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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.7.3 Clades and Evolutionary Relationships

Evolutionary biology provides insights into the fascinating tapestry of life on Earth. At the heart of this discipline lies the study of clades, which are instrumental in revealing the evolutionary relationships between organisms.

What are Clades?

A clade represents a specific group of organisms that consists of a single ancestral species and all its descendants. Clades are fundamental in understanding evolutionary lineages.

  • Synapomorphies: Clades are characterised by specific shared derived characteristics known as synapomorphies. These features distinguish members of one clade from another and are derived from the common ancestor.
  • Monophyletic Groups: Often referred to as a monophyletic group, a clade contains the most recent common ancestor and all of its descendants. This stands in contrast to other groups like paraphyletic (some descendants are excluded) and polyphyletic (common ancestor and some descendants are excluded) which aren't as definitive in mapping evolutionary relationships.
A diagram showing the difference between monophyletic, polyphyletic and paraphyletic groups.

Image courtesy of Addison Wesley Longman

The Significance of Clades

Understanding clades brings clarity to the intricate relationships of species over time.

  • Deciphering Evolutionary Histories: Clades offer a structured way to trace back the evolutionary histories of organisms, helping scientists map how species have emerged and diversified over time.
  • Identifying Speciation Events: A clade's branching patterns can pinpoint where speciation, the process by which one species splits into two or more distinct species, has occurred.
  • Predictive Power of Clades: Recognising the shared evolutionary history within a clade, scientists can often make educated predictions about certain traits or behaviours of organisms based on their membership in a particular clade.

Cladistics: Delving Deeper

Cladistics is a methodology that classifies organisms by their evolutionary relationships rather than mere physical similarities.

  • Constructing Cladograms: Central to cladistics is the construction of cladograms. These tree-like diagrams visually represent evolutionary relationships among various species. Each branching point, or node, signifies a speciation event that gave rise to diverse evolutionary pathways.
  • Interpreting Cladograms: Cladograms not only visualise evolutionary paths but also emphasise shared and unique features of species, assisting scientists in deducing their evolutionary interrelations.
A diagram of sample cladograms.

Constructing Cladograms

Image courtesy of Alexei Kouprianov

Decoding Evolutionary Relationships

Understanding evolutionary relationships demands more than identifying shared features; it requires recognising the origin of these shared traits.

  • Distinguishing Shared Traits: Birds and bats, for instance, both possess wings. However, their wings evolved differently. Birds have shared ancestral traits with reptiles, while bats' wings are a derived trait that evolved from mammalian forelimbs. Despite both being capable of flight, their evolutionary relationship is not close.
  • Convergent Evolution: Sometimes, unrelated species might evolve similar traits because of similar environmental pressures, not due to a shared ancestry. For example, sharks (fish) and dolphins (mammals) have evolved similar streamlined body shapes because of their aquatic habitats, but they hail from distinct evolutionary lineages.
  • Divergent Evolution: On the other hand, related species might evolve differently because of distinct environmental influences. For example, the common tetrapod forelimb has evolved into arms in humans and wings in birds due to divergent evolutionary pressures.
A diagram showing Convergent evolution in fish, reptiles and mammals.

Convergent evolution in fish, reptiles and mammals.

Image courtesy of Charles R. Knight, under the direction of Professor Osborn

Molecular Data: A Modern Tool

Traditional morphology-based classifications have been complemented and often refined by molecular biology techniques.

  • DNA Sequencing: DNA comparison between species provides valuable insights into their evolutionary closeness. The more their DNA aligns, the more closely related they are.
  • Comparing Proteins and Genes: Beyond DNA, the study of proteins and genes also offers clues about evolutionary relationships. The presence of specific genes or proteins in multiple species suggests a shared evolutionary heritage.
  • Ribosomal RNA (rRNA): One significant molecular tool is the comparison of rRNA sequences. Given that rRNA plays a crucial role in protein synthesis and has regions of slow evolutionary change, its sequences can offer deep insights into evolutionary relationships, even those from ancient times.

Challenges in Cladistic Studies

Despite its insights, cladistic methodology isn't without challenges.

  • Homoplasy: This occurs when a trait is shared by multiple species but not by their common ancestor. It's often a result of convergent evolution and can make it difficult to deduce true evolutionary relationships.
  • Incomplete Fossil Records: While fossils can provide crucial data about extinct species and their evolutionary roles, the fossil record is inherently incomplete. Many species might never be known because they left no fossils or their fossils haven't been discovered.
  • Rapid Evolutionary Changes: In some instances, species might undergo rapid evolutionary changes, leading to multiple new species in a relatively short time. This can complicate the construction of accurate cladograms.


Molecular data, often derived from DNA or protein sequencing, and morphological data, based on physical characteristics, can sometimes provide contrasting evolutionary pictures. This discrepancy arises for several reasons:

  • Convergent Evolution: Unrelated species might evolve similar morphological features due to analogous environmental challenges, misleading morphological analysis.
  • Rapid Evolution: Some species might undergo rapid molecular changes without significant morphological differences.
  • Genetic Drift: Random changes in allele frequencies might lead to molecular differences without morphological change.
  • Incomplete or Ambiguous Morphological Data: Some physical traits may be too general or too subtle to provide clear evolutionary insights.

Using both molecular and morphological data together often provides a more comprehensive and accurate evolutionary perspective.

'Monophyletic' is a vital term in cladistics, denoting a group that consists of a common ancestor and all its descendants. In essence, a monophyletic group is equivalent to a clade. It captures the entirety of evolutionary history for a particular lineage. In contrast, 'paraphyletic' describes a group that includes the most recent common ancestor but not all its descendants. This is like a clade with some branches missing. 'Polyphyletic' is more complicated, referring to a group that does not include the most recent common ancestor of its members. Essentially, it’s a group formed based on similar traits, but not shared ancestry.

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) refers to the direct transfer of genes between organisms, bypassing the usual vertical transmission from parent to offspring. This is common in bacteria and archaea, where genes can be transferred through processes like conjugation. HGT poses challenges in cladistic studies because it can blur the evolutionary relationships represented in cladograms. If genes are horizontally transferred between two distant species, molecular analysis might mistakenly suggest a close evolutionary relationship between them, even if they belong to different clades. This makes it essential to consider the possibility of HGT events, especially when studying microbial evolutionary relationships.

Genetic mutations introduce new genetic variations within a population. Over time, if these mutations confer a selective advantage, they may become prevalent within that population. When a population becomes isolated, perhaps due to geographical changes or behavioural shifts, these mutations can accumulate independently in each group. As these genetic changes stack up, the two isolated populations may diverge significantly, eventually leading to the formation of two distinct species. In cladistics, each divergence, resulting from accumulated mutations, signifies the creation of a new clade. Hence, genetic mutations act as the foundational bricks in the evolutionary pathways visualised in cladograms.

Synapomorphies are shared derived characteristics found in two or more taxa that are inherited from a common ancestor from which they diverged. These traits are crucial in determining evolutionary relationships within clades. For instance, the presence of feathers in birds is a synapomorphy, as it is a characteristic they share with their common ancestor. On the other hand, autapomorphies are unique derived characteristics specific to a single taxon. They don't help in determining relationships between multiple taxa but can provide insights into the evolutionary history of a single species. For example, a unique feather colouration present in only one species of bird is an autapomorphy.

Practice Questions

Describe the significance of clades in understanding evolutionary relationships and explain how cladograms are used in cladistics.

Clades play a pivotal role in understanding evolutionary relationships as they encompass a single common ancestor and all its descendants. These groupings enable scientists to trace evolutionary histories, identify speciation events, and predict certain traits within the group due to shared evolutionary backgrounds. Cladistics utilises cladograms, which are tree-like diagrams representing these evolutionary relationships. Within cladograms, each node or branching point symbolises a speciation event, and by examining these patterns, scientists can deduce evolutionary paths and relationships between species. Cladograms emphasise both shared and unique characteristics of species, offering a visual representation of their evolutionary interconnections.

Distinguish between convergent and divergent evolution, providing an example for each. How do these evolutionary patterns affect the study of clades?

Convergent evolution occurs when unrelated species evolve similar features due to analogous environmental pressures, not from a shared ancestry. An example is the streamlined body shapes of sharks (fish) and dolphins (mammals) developed for aquatic life, despite their distinct evolutionary lineages. Divergent evolution, on the other hand, is when two related species evolve in different directions due to varied environmental pressures. For instance, the tetrapod forelimb has evolved into human arms and bird wings. These evolutionary patterns pose challenges in cladistic studies. Convergent evolution can lead to misleading interpretations in cladograms, as unrelated species might appear closely related due to similar traits that aren't derived from a common ancestor.

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