the lab typically revolve around controlled conditions that might fluctuate slightly. These can include temperature variations from air conditioning units, slight drafts affecting the balance, or ambient light affecting photometric measurements. Labs are generally designed to minimise these factors, but they can't be eliminated completely. On the other hand, field experiments face a broader range of environmental factors. These can include weather conditions, wildlife interference, soil moisture variations, and even human disturbances. Consequently, the unpredictability and variability of conditions in field experiments often make environmental errors more pronounced and challenging to control than in a lab setting.

Practice Questions

Distinguish between systematic errors and random errors, providing an example of each. How might one correct or minimise the impact of these errors in a chemistry experiment?

Systematic errors are consistent and predictable errors that recur every time a measurement is taken, skewing results in a particular direction. An example is a balance that hasn't been zeroed, which could always give readings that are slightly too high. This error can be corrected through calibration. On the other hand, random errors are unpredictable fluctuations in measurements which can arise due to reasons such as instrumental limitations or environmental fluctuations. For example, slight variations in room temperature can cause minor inconsistencies in readings. One way to minimise random errors is by taking multiple measurements and calculating an average, which can give a more reliable result.

Elucidate the difference between accuracy and precision using a titration experiment as an example. How might a high degree of one not necessarily imply a high degree of the other?

Accuracy refers to how close a measured value is to the true or accepted value, while precision pertains to how closely individual measurements agree with one another. In a titration experiment, if a student consistently determines the concentration of a solution to be 1.05 mol/L across several trials when the actual concentration is 1.00 mol/L, their results are precise (since they are consistent) but not accurate (since they deviate from the true value). On the other hand, if the student's results fluctuate between 0.95 mol/L and 1.05 mol/L over multiple trials, with an average of 1.00 mol/L, they have accuracy (the average is close to the true value) but less precision (due to the variability in results).

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