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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.6.5 Transpiration & Stomatal Density

Transpiration and stomatal density play pivotal roles in plant physiology, balancing the needs for efficient gas exchange and maintaining adequate hydration. By investigating these topics, we'll understand the fine-tuned mechanisms plants employ to optimise these processes.


Transpiration is the evaporative loss of water vapour from plants, predominantly through the stomata—microscopic openings on leaf surfaces.

Consequence of Gas Exchange

  • Gas Exchange Mechanism: As plants undergo photosynthesis, they absorb carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the atmosphere and release oxygen (O₂). This exchange predominantly occurs via the stomata.
  • Water Loss as a Side Effect: When stomata are open to facilitate gas exchange, water vapour from the leaf's internal spaces diffuses out into the external environment, leading to transpiration. This is an inevitable consequence of the plant's need for CO₂.
A diagram showing the process of transpiration through stomata.

Image courtesy of blueringmedia

Factors Affecting the Rate of Transpiration

Various external and internal factors can alter the rate of transpiration:

  • Light:
    • Mechanism: Increased light intensity heightens photosynthetic activity, prompting stomata to open wider for more CO₂ intake.
    • Effect: Elevated transpiration rate due to wider stomatal openings.
  • Temperature:
    • Mechanism: Higher temperatures boost the rate of evaporation from the leaf's surface and speed up the diffusion of water vapour out of the stomata.
    • Effect: Enhanced transpiration rate.
A graph showing the effect of temperature on plant transpiration.

Image courtesy of DGmann

  • Humidity:
    • Mechanism: Humidity affects the concentration gradient. When external humidity is low, the gradient between the leaf's internal moisture and the outside atmosphere is steep.
    • Effect: Reduced transpiration in higher humidity conditions as the gradient is less pronounced.
A graph showing the effect of humidity on plant transpiration.

Image courtesy of DGmann

  • Wind:
    • Mechanism: Wind or air movement displaces the humid layer of air surrounding the leaf, ensuring the water vapour concentration gradient remains steep.
    • Effect: Augmented transpiration rate.
A graph showing the effect of wind on plant transpiration.

Image courtesy of DGmann

  • Soil Water Availability:
    • Mechanism: Plants access water from the soil through their roots. If soil water content is low, less water is available for uptake and translocation to leaves.
    • Effect: A restricted water supply can decelerate the transpiration rate.
  • Leaf Structure and Anatomy:
    • Mechanism: Features like leaf size, thickness, and presence of hairs can influence the rate of water loss.
    • Effect: Leaves with more hairs or smaller sizes can have reduced transpiration.

Stomatal Density

Stomatal density alludes to the number of stomata per unit area on a leaf's surface. The density can influence the leaf's capacity for gas exchange and transpiration.

Determining Stomatal Density

  • Micrographs:
    • Procedure: One popular method involves applying clear nail varnish to a leaf's surface. Once it dries, it is gently peeled off and observed under a microscope. The stomata appear as tiny gaps and can be counted in a defined area.
  • Leaf Casts:
    • Procedure: A mould of the leaf's surface is created using dental alginate. Once set, the cast is examined under a microscope, enabling the counting of stomata.

Reliability of Quantitative Data

To ensure the precision of stomatal density data:

  • Repeatability: Measurements should be performed multiple times and averaged.
    • Rationale: This minimises the influence of anomalies on the results.
  • Range of Measurements: It's vital to analyse stomatal density across various parts of the leaf and from different leaves.
    • Rationale: There can be intra-leaf and inter-leaf variations in stomatal distribution.

Significance of Stomatal Density

  • Environmental Adaptations: Different habitats necessitate varying stomatal densities. For instance, plants in arid regions might exhibit fewer stomata to curtail water loss.
  • Balancing Act: While elevated stomatal density can enhance gas exchange efficiency, it can also escalate water loss. Hence, plants have evolved to strike a balance between the two based on their ecological niches.

Impacts on Plant Physiology

Understanding the transpiration rate and stomatal density aids in revealing:

  • Water Uptake and Movement: Transpiration creates a pull, driving the uptake and movement of water from the soil, through the plant, and out into the atmosphere.
  • Temperature Regulation: By modulating transpiration rates, plants can regulate their internal temperatures, especially vital during periods of intense heat.
  • Nutrient Transport: Transpiration aids in the upward movement of essential nutrients dissolved in water from the soil to various plant parts.


Guard cells play a critical role in regulating the opening and closing of stomata. These cells can change shape in response to various internal and external cues. When the plant has ample water, the guard cells absorb it, becoming turgid (swollen), which results in the stomata opening. Conversely, when the plant is experiencing water stress, the guard cells lose water and become flaccid (limp), causing the stomata to close. This regulation is achieved through the active transport of potassium ions (K+) into and out of the guard cells, with water movement following osmotically. Additionally, factors like light, carbon dioxide concentration, and internal signals (e.g., abscisic acid during drought conditions) can influence guard cell behaviour.

Many plants, especially those in environments with moderate to high light intensity, exhibit greater stomatal density on the lower leaf surface. This configuration offers multiple advantages. The lower surface, being shaded, is cooler and often more humid than the upper surface, reducing the rate of transpiration. Having more stomata underneath thus optimises gas exchange while minimising water loss. Additionally, it provides some protection against direct sunlight and potential UV damage, as the stomata are less exposed. This configuration also minimises the risk of contamination by dust and other airborne particles that might hinder gas exchange if they settle on the leaf's surface.

Both mammalian alveoli and plant leaves are primary sites for gas exchange, and in each case, having a high surface area is crucial. In mammalian lungs, the alveoli provide a vast surface area for efficient oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange. The increased surface area ensures that a large volume of blood can be oxygenated simultaneously, meeting the oxygen demands of the body. Similarly, in plants, the broad surface area of leaves facilitates efficient exchange of gases, with CO₂ being absorbed for photosynthesis and O₂ being released as a byproduct. In both organisms, the principle remains the same: maximise the interface area for gas exchange to ensure optimal functioning and survival.

Guttation and transpiration are both processes involving water movement in plants, but they differ fundamentally. Guttation refers to the exudation of water droplets from the tips or edges of leaves, usually observed during early morning hours. This occurs when root pressure forces water upwards, and it gets released through special pores called hydathodes located on the leaf margins. Guttation water may contain dissolved nutrients and minerals. Transpiration, on the other hand, is the evaporative loss of water vapour mainly from the stomata. It plays a role in nutrient and water transport and is a continuous process occurring primarily during daylight hours when stomata are open.

Plants in arid environments, often referred to as xerophytes, have evolved various strategies to reduce their transpiration rates and thus conserve water. They often possess thick, waxy cuticles that reduce water loss from the leaf surface. Stomata might be sunken in pits, creating a humid microenvironment that diminishes the rate of water vapour diffusion. Some xerophytes have adapted to open their stomata primarily at night (a behaviour called CAM photosynthesis) when temperatures are cooler and humidity is higher, reducing water loss. Additionally, they might have smaller leaves or spines to reduce the overall surface area from which water can be lost, and their leaf orientation may be vertical to minimise exposure to intense sunlight.

Practice Questions

Describe the significance of transpiration in plants and outline two environmental factors that can influence the rate of transpiration.

Transpiration holds immense significance for plants as it facilitates the uptake and transport of water and dissolved nutrients from the soil, via the roots, to different parts of the plant. This upward movement is driven by the "pull" created by water loss from leaves. Transpiration also aids in temperature regulation, helping plants to dissipate excess heat. Two key environmental factors that influence the rate of transpiration are light and humidity. Increased light intensity elevates photosynthesis, leading stomata to open wider for CO₂ intake, thus augmenting transpiration. On the other hand, high external humidity reduces the concentration gradient between the leaf's interior and the surrounding atmosphere, leading to decreased transpiration rates.

Explain the methods by which stomatal density can be determined, and elucidate the importance of ensuring reliability in these measurements.

Stomatal density can be determined using micrographs and leaf casts. In the micrograph method, a clear nail varnish is applied to the leaf's surface. Once dried, it is peeled off and observed under a microscope to count the stomata in a defined area. The leaf cast method involves creating a mould of the leaf's surface using dental alginate. After setting, the cast is analysed under a microscope for stomatal counting. Ensuring the reliability of these measurements is paramount to acquire accurate data. This can be achieved by repeating the measurements multiple times and by examining various parts of the leaf. Reliable data provides a true representation of the stomatal distribution, essential for understanding plant responses to environmental factors.

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