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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.6.6 Hemoglobin Adaptations & Bohr Shift

Hemoglobin is an indispensable protein found in red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body. The protein's adaptations and intricate mechanisms, particularly in foetal and adult stages, contribute significantly to ensuring efficient oxygen delivery. Furthermore, phenomena like the Bohr Shift play an essential role in tailoring oxygen delivery according to the metabolic needs of tissues. Let's dive deeper into these complexities.

Diagram and chemical structure of haemoglobin molecule.

A haemoglobin molecule- Made up of four chains, two alpha chains and two beta chains,  with a heme group containing an iron atom.

Image courtesy of OpenStax College

Adaptations of Foetal and Adult Haemoglobin

Foetal Haemoglobin (HbF)

  • Greater Affinity for Oxygen:
    • Foetal haemoglobin demonstrates a higher affinity for oxygen compared to its adult counterpart.
    • Why it's important: At the placental level, where maternal and foetal blood are in proximity but do not mix, HbF's elevated oxygen affinity facilitates the effective transfer of oxygen from the maternal bloodstream to the foetus. This ensures the foetus gets the necessary oxygen for development.
  • Structural Differences:
    • HbF differs structurally from adult haemoglobin. While both have two alpha chains, HbF includes two gamma chains, as opposed to the two beta chains in adult haemoglobin.
    • This structural difference contributes to the higher affinity of HbF for oxygen.
  • Transition to HbA: After birth, the concentration of HbF gradually decreases, and by about six months of age, HbA becomes the predominant form of haemoglobin.

Adult Haemoglobin (HbA)

  • Cooperative Binding of Oxygen:
    • Hemoglobin's tetrameric structure allows each of its four subunits to bind to one oxygen molecule.
    • The binding of the first oxygen molecule induces a change in the haemoglobin's shape, increasing the protein's affinity for further oxygen molecules. This results in the progressive "cooperative binding" of additional oxygen molecules.
  • Allosteric Binding of Carbon Dioxide:
    • In areas of the body where carbon dioxide concentration is elevated, haemoglobin can bind to it, though not at the same binding sites as oxygen. This binding affects haemoglobin's structure and reduces its affinity for oxygen.
    • This allosteric effect means that in areas where tissues are producing more carbon dioxide (due to increased metabolic activity), oxygen delivery is enhanced.
A diagram showing the difference between adult haemoglobin and fetal haemoglobin.

Image courtesy of Diz F.

Bohr Shift

  • The Underlying Mechanism:
    • As the concentration of carbon dioxide rises in actively respiring tissues, it results in a decrease in pH (increase in acidity). This change in pH affects the shape and function of haemoglobin, leading to reduced oxygen affinity.
    • This phenomenon, where an increased carbon dioxide concentration leads to augmented oxygen release, is termed the Bohr Shift.
  • Beneficial Implications:
    • Actively respiring tissues, such as muscles during intense exercise, produce increased amounts of carbon dioxide. These tissues require more oxygen to support their metabolic needs.
    • The Bohr Shift ensures that these tissues receive a higher amount of oxygen precisely when they need it, improving tissue function and efficiency.
  • Impact on Oxygen Dissociation Curve:
    • The Bohr Shift manifests as a rightward shift of the oxygen dissociation curve in the presence of elevated carbon dioxide levels.
A graph showing haemoglobin adaptations & Bohr Shift.

Image courtesy of CNX OpenStax

Oxygen Dissociation Curve

  • The Significance of the S-Shape:
    • Hemoglobin's oxygen binding is represented by an S-shaped or sigmoidal curve.
    • At lower oxygen concentrations (like in peripheral tissues), the curve is relatively flat. This indicates a reduced tendency of haemoglobin to bind oxygen, ensuring that the tissues receive the oxygen they require.
    • Conversely, in areas with high oxygen concentrations, such as the lungs, the curve becomes steeper, illustrating that haemoglobin readily absorbs oxygen.
  • Adaptability to Varying Conditions:
    • The S-shape is not just a biological quirk; it's a vital feature. The initial flatter portion of the curve ensures tissues receive adequate oxygen, even if blood oxygen levels drop slightly.
    • Meanwhile, the steep portion guarantees that haemoglobin becomes saturated with oxygen when in the oxygen-rich environment of the lungs.
    • This adaptability means that in various situations, be it during vigorous exercise or at rest, haemoglobin can adjust its oxygen-binding properties to suit the body's needs.


A leftward shift in the oxygen dissociation curve indicates increased oxygen affinity of haemoglobin. Factors causing this shift include decreased carbon dioxide levels, decreased temperature, and a rise in pH (alkaline conditions). Physiologically, conditions like hyperventilation, which reduces carbon dioxide concentration, can lead to this leftward shift. This increased affinity signifies that haemoglobin is more prone to bind oxygen and less likely to release it to tissues. While this might seem beneficial in oxygen-rich environments like the lungs, it could compromise oxygen delivery in peripheral tissues, especially during times of heightened metabolic demand.

During strenuous exercise, muscles undergo rapid cellular respiration, leading to elevated carbon dioxide production. The Bohr Shift becomes vital here. As carbon dioxide concentrations rise, it causes a rightward shift in the oxygen dissociation curve due to the associated decrease in pH. This means that at any given oxygen concentration, haemoglobin will release more oxygen in the presence of increased carbon dioxide. Thus, actively respiring muscle tissues get an enhanced supply of oxygen precisely when they need it most. This mechanism allows muscles to function more effectively during intense physical activity, sustaining prolonged exertion and delaying fatigue.

While HbF's heightened oxygen affinity is advantageous in the foetal environment, it could be counterproductive post-birth. In the womb, the foetus relies on efficiently extracting oxygen from maternal blood, necessitating HbF's elevated affinity. However, after birth, the lungs begin functioning, and oxygen is directly inhaled. In this scenario, if HbF predominated, it might not release oxygen as efficiently to peripheral tissues due to its higher affinity. HbA, with its comparatively reduced affinity, ensures optimal oxygen uptake in the lungs and its efficient release in tissues, meeting the varied oxygen demands of the body throughout different stages of life.

Carbon dioxide impacts haemoglobin's oxygen affinity through its role in regulating blood pH. As carbon dioxide concentration rises in actively respiring tissues, it gets converted to carbonic acid, which subsequently dissociates to produce bicarbonate ions and hydrogen ions (protons). An increase in the concentration of these protons leads to a decrease in blood pH, rendering it more acidic. This change in pH induces a conformational change in haemoglobin, reducing its affinity for oxygen. This mechanism ensures that in regions of the body with elevated metabolic activity, oxygen is efficiently offloaded from haemoglobin to the tissues that need it most.

The elevated affinity of HbF for oxygen compared to HbA is crucial for efficient foetal oxygen supply. Within the placenta, the foetus acquires oxygen from the maternal blood. This transfer is facilitated by the higher affinity of HbF, enabling it to effectively "pull" oxygen from the maternal haemoglobin. The structural difference, specifically the presence of gamma chains in HbF instead of beta chains found in HbA, is responsible for this heightened affinity. This distinction ensures that even in the lower oxygen concentrations typically present in foetal blood, efficient oxygen binding and transport are achieved, supporting robust foetal development.

Practice Questions

Explain the significance of the cooperative binding of oxygen to haemoglobin in relation to the oxygen dissociation curve and the implications for oxygen delivery to tissues.

Cooperative binding in haemoglobin refers to the phenomenon where the binding of one oxygen molecule to a haemoglobin subunit induces a change in the protein's structure, increasing its affinity for subsequent oxygen molecules. This results in the characteristic S-shaped, or sigmoidal, oxygen dissociation curve. At low oxygen concentrations, the curve is relatively flat, suggesting a reduced tendency of haemoglobin to bind oxygen, ensuring oxygen is efficiently delivered to the tissues. As the oxygen concentration rises, the curve becomes steeper, illustrating haemoglobin's readiness to bind oxygen in oxygen-rich environments like the lungs. This adaptability ensures efficient oxygen pickup in the lungs and release in metabolically active tissues.

Describe the Bohr Shift and its importance for actively respiring tissues in the human body.

The Bohr Shift refers to the rightward shift in the oxygen dissociation curve due to an increase in carbon dioxide concentration. As tissues undergo respiration, they produce carbon dioxide, leading to a drop in pH (increased acidity). This change in pH alters haemoglobin's structure, reducing its oxygen affinity. Consequently, in areas of the body with elevated carbon dioxide levels, more oxygen is released from haemoglobin. This mechanism ensures that actively respiring tissues, requiring higher amounts of oxygen, receive the necessary oxygen to support their metabolic demands. In essence, the Bohr Shift tailors oxygen delivery based on tissue requirements, optimising cellular function during increased activity.

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