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IB DP Biology Study Notes

7.4.3 Process of Translation

Translation is a vital cellular process that synthesizes proteins by decoding the genetic information carried by mRNA. It is conducted in the ribosomes and involves several complex stages and key molecular components.

Stages of Translation


Initiation is the beginning stage that sets the stage for translation:

  • Formation of the Initiation Complex: This is the assembly of the small ribosomal subunit, mRNA, initiation factors, and the initiator tRNA carrying Methionine (Met) or formylmethionine (fMet) in prokaryotes. The small ribosomal subunit binds to the mRNA's 5' end, ensuring the correct alignment of the start codon.
  • Recognition of Start Codon: The AUG start codon is identified, allowing the initiator tRNA to pair with it through its anticodon. To understand the significance of amino acids in this process, see Amino Acids.
  • Joining of the Large Ribosomal Subunit: The large subunit joins, finalizing the ribosome structure, and the initiation factors are released.


Elongation is the central stage where the polypeptide chain is synthesized:

  • Codon Recognition: An aminoacyl-tRNA with the anticodon complementary to the next codon on the mRNA binds to the ribosome's A-site.
  • Peptide Bond Formation: A peptide bond is formed between the amino acid on the A-site tRNA and the growing polypeptide chain on the P-site tRNA. The ribosomal enzyme peptidyl transferase catalyses this reaction. The structure of proteins being synthesised here is detailed further in Protein Structure.
  • Translocation: The ribosome moves along the mRNA, shifting the tRNAs from A-site to P-site and P-site to E-site, and the E-site tRNA is released.


Termination concludes the translation process:

  • Stop Codon Recognition: One of three stop codons (UAA, UAG, UGA) is reached, halting elongation.
  • Release Factor Binding: A release factor binds to the stop codon, promoting the hydrolysis of the bond linking the polypeptide chain to the tRNA in the P-site.
  • Ribosome Dissociation: The ribosome dissociates into its subunits, releasing the mRNA and the completed polypeptide. For insights into the genetic information's journey from DNA to mRNA before translation, consult Transcription.

Roles in Translation


Ribosomes are cellular machines made of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins. They have two subunits:

  • Small Subunit: It binds to the mRNA and ensures correct codon-anticodon pairing.
  • Large Subunit: It houses the peptidyl transferase enzyme and provides the A, P, and E sites for tRNA binding. It houses the peptidyl transferase enzyme and provides the A, P, and E sites for tRNA binding. The evolution of ribosomes is explored in the context of the Endosymbiotic Theory.


mRNA carries the genetic code from DNA in codons, each coding for a specific amino acid. The process of how this genetic code is duplicated during cell division is elaborated in DNA Replication Process.


tRNA translates the genetic code by carrying the appropriate amino acids to the ribosome. Its unique structure includes:

  • Anticodon Loop: It contains the anticodon, complementary to the mRNA's codon.
  • Acceptor Stem: It binds the specific amino acid corresponding to the anticodon.

Translation Factors

Various translation factors are essential:

  • Initiation Factors: They facilitate the assembly of the initiation complex.
  • Elongation Factors: They assist in tRNA binding and translocation.
  • Release Factors: They facilitate termination.

Other Cellular Components

  • Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases: Enzymes that charge tRNAs with their respective amino acids.
  • ATP and GTP: Energy sources for various stages.

Complexities and Differences in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

Prokaryotic Translation

  • Ribosomes: Slightly smaller with 70S ribosomes.
  • Initiation: May initiate at different codons and use fMet.
  • Polycistronic mRNA: Multiple proteins may be translated from a single mRNA.

Eukaryotic Translation

  • Ribosomes: Slightly larger with 80S ribosomes.
  • Initiation: More complex with additional factors.
  • 5' Cap and Poly-A Tail: Additional mRNA modifications guide the translation process.

Regulation of Translation

The translation is regulated at various levels to ensure efficiency and fidelity:

  • Control of Initiation: Most regulation occurs at the initiation stage through control of initiation factors.
  • Monitoring Quality: Surveillance mechanisms monitor the quality of translation and degrade incorrect products.


If a wrong tRNA binds to the mRNA, it will introduce the wrong amino acid into the polypeptide chain. This can lead to a nonfunctional or malfunctioning protein, potentially causing cellular dysfunction. The accuracy of tRNA binding is ensured by the specific pairing between the anticodon of tRNA and the codon of mRNA, and errors are rare.

Translation is regulated through various mechanisms like initiation factors, elongation factors, and the availability of tRNA and ribosomes. Cells can control the expression of specific proteins by regulating translation initiation, altering the availability of these key components, and through post-translational modifications. The regulation ensures that proteins are synthesized only when and where they are needed.

The start of translation is usually determined by the AUG start codon, which signals the ribosome to begin synthesizing the protein. Specific initiation factors recognize this codon in eukaryotes. The stop of translation occurs when a stop codon (UAA, UAG, or UGA) is reached. Release factors recognize these codons, leading to the disassembly of the ribosome and the release of the newly synthesized polypeptide.

Initiation is the beginning stage, where the ribosomal subunits assemble around the mRNA. Elongation is where amino acids are sequentially added to the growing polypeptide chain by tRNA. Termination occurs when a stop codon is reached, and the newly formed polypeptide is released from the ribosome. The main differences lie in the purpose and mechanisms of each stage, with initiation setting up the translation machinery, elongation building the protein, and termination concluding the process.

A ribosome is a complex molecular machine that serves as the site of protein synthesis in the cell. It reads the mRNA sequence and, with the help of tRNA, assembles the corresponding amino acids into a polypeptide chain. The ribosome has two subunits that hold the mRNA and tRNAs in the correct positions to ensure accurate translation.

Practice Questions

Describe the elongation stage of translation, including the role of tRNA and how the polypeptide chain is formed.

The elongation stage of translation involves the sequential addition of amino acids to the growing polypeptide chain. During this stage, a tRNA with the complementary anticodon to the mRNA codon in the A site of the ribosome binds, carrying the corresponding amino acid. The amino acid in the P site is joined to the new amino acid via a peptide bond, forming a longer polypeptide chain. The ribosome then moves along the mRNA, shifting the tRNA to the E site, where it is released. This process continues until a stop codon is reached.

Explain the initiation stage of translation, highlighting the roles of mRNA, ribosomal subunits, and initiation factors.

The initiation stage of translation is the assembly phase, where the translation machinery comes together to begin protein synthesis. mRNA binds to the small ribosomal subunit, guided by the presence of the AUG start codon. Initiation factors assist in the assembly by ensuring the proper binding of the mRNA and the large ribosomal subunit. The tRNA carrying methionine then aligns with the AUG start codon at the P site of the ribosome, setting the stage for the elongation process. The initiation stage ensures that translation starts at the correct location on the mRNA.

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