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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.3.4 Water Movement Across Membranes and Osmosis

Water, an indispensable molecule, significantly influences cellular functions and structures. This process is crucially steered by osmosis and relies on the concentration gradients of solutes and specific proteins.

Osmosis: The Fundamental Concept

Osmosis is the spontaneous movement of water molecules across a selectively permeable membrane. It occurs from a region of low solute concentration to an area with a higher solute concentration.

  • Nature of Osmosis: It is a passive process and, as such, doesn't utilise the cell's energy resources.
  • Direction and Driving Force: Water molecules move according to the gradient of solute concentration. This gradient, essentially, is the driving force of osmotic movement.
A diagram of osmosis and diffusion.

Image courtesy of Christinelmiller

Role of Solute Concentration in Water Movement

The concentration of solutes in a solution can vary, and based on this, solutions are categorised into three types:

Hypotonic Solution

When a cell is submerged in a solution with fewer solutes outside than its internal environment, this external solution is termed as ‘hypotonic’.

  • Water Movement: Water molecules move into the cell.
  • Cellular Outcome: An influx of water causes the cell to swell. If unchecked, it might lead to the bursting of the cell, especially in animal cells which lack a rigid cell wall.

Hypertonic Solution

Conversely, if the external solution has a more significant concentration of solutes than the cell's interior, it is labelled as ‘hypertonic’.

  • Water Movement: Water tends to move out of the cell to balance the solute concentration.
  • Cellular Outcome: Depletion of water makes the cell shrink or become flaccid.

Isotonic Solution

An ‘isotonic’ solution presents an equilibrium. The solute concentration inside and outside the cell is identical.

  • Water Movement: There's no net movement of water as the inflow and outflow rates are the same.
  • Cellular Outcome: The cell retains its original size and shape.

It's paramount to note that water molecules are in perpetual motion. The difference in their concentrations directs their net movement, causing the above outcomes.

A diagram showing the difference between hypertonic, isotonic and hypotonic solutions.

Image courtesy of Connectivid-D

Aquaporins: The Cellular Waterways

Aquaporins, a subset of integral membrane proteins, are pivotal in facilitating water's journey across cell membranes.

Structural Features

  • Pore Architecture: These proteins assemble to create pores in the membrane, offering water molecules a passage.
  • Selective Passage: While these channels enable water to traverse efficiently, they deter ions and other solutes, maintaining the cell's internal balance.
  • Location & Distribution: They are ubiquitously present, but their density varies. Tissues like the kidneys, which are heavily involved in water transport, have a higher number of these channels.
A detailed diagram of aquaporins.

Image courtesy of OpenStax College

Varieties of Aquaporins

Multiple aquaporin types exist, and they're tailored for distinct roles:

  • AQP0: Predominantly found in the eye lens, playing a part in maintaining its transparency.
  • AQP1: Abundantly located in erythrocytes and renal tubules, it aids in the filtration and reabsorption processes in the kidneys.
  • AQP2: Primarily situated in the kidney's collecting ducts. The presence and activity of AQP2 are modulated by the hormone vasopressin, which responds to body hydration levels.

Implications of Osmosis in Biological Systems

The repercussions of osmosis reverberate throughout the biological realm:

  • Plant Rigidity: Osmosis ensures plant cells remain turgid, giving plants their upright stature. The central vacuole fills with water, pushing the cell membrane against the rigid cell wall.
  • Blood Consistency: In humans and many animals, the osmotic balance is central to preserving the consistency and osmolarity of blood, which affects a plethora of physiological processes.
  • Cellular Stability: Every cell depends on osmotic balance. It maintains its internal environment, ensuring functionality and survival.
Turgor pressure- turgidity in plants.

Image courtesy of designua

Coping Mechanisms and Cellular Innovations

To counter osmotic challenges, organisms have evolved various adaptations:

  • Contractile Vacuoles in Protists: Certain freshwater organisms, like amoeba, possess these vacuoles. They routinely fill up with excess water and contract to expel it, preventing the cell from bursting.
  • Salt Excretion Mechanisms: Many marine animals and birds possess specialised salt glands. These extract excess salt from the bloodstream, which is then excreted, aiding in osmoregulation.
  • Renal Regulation in Mammals: Kidneys in mammals play an intricate role in managing osmotic balance. Nephrons, functional units in kidneys, filter blood, reabsorb needed substances, and excrete the rest as urine. This complex interplay ensures optimal blood osmolarity.


Freshwater organisms live in environments that are hypotonic compared to their internal cell environment. As a result, there's a constant influx of water into their cells. To combat this, many freshwater organisms have developed mechanisms to expel excess water. For example, many protists possess contractile vacuoles, which are specialised organelles that fill up with excess water and periodically contract, expelling the water out of the cell. Additionally, freshwater fish constantly excrete dilute urine to get rid of the excess water while actively taking in essential salts through their gills.

Red blood cells (RBCs) have evolved mechanisms to deal with osmotic changes in the bloodstream. Although blood plasma is slightly hypotonic compared to the cytoplasm of RBCs, these cells can tolerate a minor inflow of water without bursting. This is because the cell membrane of RBCs is flexible and can expand to a certain extent. Moreover, RBCs possess ion pumps that actively transport ions in and out of the cell, thus modulating the internal osmolarity and minimising extreme osmotic imbalances. Additionally, the slight hypotonic nature of blood plasma is within the RBC's tolerance range, ensuring they neither swell to the point of rupture nor shrink dramatically.

While aquaporins facilitate passive water movement based on concentration gradients, cells can regulate water transport by modulating the number and activity of these proteins. Some cells can alter the amount of aquaporins present in their membranes in response to various signals. For example, in the kidneys, the hormone vasopressin can increase the number of AQP2 aquaporins in the collecting ducts' membranes, enhancing water reabsorption when the body is dehydrated. Furthermore, certain cellular mechanisms can remove or insert aquaporins into the cell membrane as needed, thereby adjusting the rate of water transport to maintain cellular homeostasis.

Plant cells have a distinct response to osmotic changes, mainly due to the presence of a rigid cell wall. When plant cells are in a hypotonic solution and water enters the cell, they become turgid, meaning the central vacuole fills with water and pushes the cell membrane against the cell wall. This turgidity provides plants with structural support. However, unlike animal cells, plant cells are less likely to burst because the cell wall provides a protective barrier. In hypertonic solutions, plant cells lose water and become flaccid, but they don't shrivel up like animal cells. Instead, they undergo plasmolysis, where the cell membrane detaches from the cell wall.

Aquaporins are a unique subset of membrane transport proteins specifically designed for the rapid and selective passage of water molecules. Unlike many other transport proteins, which facilitate the movement of ions or large molecules like glucose, aquaporins solely focus on water. Their structure forms a narrow channel that allows water molecules to pass in a single file, ensuring efficient transport. Moreover, this channel is highly selective, barring the passage of ions and other solutes. In contrast, other transport proteins might be involved in active transport mechanisms, requiring energy to move substances against concentration gradients, while aquaporins remain passive channels, allowing water to move according to its concentration gradient.

Practice Questions

Describe the role of aquaporins in the movement of water across membranes and explain how the concentration gradient of solutes influences this process.

Aquaporins are integral membrane proteins that facilitate the rapid and selective passage of water molecules across the cell membrane. These proteins create specialised water channels, allowing water to move efficiently while preventing ions and other solutes from passing through. The direction and rate of water movement through aquaporins are predominantly influenced by the solute concentration gradient on either side of the membrane. Osmosis, a passive process, drives water from areas of low solute concentration to areas of high solute concentration. Therefore, the difference in solute concentration between the cell's interior and its external environment determines the net direction of water flow through aquaporins, ensuring cellular and physiological equilibrium.

Discuss the significance of hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic solutions in relation to osmosis and cellular outcomes.

Hypotonic solutions have a lower solute concentration compared to the interior of a cell. When cells are placed in a hypotonic environment, water molecules move into the cell due to osmosis. This can cause cells, especially animal cells, to swell and possibly burst. In contrast, hypertonic solutions have a higher solute concentration than the cell's interior. Cells in hypertonic solutions lose water, leading them to shrink or become flaccid. Isotonic solutions have an equal solute concentration to the cell's interior. In this scenario, there is no net movement of water; both inflow and outflow rates are equal, resulting in cells retaining their original shape and size. Understanding these terms and their implications is crucial as they directly impact cellular health and functionality.

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