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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.6.2 Concentration Gradients & Mammalian Adaptations

Gas exchange is a fundamental process in all animals, facilitating the movement of essential gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide. Concentration gradients are central to this, and in mammals, a suite of unique adaptations ensures this process occurs efficiently.

Maintenance of Concentration Gradients at Exchange Surfaces in Animals

Concentration gradients are key to the movement of gases across exchange surfaces. A higher concentration of a particular gas on one side will naturally move to an area of lower concentration on the other, and various adaptations in animals help to maintain and maximise these gradients.

Dense Networks of Blood Vessels

  • Why is it Important? A dense vascular network allows a large volume of blood to be close to the exchange surface at all times.
  • Role in Gas Exchange: As blood absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide, the concentration gradients could diminish. However, the extensive blood supply continually renews the gradient by bringing in more deoxygenated blood.
Human circulatory system- a network of blood vessels.

Image courtesy of matis75

Continuous Blood Flow

  • Significance: Just as a river's continuous flow prevents stagnation, constant blood flow ensures that gases keep moving.
  • Effect on Concentration Gradient: Fresh, deoxygenated blood continuously replaces oxygenated blood, ensuring that there's always a demand for oxygen, and a supply of carbon dioxide to be expelled.

Ventilation with Air and Water

  • Definition: Ventilation refers to the active process of moving a respiratory medium, like air or water, over the exchange surface.
  • Lungs vs. Gills: Mammals use lungs where air is ventilated to maintain a fresh supply of oxygen. Fish, on the other hand, ventilate water over their gills to extract dissolved oxygen.

Adaptations of Mammalian Lungs for Gas Exchange

The mammalian respiratory system, particularly the lungs, boasts numerous specialisations that optimise gas exchange.

Alveolar Structure

  • Definition: Alveoli are minuscule balloon-like structures in the lungs, acting as the primary site for gas exchange.
  • Importance: Their vast number (hundreds of millions in humans) provides a tremendous surface area, ensuring that a large amount of gas can be exchanged simultaneously.
A diagram showing labelled alveolar structure.

Image courtesy of Cenveo

Presence of Surfactant

  • What is Surfactant? This is a complex substance, predominantly lipid, found within the alveoli.
  • Role: Surfactant serves to reduce the surface tension of the watery lining inside the alveoli. Without it, these small structures would be prone to collapse, especially when air is exhaled. With surfactant, alveoli remain open and functional, ready for the next breath.

Branched Network of Bronchioles

  • Bronchial Tree: Starting with the trachea, this tree branches repeatedly, forming bronchi and then bronchioles.
  • Advantages: This branching not only allows efficient transport of air to all regions of the lung but also increases the surface area available for gas exchange.
A diagram showing bronchiole and alveoli.

Bronchiole and alveoli

Image courtesy of Sheldahl

Extensive Capillary Beds

  • Association with Alveoli: Capillaries, the smallest blood vessels, envelope each alveolus.
  • Significance: The close proximity means that gases only need to travel across the thin walls of the alveoli and capillaries. This short distance, coupled with the thinness of these barriers, ensures rapid gas exchange.

High Surface Area

  • Scale: The cumulative surface area of the alveoli in a human lung is immense, roughly equivalent to a tennis court.
  • Benefit: The larger the surface area, the greater the amount of gas that can be exchanged in a single breath, making the process markedly efficient.

Limit to the Alveolar Lungs of a Mammal

  • Uniqueness of Mammals: Unlike some other animals, mammals rely exclusively on alveolar lungs for gas exchange.
  • Advantages: This system provides a vast surface area for gas exchange, supports a high metabolic rate, and is particularly effective at extracting oxygen from the air.


Fish need to continuously move water over their gills to maintain the concentration gradients required for effective gas exchange. Oxygen is less abundant in water than in air, so fish need a constant flow of water to ensure they extract as much dissolved oxygen as possible. By continuously moving water over their gills, fish ensure a fresh supply of oxygen-rich water is always in contact with their gill filaments. This constant flow also helps in the efficient removal of carbon dioxide. If water movement were to stop, the concentration gradient would diminish, leading to reduced efficiency of gas exchange.

Without surfactant, the alveoli would face serious challenges. Surfactant acts to reduce the surface tension of the watery lining in the alveoli. If surfactant were absent, the high surface tension would cause the alveoli to collapse, especially during exhalation, making it difficult for them to re-expand during inhalation. This would severely compromise the lung's capacity for gas exchange. Additionally, collapsed alveoli would mean a significant reduction in the available surface area for gas exchange, leading to decreased oxygen uptake into the blood and reduced removal of carbon dioxide, with potentially detrimental consequences for the organism.

The thickness of the barrier in the alveoli, which consists of the alveolar and capillary walls, is crucial because it affects the rate of gas diffusion. For efficient gas exchange, a short diffusion pathway is preferable. The thinner this barrier, the faster gases can move across it by simple diffusion. In the mammalian lung, the walls of the alveoli and the surrounding capillaries are incredibly thin, allowing oxygen and carbon dioxide to rapidly cross this barrier. If the walls were thicker, it would slow down the rate of diffusion, compromising the efficiency of gas exchange.

During vigorous activities like running or jumping, the body's oxygen demand increases. The branched network of bronchioles in the lungs plays a pivotal role in meeting this heightened demand. The extensive branching ensures that air is efficiently transported to all regions of the lungs, providing an increased surface area for gas exchange. When more oxygen is needed, the body can increase the rate and depth of breathing, pushing more air through this branched network. As a result, more oxygen reaches the alveoli, enhancing gas exchange to meet the metabolic needs of the body during such activities.

Animals without lungs or gills, such as simple invertebrates like earthworms or flatworms, typically rely on diffusion across their body surface for gas exchange. These organisms often have a thin body wall and a high surface area to volume ratio. This structural advantage facilitates direct diffusion of oxygen from their external environment into their cells and diffusion of carbon dioxide out of their cells. Moist environments are crucial for many of these animals as the presence of a moist surface enhances the rate of gas diffusion, ensuring cells receive the oxygen they need and waste gases are expelled efficiently.

Practice Questions

Explain how the structure of alveoli and the presence of surfactant in the lungs of mammals are crucial for efficient gas exchange.

The alveoli in mammalian lungs provide a vast surface area for gas exchange due to their small, sac-like structure and vast number. This extensive surface area allows a large amount of oxygen to diffuse into the bloodstream and carbon dioxide to be expelled simultaneously. Moreover, the walls of the alveoli are thin, ensuring a short diffusion pathway for gases. The presence of surfactant is equally crucial. Surfactant, a lipid-rich substance, reduces the surface tension within the alveoli. This prevents the alveoli from collapsing, especially upon exhalation, ensuring they remain open and ready for continuous gas exchange. The combined action of the alveoli's structure and surfactant ensures efficient and uninterrupted gas exchange in mammals.

Describe the significance of dense networks of blood vessels and continuous blood flow in maintaining concentration gradients at exchange surfaces in animals.

Dense networks of blood vessels near exchange surfaces, such as those surrounding the alveoli in lungs, play a pivotal role in gas exchange. This extensive vascular network allows a large volume of blood to be in close proximity to the exchange surface, facilitating rapid exchange of gases. As oxygen is taken up by the blood and carbon dioxide is released, the gradient might diminish. However, the continuous flow of blood ensures that deoxygenated blood, with a low oxygen concentration, continually replaces the oxygenated blood. This renewal of the gradient maximises the rate of gas diffusion, ensuring that cells receive the oxygen they need, and waste gases are efficiently expelled.

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