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IB DP Biology Study Notes

7.2.3 DNA Replication Process

DNA replication is an intricate and vital biological process, ensuring that genetic information is faithfully duplicated. This section delves into the details of the DNA replication process, including initiation, elongation, and termination. Understanding the semi-conservative model of DNA replication is crucial to grasp how DNA retains its integrity through generations.

Initiation of DNA Replication

Origins of Replication

DNA replication commences at specific regions known as the origins of replication. These are not random sequences but are rich in adenine-thymine (A-T) pairs, which only have two hydrogen bonds, thus easier to break. The structure of DNA itself lays the foundation for understanding why these origins are crucial for replication to begin.

Unwinding the DNA

The enzyme DNA helicase acts like a zipper, breaking the hydrogen bonds between the bases. Topoisomerase releases the tension, preventing tangling or supercoiling. Single-strand DNA-binding proteins (SSBPs) bind to separated strands to maintain their separation and stability. This step is pivotal in the DNA replication process, ensuring the DNA is in the right state for the next phase.

Primer Synthesis

Primase synthesises short RNA primers complementary to the DNA, allowing DNA polymerase to begin its function. The complex of primase with other proteins is often referred to as the primosome. The use of PCR in amplifying DNA mirrors this natural primer synthesis, albeit in a laboratory setting.

Elongation - Leading and Lagging Strand Synthesis

Leading Strand

The synthesis of the new strand, known as the leading strand, occurs continuously in the 5' to 3' direction, as DNA polymerase III reads the template strand in the 3' to 5' direction. It proceeds smoothly and quickly.

Lagging Strand

The lagging strand synthesis is more complex, occurring in small segments called Okazaki fragments. Each fragment needs its own primer, which is then extended by DNA polymerase III.

Okazaki Fragments and RNA Primers

The completion of Okazaki fragments requires removing the RNA primers and replacing them with DNA. DNA polymerase I plays this role, and DNA ligase seals the gaps, forming a continuous strand. Understanding this process further illuminates the intricate mechanisms at play during DNA replication.

Replication Fork and Enzyme Coordination

The replication fork is the site where DNA unwinding and synthesis occur. Enzymes and proteins coordinate in a complex machinery at the fork. Sliding clamps help DNA polymerase maintain contact with the template, enhancing speed and processivity. The role of various enzymes in this process can be likened to the orchestrated effort seen in the immune system defending the body.

Termination of DNA Replication

Termination in Prokaryotes

In prokaryotes, termination occurs when two replication forks meet or when they reach specific termination sequences. Proteins like Tus in E. coli bind to these sequences, blocking further progression.

Termination in Eukaryotes

In eukaryotes, termination is more complicated, especially at the linear chromosome ends or telomeres. The end replication problem causes telomeres to shorten during replication. Telomerase, an enzyme containing an RNA template, synthesises repetitive sequences to extend telomeres, preserving chromosome integrity. Special proteins further protect the telomeres. This complexity is essential for maintaining the integrity of the genome, akin to the constant surveillance and repair mechanisms found within the immune system.

Replication Complex Disassembly

After replication, the replication complex is disassembled. The process involves specific proteins and ATP-dependent processes to remove clamps and other components.

Accuracy and Repair Mechanisms

DNA replication is an accurate process, but mistakes can occur. The proofreading activity of DNA polymerase ensures that wrongly incorporated bases are corrected. In addition, the mismatch repair system identifies and corrects errors that escape proofreading.


DNA replication is initiated at specific sequences known as the origins of replication. Proteins bind to these regions and separate the strands, forming a replication bubble. Within this bubble, DNA helicase unwinds the double helix, and other proteins stabilize the separated strands, allowing the DNA polymerase to synthesize new complementary strands.

DNA ligase is responsible for sealing the nicks between Okazaki fragments on the lagging strand. It creates phosphodiester bonds between the fragments, turning the discontinuous segments into a continuous DNA strand. This ensures the proper formation and integrity of the newly synthesized strand.

Primers are short RNA sequences that provide a starting point for DNA polymerase to begin synthesis. Since DNA polymerase can only add nucleotides to an existing 3' end, primers are synthesized by primase to initiate DNA replication. The primers are later removed and replaced with DNA by other enzymes.

The sliding clamp is a protein complex that encircles the DNA strand and binds DNA polymerase. It maintains the interaction between the DNA and the polymerase, increasing the enzyme's processivity. Essentially, the sliding clamp helps the polymerase to remain attached to the template, facilitating continuous synthesis.

DNA replication in prokaryotes usually initiates at a single origin of replication, forming a single replication bubble, whereas eukaryotes have multiple origins and bubbles. Prokaryotic DNA is circular, without telomeres, while eukaryotic DNA is linear, requiring telomerase for telomere maintenance. Additionally, prokaryotes use a single type of DNA polymerase for replication, while eukaryotes use multiple types, each with specific functions.

Practice Questions

Explain the differences between the leading and lagging strands during DNA replication. Why does the lagging strand require Okazaki fragments?

The leading strand is synthesized continuously in the 5' to 3' direction as DNA polymerase III reads the template strand in the 3' to 5' direction. Conversely, the lagging strand is synthesized discontinuously in short segments called Okazaki fragments, also in the 5' to 3' direction. This difference arises because DNA polymerase can only add nucleotides to the 3' end, and the two template strands are antiparallel. The lagging strand requires Okazaki fragments because it's 3' to 5' orientation on the template strand necessitates synthesizing in short, disjointed segments.

Describe the role of telomerase in eukaryotic DNA replication and why it's significant for maintaining chromosome integrity.

Telomerase plays a vital role in eukaryotic DNA replication by extending telomeres, the repetitive sequences at the ends of linear chromosomes. During replication, the lagging strand's last RNA primer cannot be replaced with DNA, leading to a loss of terminal sequences. This is known as the end replication problem. Telomerase, containing an RNA template, synthesises repetitive sequences to counter this shortening. By preserving telomere length, telomerase prevents the loss of vital genetic information and maintains chromosome integrity. It is particularly significant in highly proliferative cells, like stem cells, where continuous replication could otherwise lead to substantial telomere attrition.

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