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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

10.2.4 Halogenoalkanes

Halogenoalkanes, once known as haloalkanes, are pivotal in organic chemistry. These compounds, consisting of an alkane carbon backbone and halogen atoms, offer a rich tapestry of reactions and are indispensable in many industries. For a broader understanding of organic compounds, exploring functional groups provides foundational knowledge.

Nomenclature and General Properties


In the realm of halogenoalkanes, the nomenclature is systematic, reflecting both the position and type of halogen attached:

  • Prefix system: The type of halogen present determines the prefix, which can range from fluoro- to chloro-, bromo-, and iodo-.
  • Numbering system: For halogenoalkanes with longer carbon chains, numbers are employed to delineate the halogen's position.
    • For example, CH3CH2CH2Br becomes 1-bromopropane. It's helpful to understand the structure of alkanes for comparative purposes.
  • Complex structures: For molecules with multiple types of halogens or when the halogen is on a branched chain, combined naming conventions are used.
    • E.g., CH3CH(Br)CH2Cl would be named 2-bromo-1-chloropropane.

General Properties

The properties of halogenoalkanes are influenced by the nature and number of halogens:

  • Physical State: Mostly, halogenoalkanes are colourless liquids or solids. However, larger molecules or those with more halogens have higher boiling points due to increased van der Waals forces.
  • Density: Denser than hydrocarbons, they're lighter than water, influenced by the specific halogens they contain.
  • Solubility: While they shun water due to their largely non-polar nature, halogenoalkanes find solace in organic solvents owing to their similar intermolecular forces. Their behaviour contrasts with that of alcohols, which have different solubility properties due to their polar hydroxyl groups.
  • Polarity: They do exhibit some polarity, a result of the electronegativity difference between carbon and halogens. However, their polarity pales in comparison to compounds like alcohols or amines. However, their polarity pales in comparison to compounds like alcohols or amines.
  • Reactivity: Generally, their reactivity is determined by the carbon-halogen bond strength, with C-I being the weakest and thus most reactive.

Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions

These reactions are a hallmark of halogenoalkanes, showcasing their versatility:


  • Step 1 - Attack: The nucleophile, with its electron-rich centre, makes a beeline for the slightly positive carbon bonded to the halogen.
  • Step 2 - Transition: As the nucleophile nears, a transient state emerges. The carbon forms a bond with the nucleophile, concurrently weakening its bond with the halogen.
  • Step 3 - Departure: Eventually, the halogen decides to leave, making its exit as a halide ion. In its place, the nucleophile forms a stable bond with the carbon.

Factors Influencing the Reaction

Several factors can accelerate or hinder this reaction:

  • Nature of the Halogen: Iodides, having weaker C-I bonds, react swifter than bromides or chlorides.
  • Nucleophile Strength: Nucleophiles like the hydroxide ion (OH-) often hasten the reaction compared to milder ones like water.
  • Solvent Choice: Polar solvents can influence the rate, depending on their ability to interact with both nucleophiles and substrate. For instance, polar protic solvents can slow down reactions by solvating and thus 'shielding' the nucleophile.
  • Steric Hindrance: Halogenoalkanes with bulky groups close to the halogen react slower due to spatial constraints.


Halogenoalkanes, especially chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other halogenated compounds, have been a significant environmental concern due to their role in ozone layer depletion. When these compounds are released into the atmosphere, they rise and get broken down by UV radiation, releasing halogen atoms. These atoms can catalytically destroy ozone in the stratosphere, leading to the thinning of the ozone layer, which protects Earth from harmful UV radiation. This has led to international agreements like the Montreal Protocol to phase out the production and use of many halogenoalkanes.

Halogenoalkanes can be synthesised from alcohols using halogen acids or phosphorus halides. When alcohol reacts with hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the presence of zinc chloride (a Lewis acid), a chloroalkane is formed. Alternatively, phosphorus halides like phosphorus trichloride (PCl₃) or phosphorus tribromide (PBr₃) can also be used to convert alcohols into the corresponding halogenoalkanes. The choice of reagent often depends on the desired halogen in the final halogenoalkane product.

Tertiary halogenoalkanes tend to undergo elimination reactions more readily than substitution because of steric hindrance. Due to the presence of three bulky alkyl groups attached to the carbon bonded to the halogen, it becomes difficult for a nucleophile to approach and attack this carbon directly. Instead, the base/nucleophile more easily abstracts a proton from a neighbouring carbon, leading to the formation of an alkene (elimination product). This process is favoured over the direct substitution mechanism, especially in polar aprotic solvents and under strong base conditions.

Some halogenoalkanes are chiral because they possess a carbon atom bonded to four different groups or atoms, creating an asymmetric or chiral centre. Due to this asymmetric carbon, these halogenoalkanes can exist in non-superimposable mirror image forms known as enantiomers. Enantiomers have identical physical and chemical properties, except for their behaviour towards plane-polarised light; one enantiomer rotates plane-polarised light clockwise (dextrorotatory), while the other rotates it counterclockwise (levorotatory). The presence of chiral centres in halogenoalkanes and other organic compounds is of particular importance in pharmaceuticals, as different enantiomers can have different biological activities.

Chloroalkanes are generally less reactive in nucleophilic substitution reactions compared to bromoalkanes or iodoalkanes due to the strength of the carbon-halogen bond. The C-Cl bond is shorter and stronger than the C-Br or C-I bond because chlorine is smaller in size compared to bromine and iodine. A shorter and stronger bond is harder for a nucleophile to break, making chloroalkanes less susceptible to nucleophilic attack. On the other hand, the C-Br and C-I bonds are comparatively longer and weaker, making bromoalkanes and iodoalkanes more reactive in nucleophilic substitution reactions.

Practice Questions

Describe the mechanism of nucleophilic substitution reactions of halogenoalkanes. Why are iodides generally more reactive than bromides in these reactions?

The mechanism of nucleophilic substitution reactions of halogenoalkanes involves three main steps. First, the nucleophile, being electron-rich, attacks the slightly positive carbon atom bonded to the halogen. This results in the formation of a transient transition state where the carbon is momentarily bonded to both the nucleophile and the halogen. Finally, the halogen departs as a halide ion, leaving the nucleophile bonded to the carbon. Iodides are generally more reactive than bromides because the C-I bond is weaker than the C-Br bond, primarily due to the larger size of iodine compared to bromine. This weaker bond makes the iodides more susceptible to nucleophilic attack.

Why are halogenoalkanes essential in organic synthesis, and how do their properties make them versatile for the synthesis of various compounds?

Halogenoalkanes play a pivotal role in organic synthesis due to their wide array of reactive capabilities. Their proneness to undergo nucleophilic substitution reactions makes them malleable, enabling them to be transformed into various functional groups, from alcohols to nitriles. Furthermore, halogenoalkanes can be employed to produce Grignard reagents, which are instrumental in forming carbon-carbon bonds - a crucial step in complex organic synthesis. Additionally, the diverse properties of halogenoalkanes, such as their polarity, allow them to be used in different reaction conditions and solvents, making them highly adaptable. This adaptability makes them indispensable in the synthesis of numerous vital organic compounds.

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