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IB DP Biology Study Notes

11.4.3 Internal and External Fertilisation

The fusion of male and female gametes, known as fertilisation, occurs in varied environments across the animal kingdom. The two primary modes are internal and external fertilisation, each bearing its unique characteristics and evolutionary implications.

Internal Fertilisation

  • Definition: Internal fertilisation involves the fusion of gametes inside the female's body. It's especially common among terrestrial animals due to the challenges presented by external environments.
    • Advantages:
      • Protection: Embryos are shielded from environmental elements such as temperature extremes, harmful radiation, predators, and drying out.
      • Higher Zygote Survival Rate: By avoiding the external environment, fewer gametes are wasted, ensuring a higher probability of successful fertilisation.
      • Parental Care: Internal fertilisation can lead to evolved behaviours or anatomical structures that provide direct nourishment, protection, and care for the embryo. This can be in the form of placental structures or specialised nesting behaviours.
    • Disadvantages:
      • Fewer Offspring: Internal fertilisation often results in fewer offspring at a time compared to external methods.
      • Energy-Intensive: Mating rituals, courtship behaviours, copulation, and subsequent care of offspring require substantial energy and resources.
      • Complexity: Requires evolved physiological structures like reproductive tracts, organs, and sometimes sophisticated behaviours for successful copulation.
    • Examples:
      • Mammals: Fertilisation occurs within specialised reproductive tracts. In humans, the sperm travels up the cervix to meet the ovum within the fallopian tube.
      • Reptiles and Birds: They might lay eggs, but these are already fertilised internally. The shell encasing these eggs is a protective layer added post-fertilisation, allowing the embryo to develop in relative safety.

External Fertilisation

  • Definition: External fertilisation refers to the fusion of gametes outside the bodies of the participants. This method is typically seen in aquatic environments.
    • Advantages:
      • Mass Reproduction: Species can produce vast numbers of offspring rapidly, compensating for the higher risks associated with this method.
      • Energetic Efficiency: The absence of mating rituals, copulation, or direct post-fertilisation care means less energy is expended.
      • Genetic Diversity: With numerous gametes mixing in the environment, there's a higher chance of genetic diversity, potentially leading to greater adaptability for populations.
    • Disadvantages:
      • Environmental Vulnerability: Exposed to threats like predators, diseases, and abrupt environmental changes, many gametes and embryos may not survive.
      • Gamete Wastage: Due to the unpredictability of the external environment, many gametes might not meet and fuse, leading to wastage.
      • Less Control: Organisms have less control over the fertilisation process, leaving much to environmental conditions.
    • Examples:
      • Fish: In a process known as "spawning," many species release eggs and sperm simultaneously into the water, hoping some will meet and fuse.
      • Amphibians: Creatures like frogs and salamanders deposit their eggs in aquatic environments, where they're subsequently fertilised by the male.

Factors Influencing Fertilisation Type

  • Environmental Conditions: The medium in which an organism lives greatly influences fertilisation type. Water provides a convenient medium for gametes to mix, favouring external fertilisation. In contrast, terrestrial environments with desiccation risks favour internal methods.
  • Mobility of Organisms: Highly mobile species can engage in intricate mating rituals and behaviours conducive to internal fertilisation. Conversely, sessile or limited-mobility species might rely more on external methods.
  • Anatomical Adaptations: Evolution has sculpted species to have specific reproductive structures favouring their primary fertilisation mode. Copulatory organs in some animals, for instance, have evolved specifically for internal fertilisation.
  • Reproductive Strategy: An organism's evolutionary strategy can dictate fertilisation mode. Species might favour producing numerous offspring with less direct care (r-strategy), common in external fertilisation. Others might opt for fewer, well-cared-for offspring (K-strategy), leaning towards internal methods.

Impact on Evolution and Behaviour

  • Mating Behaviours: Species with internal fertilisation have evolved intricate behaviours to ensure successful mate selection and copulation. This includes courtship dances, songs, and battles.
  • Parental Care Evolution: The potential vulnerability of internally-fertilised offspring has led to evolved behaviours in many species, ranging from nesting to feeding and protecting young.
  • Evolution of Reproductive Structures: Over aeons, organisms have developed reproductive structures that maximise their fertilisation method's success. This includes the evolution of gametes themselves, with characteristics like mobility in sperm or nutrient-rich cytoplasm in ova.


Terrestrial environments present challenges like desiccation and temperature fluctuations that make external fertilisation less viable. Eggs released externally could quickly dry out or fail to meet with sperm in such settings. Therefore, internal fertilisation provides a protective environment inside the parent's body, shielding the gametes and embryos from potential external threats.

Animals using external fertilisation often exhibit synchronised mating behaviours. This involves releasing gametes simultaneously to ensure higher chances of fertilisation. Many species, especially fish, employ pheromones or environmental cues (like moonlight) to synchronise gamete release, ensuring that a maximum number of eggs are fertilised during the breeding period.

Many aquatic animals opt for internal fertilisation to ensure higher chances of reproductive success in challenging environments. For instance, cartilaginous fish like sharks use internal fertilisation to ensure the protection of embryos from predators and environmental threats. It provides a more controlled environment, increasing the likelihood of zygote survival and development compared to the uncertainties of external fertilisation.

Yes, external fertilisation typically thrives in stable aquatic environments with fewer fluctuations in temperature and pH, such as ponds or calm sea regions. The constant environment ensures a higher probability of gamete meeting and survival. Organisms in such habitats, like many species of fish and amphibians, release a large number of gametes to increase the chance of fertilisation.

No, while internal fertilisation often leads to the development of embryos within the parent, the mode of offspring emergence varies. Some animals, like many reptiles and birds, lay eggs where embryos continue developing outside the parent's body. In contrast, mammals typically give birth to live young after internal development. This distinction is between oviparous (egg-laying) and viviparous (live-bearing) reproduction.

Practice Questions

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of internal and external fertilisation using appropriate examples.

Internal fertilisation, predominant in terrestrial animals like mammals, offers the advantages of providing protection to embryos from environmental threats and a higher zygote survival rate due to a controlled environment. For instance, humans utilise internal fertilisation with the sperm meeting the ovum in the fallopian tube. However, it often results in fewer offspring and demands more energy. Conversely, external fertilisation, seen in fish, allows for mass reproduction, fostering genetic diversity. Eggs and sperm are released into the water during spawning. However, it exposes gametes to environmental risks and often results in considerable gamete wastage.

How have evolutionary pressures influenced the development of mating behaviours and reproductive structures in organisms utilising internal fertilisation?

Evolutionary pressures have significantly shaped mating behaviours in organisms relying on internal fertilisation. To ensure reproductive success, intricate behaviours, such as courtship dances, songs, and even battles, have evolved. For instance, many birds exhibit complex courtship dances to attract mates. Furthermore, reproductive structures have also evolved in response to these pressures. Copulatory organs in many animals have been specifically tailored for internal fertilisation, ensuring efficient transfer of gametes. Additionally, gametes themselves, like the mobile sperm, have evolved to maximise the success of fertilisation in an internal environment.

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