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IB DP Biology Study Notes

9.2.1 Organic Compound Transport

In plants, the intricate system of transporting organic compounds, such as sugars produced through photosynthesis, is fundamental for survival and growth. This process involves moving these compounds from where they are synthesized (sources) to where they are needed or stored (sinks) via the phloem.

Understanding Organic Compounds in Plants

Photosynthesis and Organic Compound Production

  • Photosynthesis: This biochemical process occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells, where light energy is converted into glucose, a primary organic compound that serves as a source of energy and structural material. For a deeper understanding of the building blocks of these organic compounds, consider exploring the role of carbohydrates and lipids in plant cells.
  • Other Organic Compounds: Besides glucose, plants produce organic compounds like amino acids, lipids, and secondary metabolites like alkaloids and flavonoids, all of which have specific roles and must be transported to specific areas of the plant.

Source and Sink Concept

  • Source: These are the areas where organic compounds are produced, such as mature leaves during photosynthesis, where sunlight is abundant.
  • Sink: The sinks are areas where these compounds are consumed, modified, or stored, such as roots, fruits, growing tips, and young leaves.
  • Transport Direction: Organic compounds always move from source to sink, though the specific sources and sinks can change according to the plant’s developmental stage or the season.

Phloem Structure and Function

Structure of Phloem

  • Sieve Tube Elements: These cells are aligned end-to-end to form the sieve tube, which acts as the main transport channel for organic compounds. The ends of the sieve tube elements contain perforated sieve plates, allowing flow between elements.
  • Companion Cells: These cells are closely connected to sieve tube elements and assist in the transport and maintenance of sieve tube function.
  • Plasmodesmata: These are microscopic channels that allow communication and transport between different plant cells, contributing to the overall transportation system. This system is crucial not just for organic compounds but also for water and mineral ions, as detailed in our discussion on the active uptake of mineral ions.

Function of Phloem

  • Transport of Sugars: Phloem primarily transports sucrose, a disaccharide sugar derived from glucose, as it's stable and non-reactive.
  • Multidirectional Flow: The flow of organic compounds in phloem is not restricted in one direction; it can be upward, downward, or lateral, depending on the plant’s requirements.

Mechanism of Organic Compound Transport

Loading of Organic Compounds at the Source

  • Conversion of Glucose to Sucrose: In source tissues, glucose is often converted into sucrose, a more efficient molecule for transport.
  • Active Transport into Phloem: Using energy in the form of ATP, the plant actively loads sucrose into the sieve tube elements against a concentration gradient.
  • Water Follows by Osmosis: As sucrose concentration increases in the sieve tube, water enters by osmosis, generating turgor pressure that assists in pushing the sap along the tube. Understanding the transport of water in plants provides a fundamental context to this process.

Unloading at the Sink

  • Active or Passive Unloading: Organic compounds can be removed from the phloem actively, with energy expenditure, or passively, depending on the sink’s requirements.
  • Conversion to Required Compounds: Once in the sink, sucrose can be converted into other needed molecules, like starch for storage or metabolised for energy.

Regulation of Transport

  • Environmental Factors: Light intensity, temperature, and water availability can affect the rate and direction of transport.
  • Hormonal Regulation: Plant hormones like auxins and gibberellins play a role in directing the flow and can be utilized to manage growth patterns. The process of photosynthesis, specifically the Calvin cycle, is essential for the synthesis of organic compounds which are then transported throughout the plant.

Challenges and Adaptations

Pathogens and Damage:

  • Plants may face threats like phloem-feeding insects and bacterial infections, and they've developed mechanisms to seal off damaged sections to prevent loss of sap. The plant's response to these challenges can be better understood in the context of transpiration and the cohesion-tension theory, which explain how water movement through plants is integral to their health and response to injury.
  • Seasonal Changes: Different growth or dormant stages require different flows, and plants have adapted to make these adjustments according to the season.


Yes, the direction of transport in the phloem can change, depending on the needs of the plant. During growth periods, sugars might be directed to growing tips. In dormancy, they may be sent to storage organs. The direction can also change daily, depending on photosynthesis rates and other internal and external signals, allowing flexibility in distribution.

In addition to sugars like sucrose, the phloem transports other organic compounds such as amino acids, hormones, and signalling molecules. These substances are essential for growth, development, and response to environmental stimuli, allowing plants to coordinate functions across different tissues and organs.

The phloem's structure adapts to various plant types and environments through differences in thickness, distribution, and arrangement. For example, in desert plants, the phloem may have special adaptations to conserve water. In large trees, additional structural support may be needed. These adaptations ensure that the phloem effectively transports organic compounds in diverse environmental conditions.

When the phloem is damaged, plants can often compensate by rerouting the transport of nutrients through adjacent, undamaged phloem tissues. Additionally, plants may form callus tissue to heal the damaged area. The ability to adapt to phloem damage is crucial to maintain nutrient transport and overall plant health.

Active transport is needed to load sugars into the phloem because it moves the sugars against their concentration gradient. Energy in the form of ATP is used to pump sugars into sieve tube elements at the source, which sets up the hydrostatic pressure gradient necessary to drive the flow of sap towards the sinks.

Practice Questions

Explain how the structure of the phloem supports the process of transporting organic compounds, like sugars, from source to sink in plants. Mention the key components involved.

The phloem's structure is optimised for transporting organic compounds. Sieve tube elements, aligned end-to-end, form the main transport channel. Their ends contain perforated sieve plates that facilitate flow between elements. Companion cells assist in the transport and maintenance of sieve tube function, providing energy and regulation. Plasmodesmata, microscopic channels between plant cells, contribute to overall transport. Together, these elements create a continuous, regulated pathway for the movement of organic compounds like sugars, from production sites (source) to areas of consumption or storage (sink), allowing efficient and flexible transport within the plant.

Describe the process of loading and unloading sucrose in the phloem at the source and sink, respectively. How does this process contribute to the overall transport of organic compounds in the plant?

Loading of sucrose at the source involves active transport into sieve tube elements, using energy in the form of ATP. As sucrose concentration increases, water enters by osmosis, generating turgor pressure that assists in pushing the sap along the tube. Upon reaching the sink, sucrose is unloaded either actively, with energy expenditure, or passively, depending on the requirements. Once in the sink, sucrose can be converted into other needed molecules or stored. This loading and unloading process ensures a constant flow from source to sink, maintaining a concentration gradient that drives the overall transport of organic compounds within the plant.

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