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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.4.1 Diffusion

Welcome to the intricate workings of diffusion, a primary mechanism underlying life at the cellular level. Grasping the principles of diffusion not only helps us to understand the transport of molecules across cell membranes but also provides insight into many biological processes.

Understanding Diffusion

Diffusion is the spontaneous movement of molecules or atoms from a region of higher concentration to one of lower concentration. This net movement is powered by the inherent kinetic energy of the particles. The process continues until an equilibrium is achieved, where the molecules are uniformly dispersed, and the concentration gradient no longer exists.

For a deeper understanding of how molecules traverse cell membranes, consider exploring the concept of cell size and its impact on diffusion.

The Role of Kinetic Energy

Kinetic energy, the energy that particles possess due to their motion, is a pivotal force in diffusion. All particles are in continuous, random motion as a result of their kinetic energy. This energy powers the movement of particles from a region of higher concentration to one of lower concentration, driving the process of diffusion. The role of water as a medium for diffusion further exemplifies the significance of kinetic energy in biological systems.

Achieving Equilibrium

Equilibrium, in the context of diffusion, is the state where the concentration of particles is uniform across the system. In the initial stages, when there is a concentration gradient, particles move from an area of higher concentration to one of lower concentration. Over time, this leads to an equal distribution of particles, and equilibrium is reached. At equilibrium, particles continue to move randomly, but there is no overall net movement. The dynamics of achieving equilibrium can be vividly seen in the process of osmosis, a specific type of diffusion involving water.

To better understand this, imagine a room where a bottle of perfume is opened at one corner. Initially, the concentration of perfume molecules is higher near the bottle (source), but over time, these molecules spread across the room (area of lower concentration) due to their kinetic energy until an equilibrium is reached, where the scent of perfume is perceptible throughout the room equally.

Factors Influencing the Rate of Diffusion

The rate at which diffusion occurs is impacted by several factors:

  • Concentration gradient: The greater the difference in concentration between two regions, the quicker the rate of diffusion. It's like a steep hill; the steeper it is, the faster you roll down.
  • Temperature: An increase in temperature provides particles with more kinetic energy, which boosts their speed and, consequently the rate of diffusion. It's like heating up a gas; the molecules move faster and spread out more quickly.
  • Surface area: A larger surface area expedites the rate of diffusion, providing more space for particles to spread.
  • Particle size: Smaller particles diffuse more swiftly than larger ones due to their reduced mass, similar to how a lightweight object is easier to move than a heavy one.
  • Medium: The medium in which diffusion takes place also matters. It occurs quicker in gases compared to liquids because of the greater space between particles and their higher kinetic energy.

The structural basis of diffusion can be further understood by examining the DNA structure and its influence on molecular movement.

Facilitated Diffusion: Assisted Transport

While simple diffusion allows smaller, non-polar molecules to diffuse across the cell membrane, some substances cannot easily traverse the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane due to their size, charge, or polarity. This is where facilitated diffusion comes into play.

Facilitated diffusion is a specialised type of passive transport, utilising transport proteins to aid substances in crossing membranes. These proteins either provide hydrophilic channels for the substances or bind to them, facilitating their movement from an area of higher concentration to one of lower concentration. Unlike active transport, this process does not require energy input from the cell. To understand how active transport differs from facilitated diffusion, explore active transport.

There are two main types of transport proteins:

  • Channel proteins: These proteins form channels or pores in the cell membrane, enabling specific molecules or ions to pass through. These channels can open or close in response to certain stimuli, regulating the transport of molecules.
  • Carrier proteins: Carrier proteins bind to a specific molecule, undergo a change in shape, and carry the molecule across the membrane. They then return to their original shape, ready to transport another molecule.

An example of facilitated diffusion is the transport of glucose into cells. Even though glucose is crucial for cellular activities, it is a large, polar molecule and cannot simply diffuse across the lipid bilayer. It is transported into cells via a specific carrier protein, the GLUT transporter, which binds to glucose and facilitates its passage into the cell.


In general, smaller molecules diffuse faster than larger ones because they move more quickly and easily. This is due to the fact that smaller molecules have less mass to move, which allows them to travel further and faster than larger, heavier molecules.

While diffusion is most commonly associated with gases and liquids, it can also occur in solids. However, the rate of diffusion in solids is significantly slower than in gases or liquids due to the closely packed arrangement of particles in a solid, which restricts their movement.

Small, nonpolar molecules such as oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) can diffuse directly through the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane. This process is known as simple diffusion.

Diffusion is a passive process. It doesn't require the input of energy from the cell because particles move naturally from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration, following their concentration gradient until equilibrium is reached.

Temperature significantly influences the rate of diffusion. As temperature increases, the kinetic energy of the particles also increases. This results in faster movement and, thus a higher rate of diffusion. Conversely, lower temperatures slow down the movement of particles and subsequently decrease the rate of diffusion.

Practice Questions

Explain the concept of diffusion with the help of an everyday example, highlighting the role of kinetic energy and the achievement of equilibrium.

Diffusion is the spontaneous movement of particles from a region of higher concentration to one of lower concentration. An everyday example could be the dispersal of perfume scent in a room. When a perfume bottle is opened, the molecules, due to their kinetic energy, move from the area near the bottle (higher concentration) towards regions where the perfume molecules are less (lower concentration). This movement continues until the perfume scent is uniformly spread across the room, indicating that equilibrium has been achieved. At equilibrium, there is no net movement of particles, even though particles continue their random motion.

Differentiate between simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion. Provide an example to explain the role of transport proteins in facilitated diffusion.

Simple diffusion refers to the unassisted movement of small, non-polar molecules directly across the cell membrane from an area of higher concentration to one of lower concentration. Facilitated diffusion, on the other hand, involves the use of transport proteins to aid larger, polar, or charged molecules in crossing the cell membrane along the concentration gradient. An example of facilitated diffusion is the transport of glucose into cells. The GLUT transporter, a specific carrier protein, binds to glucose and changes shape to allow glucose's passage into the cell. This process does not require energy input from the cell.

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