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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.3.3 Integral and Peripheral Proteins in Membranes

Understanding the types and functions of proteins in the cell membrane is pivotal to grasping cell communication and function. Dive deep into the intricate world of integral and peripheral proteins, exploring their distinct structures, diverse locations, and myriad functions.

Integral Proteins

Integral proteins, commonly referred to as intrinsic proteins, are deeply embedded within the membrane, traversing its width.

Structure of Integral Proteins

  • Hydrophobic Domains: Integral proteins have extensive hydrophobic amino acid sequences, which allow them to interact comfortably with the lipid bilayer's non-polar environment.
  • Hydrophilic Channels: They also possess hydrophilic regions that protrude out of the membrane. These regions are essential for allowing specific water-soluble substances to move through them.

Location and Orientation in the Membrane

  • Fully Spanning: Integral proteins cross the entirety of the lipid bilayer, providing a vital link between the cell's internal and external environments.
  • Monotopic vs. Polytopic:
    • Monotopic Proteins: These are anchored to just one side of the membrane and do not span its full width.
    • Polytopic Proteins: These are more complex, crossing the bilayer multiple times.

Primary Functions

  • Transport Channels: They can form pores or channels, allowing specific ions or molecules to move in and out of the cell. These channels can be gated, meaning they can be opened or closed in response to certain stimuli.
  • Receptors for Signalling: They can act as receptors, capturing specific molecules from the extracellular environment, which then induces a specific response within the cell.
  • Enzymatic Action: Some of these proteins possess active sites where specific substrates can bind and undergo chemical reactions.
  • Cell Adhesion: Many cells connect to form tissues. These proteins can help in cell-to-cell adhesion.
  • Recognition and Antigens: They can act as markers, helping the immune system recognise 'self' cells.

Peripheral Proteins

Peripheral proteins, or extrinsic proteins, situate themselves on the membrane's surface without penetrating the lipid bilayer.

Structure of Peripheral Proteins

  • Polar Characteristics: These proteins mainly have hydrophilic amino acid sequences, making it suitable for them to exist in the watery environment outside the lipid bilayer.
  • Absence of Hydrophobic Regions: Unlike integral proteins, they don't contain hydrophobic segments. This characteristic prevents them from embedding within the bilayer.

Location and Orientation on the Membrane

  • Surface Attachment: They attach themselves to the inner or outer surface of the lipid bilayer. Their bond is often less permanent compared to integral proteins.
  • Transient Nature: Due to their loose attachment, they can detach and move to different locations within the cell's cytoplasm.
Integral membrane proteins and Peripheral membrane proteins location and orientation in the membrane.

Image courtesy of Science Facts

Key Functions

  • Signal Transduction: They play a pivotal role in conveying signals, especially when a molecule binds to a receptor on the cell surface. This binding can cause the peripheral protein to undergo a conformational change, transmitting a signal to the inside of the cell.
  • Support and Shape: They help maintain the shape of the cell, providing structural support.
  • Catalytic Roles: Many peripheral proteins are enzymes that speed up reactions right at the cell membrane's surface.
  • Transport Assistance: While they don't transport substances across the membrane directly, they assist and regulate the integral proteins that do.
A detailed labelled diagram of the cell membrane showing peripheral membrane proteins and integral membrane proteins.

Image courtesy of CNX OpenStax

Comparing Integral and Peripheral Proteins

For a clearer distinction:

  • Location & Depth: Integral proteins penetrate deeply into the lipid bilayer, often crossing it entirely, while peripheral proteins only attach to the surface.
  • Structural Components: The presence of hydrophobic sequences in integral proteins contrasts with the hydrophilic nature of peripheral proteins.
  • Stability of Attachment: Integral proteins have a robust, often permanent bond with the membrane, while peripheral proteins are more transient in their attachment.


No, not all integral proteins are transmembrane proteins. While transmembrane proteins are a subset of integral proteins that span the entire width of the lipid bilayer, connecting the cell's internal environment with the outside, there are integral proteins that don't cross the entire membrane. These proteins, termed monotopic proteins, anchor to just one side of the membrane without spanning its full width. The difference between these types of integral proteins lies in their specific amino acid sequences and overall structure, determining how deeply they embed within the lipid bilayer and whether they traverse it completely.

Typically, peripheral proteins do not transition to becoming integral proteins. The primary reason is their structural differences. Peripheral proteins, due to their largely hydrophilic amino acid sequences, are suited to remain outside the lipid bilayer, attaching to the surface. Integral proteins, on the other hand, have distinct hydrophobic regions that enable them to embed within the lipid bilayer. However, some proteins can undergo conformational changes under specific conditions, which may alter their interactions with the lipid bilayer, but this doesn't equate to a peripheral protein transforming into an integral one. Instead, these changes usually modulate the protein's function or interaction with other molecules.

Yes, peripheral proteins often interact with integral proteins. These interactions can be crucial for several cellular processes. For instance, some peripheral proteins act as enzymes or play roles in intracellular signalling. When a molecule binds to a receptor (often an integral protein) on the cell surface, a peripheral protein might assist in transmitting this signal to the cell's interior. Additionally, peripheral proteins can help regulate the activity of integral proteins, especially those involved in transport. Such interactions are usually facilitated by specific binding sites or domains present on both protein types, ensuring precise and regulated cellular communication.

Integral proteins maintain their specific orientation in the lipid bilayer primarily due to the specific amino acid sequences present in their structure. These sequences dictate the hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions of the protein. The hydrophobic regions interact with the non-polar core of the lipid bilayer, anchoring the protein within the membrane. In contrast, the hydrophilic portions of the protein align with the aqueous environment of the cytoplasm or the extracellular fluid, protruding out of the membrane. Furthermore, some integral proteins have specific carbohydrate chains or lipid moieties attached, further stabilising their orientation and ensuring correct positioning within the bilayer.

Environmental conditions like temperature and pH can significantly affect membrane proteins. Temperature changes can influence the fluidity of the lipid bilayer, which, in turn, can impact the positioning and functionality of proteins within the membrane. At higher temperatures, the lipid bilayer becomes more fluid, which might cause proteins to denature or lose their specific shape, affecting their function. Conversely, cooler temperatures can rigidify the membrane, potentially restricting protein movement. Changes in pH can alter the ionisation state of amino acid residues in proteins, potentially leading to conformational changes, disrupting protein functions, or their interactions with other molecules. Proper environmental conditions are vital for the optimal functioning of membrane proteins.

Practice Questions

Define the term 'integral protein' and contrast its structure and function with 'peripheral protein' in the context of the cell membrane.

Integral proteins, often termed intrinsic proteins, are proteins that are embedded deeply within the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane. These proteins typically have hydrophobic amino acid sequences, enabling them to interact and remain within the non-polar core of the lipid bilayer. Their primary functions include transport, acting as receptors, enzymatic activity, cell-to-cell adhesion, and serving as cell identity markers. On the other hand, peripheral or extrinsic proteins are found on the inner or outer surface of the lipid bilayer, possessing mainly hydrophilic amino acid sequences. They play roles in intracellular signalling, maintaining cell shape, enzymatic actions, and supporting integral proteins in their transport functions.

Describe the importance of hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions in integral proteins. How do these regions facilitate the protein's function in the membrane?

Integral proteins possess both hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions, which are crucial for their positioning and functionality in the cell membrane. The hydrophobic regions, comprised of non-polar amino acid sequences, embed themselves within the lipid bilayer's non-polar core, ensuring the protein's stable placement. In contrast, the hydrophilic regions protrude out from the membrane, interacting with the aqueous environment inside and outside the cell. These hydrophilic channels or domains are vital as they allow specific water-soluble substances, like ions or certain molecules, to move through them, thus facilitating processes like transport across the membrane. Their dual nature ensures a dynamic interaction between the cell's internal and external environments.

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