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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.3.7 Membrane Structure and Function

The cell membrane, often termed the plasma membrane, is not just a passive barrier around cells. It's an active, dynamic structure, facilitating communication, protection, and selective transport. To comprehend its diverse roles, we delve into its intricate composition and functions.

Glycoproteins and Glycolipids: The Cellular Identity Tags

Surface molecules, particularly glycoproteins and glycolipids, act as unique cellular identification systems, crucial for various processes like cell recognition, binding, and protection.

Glycoproteins: More than Just Proteins

  • Nature: Comprising proteins covalently bonded to carbohydrates, glycoproteins are an intrinsic part of the cell surface.
  • Diversity: The carbohydrate chains can vary widely, creating a multitude of distinct glycoproteins. This variability ensures unique cell signatures, helping the immune system to differentiate between 'self' and 'non-self'.
  • Role in Blood Groups: The A, B, AB, and O blood groupings in humans arise due to specific glycoproteins present on the surface of red blood cells.

Glycolipids: Lipids with a Sweet Coating

  • Composition: Glycolipids are lipid molecules with carbohydrate chains attached. This gives them their unique cell recognition capabilities.
  • Location: Predominantly found on the cell's outer surface, glycolipids are crucial for interactions with the external environment.
A diagram showing glycolipids and glycoproteins.

Image courtesy of Connectivid-D

Fluid Mosaic Model: A Dynamic Picture

This model offers a vivid representation of the membrane's multifaceted structure, emphasising its fluidity and mosaic-like composition.

Why "Fluid"?

  • Lipid Movement: Phospholipids in the bilayer are in constant lateral motion, allowing the membrane to maintain its integrity even when stretched or compressed.
  • Protein Drift: Some proteins can drift within the lipid bilayer, further contributing to membrane fluidity. This movement is vital for processes like cell fusion and signalling.

The "Mosaic" of Components

This mosaic comprises various molecules, each with a specific function, akin to the myriad pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

Peripheral and Integral Proteins: The Dynamic Duo

  • Peripheral Proteins: Positioned on the membrane's external and internal surfaces, these proteins don't penetrate the lipid bilayer. Their roles range from signal transduction to enzymatic activity. Some serve as mechanical attachments for fibres of the cell's cytoskeleton.
  • Integral Proteins: These deeply embedded proteins often span the entire membrane. Key functions include:
    • Transport: Acting as channels or carriers, they facilitate substance movement.
    • Enzymatic Activity: Some integral proteins are enzymes that catalyse specific reactions.
    • Signal Transduction: They can receive hormonal signals, leading to cellular responses.

Cholesterol: The Fluidity Modulator

  • Balancing Act: At high temperatures, cholesterol reduces membrane fluidity by limiting the movement of phospholipids. However, at low temperatures, it hinders close packing of phospholipids, preventing the membrane from becoming too solidified.
  • Cushioning Effect: Cholesterol acts as a buffer, protecting the membrane from drastic changes in fluidity when temperature fluctuates.
A diagram of the fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane.

Image courtesy of LadyofHats Mariana Ruiz

Membrane's Role in Cell Adhesion and Recognition

The membrane's molecular composition ensures cells can recognise and adhere to each other, fundamental for tissue formation and immune function.

Cell Adhesion Molecules (CAMs): The Cellular Glue

  • Significance: Without CAMs, tissues would disintegrate, and organs wouldn't function optimally.
  • Integrins: These are a type of CAM that anchors cells to the extracellular matrix, providing tissue strength.
  • Selectins and Cadherins: Involved in transient and stable cell-cell adhesions, respectively, they play crucial roles in processes like inflammation and tissue repair.
A diagram showing different types of Cell Adhesion Molecules (CAMs).

Image courtesy of ellepigrafica

Importance of Cell Recognition

  • Immune Surveillance: Every cell exhibits a unique set of glycoproteins and glycolipids. This "cellular fingerprint" is crucial for the immune system. For instance, T-cells scrutinise this signature to detect and eliminate infected or cancerous cells.
  • Tissue Formation: Cell recognition ensures that cells of the same type bind together, forming tissues. For instance, liver cells will bind with other liver cells, ensuring the organ's structural integrity.
  • Organ Development: During embryogenesis, cells must recognise and bind correctly for organs to form and function properly.

Understanding the Fluid Mosaic Model: A Recap

  • The membrane is a fluid entity, with phospholipids and proteins in constant motion.
  • It's also a mosaic, comprising diverse molecules like glycoproteins, glycolipids, cholesterol, and proteins, each with distinct functions.
  • Glycoproteins and glycolipids are pivotal for cell recognition and adhesion, playing roles in immune surveillance and tissue integrity.


Peripheral and integral proteins differ in terms of structure, location, and function within the cell membrane. Peripheral proteins are loosely attached to the membrane's exterior or interior surface, not embedded within the lipid bilayer. They might attach indirectly to other membrane proteins or associate with the polar heads of the lipid molecules. Their roles can range from enzymatic activity to signal transduction. Integral proteins, on the other hand, span the membrane or are embedded within the lipid bilayer. Due to their position, they often function as channels or transporters, allowing specific molecules to cross the membrane. They can also play roles in cell adhesion and cell signalling.

Several factors can influence the fluidity of a cell membrane. The types of fatty acids present in phospholipids play a pivotal role. Membranes rich in unsaturated fatty acids are more fluid because the double bonds in unsaturated fats introduce kinks in their tails, preventing tight packing. Conversely, membranes with more saturated fatty acids tend to be less fluid. The length of fatty acid chains also affects fluidity: shorter chains are less viscous and hence more fluid. Additionally, external factors like alcohol can increase membrane fluidity, while specific proteins might either enhance or reduce fluidity based on their size, abundance, and interactions with lipids.

Integrins are a type of Cell Adhesion Molecule (CAM) found on the cell surface, playing a vital role in anchoring cells to the extracellular matrix (ECM). By forming strong bonds with extracellular molecules like fibronectin and collagen, integrins help provide structural cohesion and stability to tissues. These connections are not just structural; they also transmit signals between the ECM and the cell, guiding cellular behaviour and ensuring tissue health. Furthermore, by anchoring cells firmly to the ECM, integrins facilitate mechanical signal transduction, helping cells respond to changes in their mechanical environment. This dual role in structural anchoring and signalling underscores the importance of integrins in maintaining tissue strength and integrity.

If a cell lacked glycoproteins or glycolipids on its surface, several crucial processes would be impacted. First, the cell's ability to recognise and communicate with other cells would be hindered. These molecules play a vital role in cell-to-cell recognition, ensuring that cells can identify each other and form cohesive tissues. In the absence of these molecules, immune surveillance would be compromised, as immune cells would struggle to differentiate between 'self' and 'non-self' cells. This could result in an increased susceptibility to infections or autoimmune responses. Moreover, specific cell interactions, such as those leading to tissue formation or organ development, would be affected, potentially leading to developmental and physiological anomalies.

Cholesterol plays a multifaceted role in regulating membrane fluidity, acting as a temperature buffer for the cell membrane. At higher temperatures, cholesterol intercalates between phospholipids, restricting their movement and thereby reducing membrane fluidity. This ensures the membrane doesn't become too fluidic and lose its structural integrity. Conversely, at low temperatures, cholesterol prevents the phospholipids from packing closely together, averting the membrane from becoming too rigid or gel-like. Thus, by adjusting the spacing between phospholipids depending on the temperature, cholesterol ensures the membrane remains functional and maintains its selective permeability properties across different conditions.

Practice Questions

Explain the significance of the "fluid" and "mosaic" descriptors in the Fluid Mosaic Model of the cell membrane.

The "fluid" descriptor in the Fluid Mosaic Model emphasises the dynamic and flexible nature of the cell membrane. Phospholipids in the bilayer are in constant lateral motion, allowing the membrane to maintain its integrity even under stress. Additionally, some proteins can drift within the lipid bilayer, adding to the fluidity. The term "mosaic" denotes the diverse assortment of molecules, including proteins, glycoproteins, glycolipids, and cholesterol, embedded in the phospholipid bilayer. This diverse combination forms a patchwork or mosaic pattern on the membrane. Each of these molecular components serves a distinct function, and their collective presence ensures the membrane can effectively carry out its multifarious roles.

How do glycoproteins and glycolipids play a role in cell adhesion and recognition?

Glycoproteins and glycolipids are pivotal players in cell recognition and adhesion. Both are surface molecules found on the cell membrane, and their unique carbohydrate chains serve as cellular identity tags. The diverse array of carbohydrate chains on glycoproteins ensures unique cell signatures, which are crucial for processes such as immune surveillance. For instance, the immune system differentiates between 'self' and 'non-self' cells based on these signatures. Glycolipids, primarily found on the cell's outer surface, are equally critical for interactions with the external environment. Furthermore, these molecules facilitate cell adhesion, ensuring cells can recognise and adhere to each other, which is fundamental for tissue formation and overall organ function.

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