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IB DP Biology Study Notes

9.2.3 Active Transport in Phloem

Active transport in phloem represents a fascinating and essential process in plant physiology. This complex mechanism facilitates the movement of sugars produced during photosynthesis from their production sites to where they are needed or stored. The following sections delve into the specific aspects of active transport in phloem and its energy requirements.

Understanding Phloem: Structure and Function

Phloem Composition

  • Sieve Tubes: These are elongated cells with perforated ends that allow the flow of nutrients.
  • Companion Cells: Situated adjacent to sieve tubes, they actively participate in loading sugars.
  • Phloem Parenchyma: These cells aid in storage and are involved in lateral transport.

Function of Phloem

  • Primary Transport System: Phloem transports vital nutrients, especially sugars, throughout the plant.
  • Communication Channel: It also plays a role in transmitting signals and coordinating responses.

Interaction with Other Plant Systems

  • Connection with Xylem: Phloem often works closely with xylem, another vascular tissue, to ensure an effective transport system within the plant.

Active Transport: Definition and Mechanism

  • Definition: Active transport is the process of moving molecules across a membrane against a concentration gradient.
  • Energy Requirement: It requires energy because it works against the natural tendency of molecules to move from a high to a low concentration.

1. Types of Active Transport

  • Primary Active Transport: Utilises energy directly, typically from ATP.
  • Secondary Active Transport: Makes use of an energy gradient created by primary active transport.

2. Importance in Plants

  • Selective Transport: Active transport enables the selective movement of specific molecules.
  • Controlled Movement: It ensures a controlled and purposeful flow of nutrients.

Active Transport in Phloem: A Detailed Look

Loading of Sugars at the Source

  • Sites of Sugar Production: Typically, the leaves are the main source where photosynthesis occurs.
  • Role of Companion Cells: These cells actively move sugars into sieve tubes.
  • Transport Proteins: Specific proteins are involved in this movement, using ATP as an energy source.

Sugar Concentration Gradient Creation

  • Building Gradient: Active transport builds a concentration gradient across the membrane.
  • Maintenance of Gradient: Continuous energy input is required to maintain this gradient.

Sugar Movement into Sieve Tubes

  • Transport Mechanism: Sugars move from companion cells into sieve tubes.
  • Energy Considerations: While the loading into companion cells requires energy, the movement into sieve tubes may occur passively due to the concentration gradient.

The Role of ATP

  • Energy Provider: ATP provides the necessary energy for the active transport process.
  • Conversion of ATP: ATP is converted into ADP and inorganic phosphate, releasing energy.
  • Recharging ATP: Cellular respiration continually replenishes ATP, ensuring a consistent energy supply.

Why Active Transport in Phloem is Indispensable

1. Specificity and Control

  • Controlled Flow: The plant can direct nutrients where needed, adapting to its growth and environmental demands.
  • Specificity: Active transport can be highly specific, moving particular nutrients to exact locations.

2. Adaptation and Regulation

  • Environmental Adaptation: The ability to control nutrient flow allows the plant to adapt to changing environmental conditions.
  • Growth Regulation: Different growth stages may require varied nutrient flow, and active transport provides this flexibility.

3. Energy Efficiency and Conservation

  • Optimized Energy Usage: Though energy-intensive, active transport is highly efficient and aligned with the plant's overall energy management.
  • Resource Conservation: By controlling nutrient flow, the plant can conserve valuable resources, directing them to where they are most needed.


Active transport in phloem is regulated through a combination of hormonal signals, enzyme activity, and interaction with other cellular components. Environmental factors like light, temperature, and soil nutrients can influence this process by affecting the production of sugars or the energy availability for transport. Plants can adapt their nutrient transport mechanisms in response to these external cues, ensuring optimal growth and development.

ATP is needed for active transport in phloem because it provides the energy required to move molecules against their concentration gradient. The hydrolysis of ATP to ADP and inorganic phosphate releases energy used to power transport proteins. While ATP is the primary energy currency in cells, GTP and other high-energy molecules could theoretically function similarly, but ATP is the main energy source used in active transport within plants.

If active transport in phloem is disrupted, sugars and other nutrients will not be efficiently transported from their production sites to where they're used or stored. This could lead to an imbalance in nutrient distribution, negatively affecting growth, energy storage, and overall plant health. In extreme cases, it may cause developmental disorders or the death of certain plant parts.

Active transport in phloem requires energy in the form of ATP to move sugars against a concentration gradient. This is a controlled process, allowing the plant to precisely regulate nutrient flow. Passive transport, on the other hand, doesn't require energy, relying on the natural movement of molecules along a concentration gradient. This leads to a less controlled flow, and it can't move substances against a gradient.

Active transport in phloem is observed in vascular plants, which have specialized tissues for transporting nutrients and water. However, the specific mechanisms and efficiencies of active transport can vary between species and plant groups. For example, different proteins might be involved, or the rate of transport may vary. This reflects the adaptation of different plants to their unique environmental conditions and developmental needs.

Practice Questions

Describe the process of active transport in phloem, specifically focusing on how ATP is utilized to facilitate sugar transport. Use specific examples from plant physiology to illustrate your points.

Active transport in phloem involves the loading of sugars into sieve tubes using ATP as an energy source. In plant leaves, where photosynthesis occurs, sugars are actively transported into companion cells. Specific transport proteins, powered by ATP, facilitate this movement. ATP is converted to ADP and inorganic phosphate, releasing energy for this process. A concentration gradient is thus created, allowing sugars to move into sieve tubes. This enables the plant to move sugars from areas of high concentration (sources) to areas where they are needed or stored (sinks), showcasing the importance of ATP in maintaining a controlled flow of nutrients.

Explain the significance of active transport in phloem for a plant's growth, adaptation, and energy efficiency. Include details about the interaction between different components of the plant's vascular system.

Active transport in phloem is vital for a plant’s growth, adaptation, and energy efficiency. It allows the plant to direct nutrients, especially sugars, to specific locations where they are needed for growth or storage. This controlled flow enables the plant to adapt to environmental conditions and developmental stages. The interaction with xylem, another vascular tissue, ensures efficient water and nutrient transport. Though energy-intensive, active transport is aligned with the plant's overall energy management, optimizing energy usage. By controlling nutrient flow, the plant also conserves resources, reflecting a highly evolved and adaptable biological system that underpins the plant's survival and flourishing.

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