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IB DP Biology Study Notes

7.4.1 Translation: From RNA to Protein

Translation is the intricate process in which the genetic information carried by mRNA is interpreted by ribosomes to synthesize a corresponding protein. It's essential to comprehend translation as the link between the nucleotide sequence of mRNA and the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide.

The Essence of Translation

Understanding Translation

  • Definition: Translation is the biological process where an mRNA sequence is read to synthesize a polypeptide.
  • Context: This occurs in the cytoplasm and is a critical aspect of gene expression.

Ribosomes as Protein Factories

  • Location: Ribosomes exist in the cytoplasm and on the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
  • Structure: Ribosomes consist of two subunits, each made up of rRNA and proteins. The large and small subunits clamp around the mRNA.
  • Function: Ribosomes serve as the sites where the mRNA is read, and amino acids are linked together to form a polypeptide chain.

mRNA: The Blueprint for Proteins

  • Role: mRNA serves as the template for translation, containing the sequence information for the desired protein.
  • Codon: A codon is a set of three nucleotides in mRNA corresponding to a specific amino acid.
  • Start and Stop Codons: AUG signals the start of translation, while UAA, UAG, and UGA signal its termination.

Stages of Translation

1. Initiation

  • Formation of the Complex: The small ribosomal subunit, initiator tRNA, and other initiation factors bind to the mRNA.
  • Subunit Joining: The large ribosomal subunit joins to form the full ribosome.
  • Energy Requirement: Initiation requires energy in the form of GTP.

2. Elongation

  • A-Site: The aminoacyl site (A-site) of the ribosome accepts a new tRNA carrying an amino acid.
  • Peptide Bond Formation: A peptide bond is formed between the newly arrived amino acid and the growing chain.
  • Translocation: The ribosome shifts, and the spent tRNA is ejected.
  • Repeat: The process repeats until a stop codon is reached.

3. Termination

  • Stop Codon Arrival: When the ribosome encounters a stop codon, a release factor binds to it.
  • Polypeptide Release: The polypeptide is released, and the ribosomal subunits dissociate.

Complex Nature of Translation

Translation Factors

  • Initiation Factors: Assist in the assembly of the initiation complex.
  • Elongation Factors: Help in the elongation phase by facilitating tRNA entry, peptide bond formation, and translocation.
  • Termination Factors: Aid in recognizing the stop codon and disassembling the machinery.

tRNA: The Translator

  • Anticodon Loop: Carries the three nucleotide anticodon, complementary to the mRNA codon.
  • Acceptor Stem: The 3' end that gets attached to the specific amino acid.
  • Charging: tRNA is charged with its specific amino acid by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase in a process that requires ATP.

Ribosomal Pores and Channels

  • Pores: Allow the entry and exit of tRNA.
  • Channels: Facilitate the exit of the growing polypeptide chain.

Quality Control and Regulation

  • Proofreading: Ribosomes possess mechanisms to ensure the correct pairing of tRNA anticodons with mRNA codons.
  • Regulation: Various signals and factors can regulate translation, allowing cells to control protein synthesis in response to environmental changes.

Post-Translational Modifications

  • Folding: Newly synthesized polypeptides undergo folding, often with the help of chaperone proteins.
  • Modifications: Various chemical modifications, such as phosphorylation or glycosylation, may occur, impacting the protein’s function.


Initiation factors are a group of proteins that assist in the formation of the initiation complex during the first stage of translation. They help in binding the small ribosomal subunit to the mRNA's 5' end, facilitate the joining of the initiator tRNA to the start codon, and assist in the joining of the large ribosomal subunit. Their precise action ensures the correct start site for translation and overall regulation of the process.

There are multiple tRNA molecules for some amino acids due to the degeneracy of the genetic code. This means that some amino acids are coded for by more than one codon. Each of these codons can be recognized by a different tRNA molecule carrying the same amino acid. The presence of multiple tRNAs for the same amino acid allows flexibility and accommodation for different codons that encode the same amino acid, enhancing the efficiency of translation.

The translation is regulated at various stages to ensure that proteins are synthesized when and where needed. Regulation can occur at initiation, where factors control the assembly of the ribosomal complex and the binding to mRNA. Specific molecules can enhance or inhibit this process. During elongation, the availability of amino acids and tRNAs and the phosphorylation of elongation factors can also modulate translation speed. Additionally, the 5' cap and 3' tail of mRNA play roles in stability and translation efficiency, coordinating the synthesis of proteins with cellular needs and conditions.

The genetic code is a set of rules mapping mRNA codons to specific amino acids. There are 64 possible codons and 20 different amino acids. Each codon corresponds to one amino acid, except for three stop codons that signal termination. The specificity of codon-anticodon pairing ensures that the correct amino acid, carried by a specific tRNA, is added to the polypeptide chain. This ensures that the sequence of amino acids matches the sequence of codons in the mRNA.

Ribosomes are complex cellular machines that facilitate translation. They consist of two subunits and serve as the site where tRNA molecules align with mRNA codons. Ribosomes have three binding sites for tRNA – A, P, and E sites – where the tRNAs enter, form peptide bonds, and exit, respectively. Ribosomes provide the structural support and catalytic environment for peptide bond formation between amino acids, allowing for the synthesis of polypeptides.

Practice Questions

Explain the role of tRNA in the process of translation, highlighting its structure and function in the synthesis of polypeptides.

tRNA, or transfer RNA, is instrumental in the process of translation, serving as a link between the mRNA codons and corresponding amino acids. It possesses a cloverleaf structure with a specific anticodon loop that is complementary to an mRNA codon. At the other end of the tRNA molecule, the acceptor stem carries the corresponding amino acid. During translation, tRNA molecules align with mRNA codons at the ribosome, ensuring the correct amino acid is added to the growing polypeptide chain. The precision of this base-pairing ensures the proper sequence of amino acids in the synthesized protein.

Describe the three stages of translation, including initiation, elongation, and termination, and include the involvement of key factors and molecules.

Translation occurs in three primary stages. Initiation involves the formation of a complex consisting of the small ribosomal subunit, initiator tRNA, mRNA, and initiation factors. The large subunit then joins to form the complete ribosome. Elongation is the stage where amino acids are sequentially added to the growing polypeptide chain. During elongation, tRNA molecules enter the A-site of the ribosome, peptide bonds are formed, and the ribosome translocates along the mRNA. Elongation factors aid in this process. Finally, termination occurs when a stop codon is reached. Release factors bind to the stop codon, leading to the release of the polypeptide and disassembly of the translational machinery.

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