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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.5.3 Endosymbiotic Theory

Engage in the fascinating journey of the endosymbiotic theory, a pivotal concept that enlightens us about the evolution of complex eukaryotic cells from simpler prokaryotic organisms. Investigate the evidence that cements this theory and comprehend its far-reaching implications for eukaryotic evolution.

Understanding Endosymbiosis

The endosymbiotic theory is an intriguing scientific theory that elucidates the genesis of eukaryotic cells from prokaryotic ones. It elucidates that a large host cell engulfed smaller bacterial cells, which then started to live, grow, and multiply inside the host cell in a symbiotic relationship, an event referred to as endosymbiosis.

The heart of the theory suggests that mitochondria and chloroplasts housed within eukaryotic cells were initially free-living bacteria. These bacteria were ingested by a host cell, and over time, these internalised bacteria co-evolved with the host cell, eventually transforming into the organelles known as mitochondria and chloroplasts. Understanding the unicellular organisms that participated in these early symbiotic events provides a foundation for appreciating the complexity of this process.

Unravelling Evidence for the Endosymbiotic Theory

The endosymbiotic theory has gained widespread acceptance owing to a multitude of supporting evidence. The following categories of evidence cement the credibility of this theory:

  • Genetic Evidence: One of the most striking pieces of evidence for endosymbiosis stems from the fact that mitochondria and chloroplasts harbour their own DNA. This DNA is separate from the nuclear DNA of the host cell, is circular like that found in bacteria, and encodes some of the organelles' proteins and RNAs. In addition, the genetic sequences present within mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA exhibit more similarity to those in bacteria than to those in the eukaryotic nucleus. This mirrors the DNA structure found in prokaryotes, reinforcing the genetic link.
  • Structural Evidence: On a structural front, mitochondria and chloroplasts bear more resemblance to bacteria than to other components of the eukaryotic cell. They mimic the size of bacteria and possess a double membrane, akin to bacteria. The inner membrane of both organelles, similar to the plasma membrane of bacteria, houses proteins and enzyme systems crucial for the organelles' functionalities. The protein structure in these organelles further highlights their bacterial origins.
  • Functional Evidence: On a functional level, mitochondria and chloroplasts are self-sufficient; they can multiply independently within the cell, mirroring binary fission in bacteria. They possess their own ribosomes that closely resemble bacterial ribosomes in terms of size and structure. Interestingly, antibiotics that inhibit bacterial ribosomes also stifle mitochondrial and chloroplast ribosomes, but not those in the eukaryotic cytosol. This aspect of their operation is a testament to the significance of water in facilitating these complex biological processes.

Deciphering Implications for Eukaryotic Evolution

The endosymbiotic theory profoundly impacts our understanding of eukaryotic evolution. It propounds that rather than sheer competition and isolation, cooperation and symbiosis have played a significant role in the evolution of complex life forms. The evidence of evolution provides a broader context to the significance of such symbiotic relationships throughout the history of life on Earth.

With the incorporation of mitochondria, the primitive eukaryotic cell gained the capability to effectively utilise oxygen to generate ATP, thereby conferring a substantial advantage in an oxygen-rich environment. Likewise, the assimilation of chloroplasts in certain cells paved the way for photosynthesis, allowing the conversion of light energy into chemical energy.

The evolution of eukaryotic cells via endosymbiosis marks a significant turning point in the chronicles of life. This process not only carved the path for the evolution of complex multicellular organisms but also underscores the interdependence of different life forms.

Influence of Endosymbiotic Theory on Modern Biology

In contemporary biology, the endosymbiotic theory continues to guide our understanding of cell biology and evolution. For instance, it has shaped theories about the evolution of other organelles, such as the peroxisomes and nuclear membrane.

Furthermore, it emphasises that evolution isn't just a process of gradual change but also comprises sudden shifts resulting from events like endosymbiosis. This comprehension of the intricacy and interplay of biological systems is crucial in diverse fields, from ecology to medicine.

Endosymbiosis: An Ever-Evolving Process?

Endosymbiosis isn't merely a process confined to the distant past. Several examples of endosymbiosis can be observed in nature today, like nitrogen-fixing bacteria dwelling within plant root nodules or photosynthetic algae living within coral polyps. Studying these modern instances of endosymbiosis can provide further insights into the mechanics and outcomes of this intriguing process.

Exploring Further: Lynn Margulis and the Endosymbiotic Theory

The endosymbiotic theory was largely popularised by the American biologist Lynn Margulis in the 20th century. She faced considerable scepticism and rejection from the scientific community before her theory gained acceptance. Today, the endosymbiotic theory is considered a cornerstone of modern biology, contributing to our understanding of evolution, genetics, cell biology, and ecology. Margulis’s work highlights the importance of persisting in the face of doubt and the power of a novel idea to reshape our understanding of the world. Her pioneering efforts underscore the importance of challenging prevailing beliefs and exploring new frontiers in biology, much like the exploration of unicellular organisms has expanded our understanding of life's complexity.


While the endosymbiotic theory primarily focuses on mitochondria and chloroplasts, it's also postulated that other organelles, such as peroxisomes, may have similar origins. However, the evidence is less substantial, and these ideas remain speculative.

The endosymbiotic theory was proposed by American biologist Lynn Margulis in the 1960s. Despite initial scepticism, the theory is now widely accepted thanks to compelling biochemical, genetic, and structural evidence.

The endosymbiotic theory is significant for understanding disease processes, particularly mitochondrial diseases. As mitochondria have their own DNA, mutations can result in a variety of disorders, such as Leigh's disease and MELAS syndrome. Understanding the bacterial origin of these organelles aids in developing treatment strategies.

Mitochondria and chloroplasts are considered of bacterial origin due to similarities with bacteria in terms of size, the presence of a double membrane, the nature of their DNA (circular, similar to bacteria), and the ability to independently replicate via binary fission. Furthermore, their ribosomes are more similar to those in bacteria than those in the eukaryotic cell cytoplasm.

The endosymbiotic theory explains a key step in eukaryotic evolution - the acquisition of mitochondria and chloroplasts. However, it doesn't explain the origin of the first eukaryotic cell. Other theories, such as the "inside-out" theory or "nuclear envelope" theory, attempt to elucidate these early steps. Thus, the endosymbiotic theory forms part of a larger suite of hypotheses explaining eukaryotic evolution.

Practice Questions

Explain the endosymbiotic theory and provide three pieces of evidence that support it.

The endosymbiotic theory posits that eukaryotic organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts evolved from prokaryotic cells that were engulfed by a host cell. Over time, these internalised bacteria co-evolved with the host, becoming intracellular organelles. Evidence supporting this theory includes:

  • Genetic evidence: Mitochondria and chloroplasts possess their own circular DNA, akin to bacteria.
  • Structural evidence: These organelles resemble bacteria in size and have a double membrane structure similar to bacterial cells.
  • Functional evidence: They can independently replicate within the host cell via binary fission, and their ribosomes closely resemble those of bacteria.
Discuss the implications of the endosymbiotic theory for our understanding of eukaryotic evolution.

The endosymbiotic theory profoundly impacts our understanding of eukaryotic evolution. It suggests that eukaryotic cells evolved via the assimilation of prokaryotic cells, which conferred new capabilities, thereby driving complexity. For instance, mitochondria enabled the host cell to utilise oxygen efficiently for ATP production, a competitive advantage in an oxygen-rich environment. The incorporation of chloroplasts allowed certain cells to perform photosynthesis, converting light energy into chemical energy. Therefore, the endosymbiotic theory demonstrates that cooperation and symbiosis, rather than just competition, have significantly shaped the evolution of complex life forms.

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