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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.4.3 Active Transport

In the study of cell biology, active transport represents a fascinating and critical phenomenon where cells move ions or molecules against their concentration gradient. This movement demands energy, typically provided by ATP. This section uncovers the intricacies of active transport mechanisms, concentrating on the sodium-potassium pump, proton pump, cotransport, and the utilisation of ATP in these processes.

The Sodium-Potassium Pump

One of the most well-known examples of active transport in biology is the sodium-potassium pump, formally known as the Na+/K+-ATPase pump. The pump is predominantly found in the plasma membrane of animal cells and has the crucial task of regulating cellular volume, maintaining electrochemical gradients, and creating an environment suitable for the cell to carry out its vital functions.

  • Mechanism of Action: The process of the sodium-potassium pump involves several steps. Firstly, three sodium ions from within the cell bind to the pump protein. The binding of these ions stimulates the breakdown of ATP, which in turn phosphorylates the pump protein, leading to a change in its shape. This alteration allows the three sodium ions to be expelled out of the cell. Following this, two potassium ions from outside the cell bind to the protein, causing it to revert to its original shape and consequently transport the potassium ions into the cell. This cycle then repeats.
  • Role in Cellular Function: The sodium-potassium pump is pivotal in several biological processes. One of the most prominent roles is in nerve impulse transmission, where the pump helps to reestablish the resting membrane potential after each action potential, allowing the nerve cell to fire again. Additionally, the pump also helps maintain cell volume and osmotic balance. Understanding the active uptake of mineral ions can provide further insights into similar processes.

Proton Pumps

Proton pumps, another example of primary active transport, push protons (hydrogen ions, H+) across a membrane against a concentration gradient. Proton pumps are ubiquitous in biology, found in bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes, showcasing their importance across life forms.

  • Mechanism of Action: During the operation of a proton pump, ATP undergoes hydrolysis, and the energy released from this reaction drives the movement of protons from the cytoplasm to the extracellular space or into the vacuole (in the case of plant cells). This is akin to how osmosis operates, albeit through a different mechanism.
  • Role in Cellular Function: Proton pumps significantly contribute to establishing a pH gradient and membrane potential across cellular membranes. This gradient becomes the energy source for several secondary active transport mechanisms. In plant cells, proton pumps acidify the vacuole, which plays a critical role in maintaining turgor pressure, an essential component for the cell's structure and growth. The importance of water in cellular processes further complements our understanding of these mechanisms.


Cotransport, also known as coupled or secondary active transport, is a phenomenon that cleverly uses the energy stored in an ion gradient to transport another molecule against its concentration gradient.

  • Mechanism of Action: The functioning of cotransport involves two solutes — the driving ion (usually sodium or protons) and the driven solute (like glucose or amino acids). The driving ion moves down its concentration gradient, and this movement provides the energy to move the driven solute up its gradient. Depending on the direction of movement of the solutes, cotransporters are classified as symporters (same direction) or antiporters (opposite direction).
  • Role in Cellular Function: Cotransport mechanisms are central to a wide array of biological functions. A classic example is the sodium-glucose symporter in the human gut, which uses the sodium ion gradient to drive the uptake of glucose into intestinal cells, thereby allowing the absorption of nutrients from our diet. The endosymbiotic theory provides a fascinating perspective on the evolution of cellular mechanisms that support such complex processes.

Energy from ATP

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a nucleotide that acts as the primary energy currency of cells. ATP stores energy within its high-energy phosphate bonds, which can be utilised to fuel various cellular processes when required.

  • Role in Active Transport: In active transport, ATP offers the required energy to move ions or molecules against their concentration gradient. This provision can be direct, as in primary active transport (e.g., sodium-potassium pump, proton pump), or indirect, as in secondary active transport (cotransport). In the latter case, ATP is used to create an electrochemical gradient (via primary active transport), which subsequently powers the cotransport mechanism. The correlation of Loop of Henle length with water conservation is an excellent example of how these energy investments are critical for the function of highly specialized cells.


While ATP is a common energy source for active transport, it's not the only mechanism. Secondary active transport, such as cotransport, doesn't directly use ATP. Instead, it relies on the energy stored in the concentration gradient of one molecule to transport another molecule. This gradient is typically maintained through ATP-dependent primary active transport, so indirectly, ATP still plays a role.

Substances transported through active transport are often those necessary for a cellular function that may not be abundant outside the cell or those that need to be expelled from the cell. These include ions like sodium and potassium, glucose, amino acids, and certain waste products.

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) provides energy for active transport through the process of hydrolysis. When ATP is hydrolysed, it loses one of its three phosphate groups and becomes Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP), releasing a substantial amount of energy. This energy is used to power active transport mechanisms like the sodium-potassium pump.

The sodium-potassium pump is fundamental to nerve cells as it maintains the resting membrane potential that allows these cells to transmit nerve impulses. It pumps sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell, creating a charge difference across the cell membrane. This charge difference is essential for nerve impulse transmission, which relies on rapid changes in membrane potential.

Active transport is the movement of molecules across a membrane from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration. This process requires energy, typically in the form of ATP, and is against the concentration gradient. Passive transport, on the other hand, involves the movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration, requiring no energy expenditure as it follows the concentration gradient.

Practice Questions

Describe the process of the sodium-potassium pump, and explain its role in cellular function, particularly in relation to nerve impulse transmission.

The sodium-potassium pump operates through a process that actively transports three sodium ions out of the cell and two potassium ions into the cell, using ATP for energy. Firstly, three sodium ions from within the cell bind to the pump, stimulating the hydrolysis of ATP. This action phosphorylates the pump, altering its shape and allowing the expulsion of sodium ions. Two potassium ions from outside then bind to the protein, causing it to revert to its original shape, and these potassium ions are transported into the cell. This pump is crucial for maintaining the resting membrane potential of nerve cells. After an action potential, the cell membrane becomes depolarised. The sodium-potassium pump restores the resting state by moving sodium ions out and potassium ions in, allowing the nerve cell to fire again.

Explain the principle of cotransport and its significance in the absorption of glucose in the human gut.

Cotransport is a type of secondary active transport where the energy derived from the movement of one solute down its concentration gradient is used to drive the movement of another solute against its gradient. In the human gut, a sodium-glucose symporter operates as a cotransporter. After a meal, the concentration of glucose in the gut is higher than in intestinal cells, and glucose needs to be absorbed against this concentration gradient. The sodium-glucose symporter uses the energy from the movement of sodium ions down their concentration gradient to facilitate this absorption. Thus, cotransport mechanisms allow the cell to cleverly use the energy from ion gradients to carry out vital functions like nutrient absorption.

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