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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.5.2 Origin of First Cells

The origin of the first cells is a captivating area of study that encompasses several theories and hypotheses. This chapter will explore the Miller-Urey experiment, the RNA world hypothesis, and the emergence of metabolism-first cells.

The Miller-Urey Experiment

In the mid-twentieth century, scientists Stanley Miller and Harold Urey conducted a revolutionary experiment with the aim of emulating conditions believed to exist on early Earth. They set out to investigate whether simple organic compounds necessary for life could be naturally produced from inorganic precursors.

Experimental Design and Procedure

Miller and Urey designed an enclosed system simulating the conditions of the early Earth. The experimental setup comprised a flask of water (to mimic the primeval ocean), heated to induce evaporation, coupled with another flask containing a mixture of methane, ammonia, and hydrogen, replicating Earth's primitive atmosphere. An electric discharge was introduced to this gaseous mixture, acting as a surrogate for atmospheric lightning.

The scientists maintained this setup for a week, allowing the water in the flask to go through cycles of evaporation and condensation, akin to the Earth's water cycle.

Outcome and Consequences

The completion of the experiment witnessed the transformation of the initially clear solution into a turbid, reddish-brown liquid. Subsequent analysis of this liquid identified the presence of amino acids, the fundamental components of proteins. The Miller-Urey experiment holds significant relevance as it provided experimental evidence that the abiotic synthesis of organic compounds, a stepping stone towards the origin of life, could take place on a primitive Earth under simulated conditions.

RNA World Hypothesis

The RNA World Hypothesis is a theory that proposes that prior to the existence of the current DNA-protein world, there was a period in which life was primarily based on RNA.

Dual Functionality of RNA

RNA's unique capability of storing genetic information, akin to DNA, and catalysing chemical reactions, as enzyme proteins do, makes it a prime candidate for the first genetic material.

Corroborating Evidence

The evidence underpinning the RNA world hypothesis is multifold. The discovery of ribozymes, RNA molecules possessing catalytic capabilities, and the central role of RNA in protein synthesis as messenger RNA (mRNA), ribosomal RNA (rRNA), and transfer RNA (tRNA), provide strong support.

Objections and Alternatives

Despite its captivating premise, the RNA world hypothesis faces objections. A prominent critique is the challenge of synthesising RNA under prebiotic conditions. This predicament has led to alternative propositions, including the metabolism-first hypothesis.

Metabolism-First Cells

The metabolism-first hypothesis posits that metabolic networks, rather than heredity-capable molecules such as RNA or DNA, preceded the evolution of life.

The Iron-Sulfur World Hypothesis

A version of the metabolism-first hypothesis is the Iron-Sulfur World Hypothesis, which posits that the inception of metabolic pathways was facilitated by mineral catalysts, notably iron and sulfur, in hydrothermal vents in the ocean's depths.


The Iron-Sulfur World Hypothesis suggests that life emerged from small, simple molecules interacting with the minerals in the vent's environment. These interactions resulted in increasingly complex organic compounds, eventually leading to the advent of self-sustaining metabolic networks.

Disputes and Ongoing Studies

Critics of the metabolism-first hypothesis highlight the difficulty in explaining the emergence of self-replicating molecules from solely metabolic origins. Nevertheless, the metabolism-first theory offers a different perspective on the genesis of life and continues to be an area of active research.

In the grand scheme of things, the study of the origins of life presents a complicated puzzle with competing theories and ongoing research. Each piece of this enigma—the Miller-Urey experiment, the RNA world hypothesis, and the emergence of metabolism-first cells—provides compelling yet incomplete insights.


The Miller-Urey experiment supports the notion of prebiotic chemistry, showing how organic molecules, such as amino acids, could form under conditions thought to be present on early Earth. This evidence supports the idea that the building blocks of life may have originated abiotically.

The key evidence for the RNA World Hypothesis is the existence of ribozymes, RNA molecules that exhibit enzymatic activity. Ribozymes show that RNA can act as both genetic material and as a catalyst, similar to enzymes. Also, the central role of RNA in protein synthesis in modern cells supports this hypothesis.

The metabolism-first hypothesis, while appealing, faces a significant challenge: explaining how self-replicating entities emerged from metabolic networks. Without self-replication, it's hard to envisage how evolution by natural selection, which depends on variations in self-replicating entities, could occur.

Yes, numerous alternative theories exist, like the lipid world hypothesis, which posits that lipid-like substances could form stable, cell-like structures and kickstart the process of life. Another theory is the clay hypothesis, suggesting that mineral surfaces might have catalysed the necessary reactions for life. These theories, like the RNA world and metabolism-first hypotheses, attempt to solve the enigma of life's origin, but each comes with its own set of challenges.

Understanding the origin of the first cells is significant because it sheds light on the initial steps of life on Earth. It helps us comprehend how complex life evolved from simple organic molecules. Furthermore, it allows us to explore potential life beyond Earth by understanding the conditions necessary for life to form.

Practice Questions

Discuss the Miller-Urey experiment and its significance in the context of the origin of life.

The Miller-Urey experiment, conducted in the 1950s, simulated early Earth conditions with a mixture of methane, ammonia, hydrogen, and water exposed to an electrical discharge, mimicking lightning. After a week, they found the formation of amino acids, which are crucial to life. The significance of this experiment lies in its experimental evidence that abiotic synthesis of organic compounds could occur under the presumed conditions of primitive Earth. It supported the idea that the raw materials for life could have formed spontaneously, which could lead to the development of early life forms.

Critically evaluate the RNA world hypothesis and the metabolism-first hypothesis as theories explaining the origin of the first cells.

The RNA world hypothesis proposes RNA, with its dual functionality of information storage and catalytic activity, was the cornerstone of the earliest life forms. Evidence comes from ribozymes and RNA's role in protein synthesis. However, the abiotic synthesis of RNA is a challenge, leaving room for alternative theories. One such is the metabolism-first hypothesis, suggesting metabolic networks predate RNA or DNA. Particularly, the Iron-Sulfur World hypothesis posits that interactions between simple molecules and minerals at hydrothermal vents led to self-sustaining metabolic networks and eventually, life. However, it's still unclear how self-replicating molecules could emerge from metabolic networks alone. Both hypotheses provide intriguing insights but have limitations, reflecting the complexity of unravelling life's origins.

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