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IB DP Biology Study Notes

11.4.4 Polyspermy Prevention Mechanisms

In the intricate process of sexual reproduction, fertilisation is the union of the sperm and egg. This pivotal event must be orchestrated meticulously to ensure the genetic integrity of the offspring. One vital component of this is the prevention of polyspermy – the entrance of multiple sperm into a single egg. Such an occurrence would disrupt the genetic balance, jeopardising the viability of the embryo. Understanding the foundational aspects of spermatogenesis and oogenesis provides a clearer picture of how gametes are prepared for this crucial moment.

Why Polyspermy Needs to be Prevented

To fully appreciate the significance of polyspermy prevention, one must understand the dire implications of its occurrence. The fusion of multiple sperm cells with an egg would yield a zygote with more than the typical diploid number of chromosomes. This abnormal chromosomal arrangement would result in:

  • Non-viable offspring: Most polyspermic embryos do not develop beyond the earliest stages of embryogenesis.
  • Genetic disorders: On rare occasions, if the embryo does develop, the resulting offspring may exhibit severe congenital abnormalities or syndromes. These disorders can be further studied in the context of cell differentiation, which is pivotal in embryonic development.

Fast Block to Polyspermy

The initial line of defence against polyspermy is the fast block, rapid response to the sperm's fusion.

  • Electrical Change: As soon as a sperm makes contact and fuses with the egg, there is an immediate influx of sodium ions into the egg. This surge causes a rapid change in the egg's membrane potential, making it more positive. The new positive charge acts as a deterrent for other positively charged sperm cells.
  • Time Frame: This mechanism is fleeting and only lasts a few seconds to a minute. It acts as a temporary measure until the slow block can take effect.

Slow Block to Polyspermy

Building on the temporary protection of the fast block, the slow block ensures a more prolonged and permanent barrier against additional sperm.

  • Cortical Reaction: The fusion of the sperm with the egg triggers this intricate series of events. Calcium ions stored in the endoplasmic reticulum of the egg are released. These ions stimulate the cortical granules, tiny vesicles located just beneath the egg's plasma membrane, to exocytose their enzymatic contents into the perivitelline space – the region between the egg's plasma membrane and the outer protective layer.
  • Fertilisation Envelope Formation: The enzymes from the cortical granules modify the glycoproteins in the egg's extracellular matrix. This results in the vitelline layer hardening and expanding outwards, forming the fertilisation envelope. This envelope acts as a formidable physical barrier, preventing other sperm from reaching the egg's membrane. The composition and functions of these vital carbohydrates and lipids in the extracellular matrix are crucial for this process.
  • Zona Reaction in Mammals: Unlike many other species, mammalian eggs are surrounded by a thick glycoprotein layer called the zona pellucida. After fertilisation, the same cortical reaction induces changes in this layer, making it impermeable to other sperm.

Supporting Mechanisms in Polyspermy Prevention

These are supplementary strategies that, while not directly preventing polyspermy, reduce the chances of multiple sperm reaching the egg.

  • Sperm Capacitation: Before a sperm can fertilise an egg, it must undergo capacitation. This process, which takes place in the female reproductive tract, strips the sperm of specific proteins, enhancing its ability to fuse with the egg. This ensures only the most competent sperm approaches the egg. This ensures only the most competent sperm approaches the egg. Capacitation highlights the structure and function of the digestive system, as digestive enzymes play a role in preparing the sperm for fertilisation.
  • Maze of the Female Reproductive Tract: The path a sperm must navigate to reach the egg is long and fraught with challenges. The complex structure of the female reproductive system ensures that only the most motile sperm, which are likely healthy, get close to the egg. The immune system also contributes to this selection process, potentially targeting less viable sperm.
  • Biochemical Communication: The egg doesn't remain passive during this process. It releases chemical signals that attract sperm. Once a sperm binds to the egg, these signals may diminish, reducing the egg's allure to subsequent sperm cells.

Variations in Polyspermy Prevention Across Species

  • Birds: Interestingly, avian species commonly experience polyspermy. However, only one sperm nucleus combines with the egg nucleus. The extra sperm nuclei are discarded, ensuring the embryo retains the correct chromosome number.
  • Plants: Flowering plants have a unique fertilisation process. One sperm cell fuses with the egg to form the zygote, while a second sperm combines with two additional nuclei, creating a triploid cell that develops into the nutrient-rich endosperm. Although two sperm cells are involved, this is not considered polyspermy as each sperm has a distinct, predetermined role.


Fish and many aquatic organisms that practise external fertilisation release a vast number of gametes into the water. The sheer number of eggs and sperm released reduces the likelihood of any one egg being fertilised by multiple sperm. Furthermore, eggs of some species have structural barriers, like jelly coats, which can impede sperm penetration, further reducing the risk of polyspermy.

In most animals, polyspermy results in a nonviable embryo due to chromosomal imbalances. However, in certain exceptional cases, like in some molluscs and reptiles, polyspermy is a part of their natural reproductive process. In these instances, the extra paternal genetic material is either discarded or absorbed without affecting embryo viability.

Many plants have evolved mechanisms to prevent polyspermy, ensuring a single pollen tube fertilises the ovule. One such method involves chemical signalling between the ovule and pollen. Once fertilisation occurs, the ovule sends signals that inhibit further pollen tubes from penetrating, preventing multiple fertilisation events.

Polyspermy, or the fusion of multiple sperm with a single egg, disrupts the typical 1:1 ratio of maternal and paternal chromosomes. This results in a triploid zygote, which has an extra set of chromosomes. Such chromosomal imbalance leads to abnormal development and often results in embryo lethality. Ensuring that only one sperm fertilises the egg maintains the correct diploid number of chromosomes vital for normal embryonic development.

Yes, the prevention of polyspermy ensures the proper chromosomal number in the resulting zygote, favouring the production of viable offspring. Organisms with effective polyspermy barriers are more likely to reproduce successfully, passing on their genes to subsequent generations. As such, these mechanisms provide a distinct evolutionary advantage by increasing reproductive success.

Practice Questions

Explain the difference between the fast block and the slow block mechanisms in preventing polyspermy.

The fast block mechanism is an immediate response to sperm fusion with the egg, characterised by an influx of sodium ions into the egg. This surge prompts a rapid alteration in the egg's membrane potential, turning it more positive and thereby repelling other positively charged sperm cells. This action lasts only a short duration. On the other hand, the slow block starts with a cortical reaction, releasing calcium ions. These ions instigate the cortical granules to exude enzymes, leading to the formation of the fertilisation envelope. This envelope acts as a long-lasting physical barrier, preventing further sperm from accessing the egg's membrane.

Discuss how the structure of the female reproductive tract and sperm capacitation contribute to the prevention of polyspermy.

The female reproductive tract is designed as a complex maze, which ensures only the most motile and likely healthy sperm get close to the egg. This complexity acts as a natural filter, reducing the number of sperm that can potentially reach the egg. Additionally, sperm capacitation, occurring within the female reproductive tract, is vital for fertilisation. During capacitation, the sperm loses specific proteins, enhancing its ability to fuse with the egg. This ensures that only the most competent sperm, having undergone this process, can effectively bind and penetrate the egg, further reducing the risk of polyspermy.

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