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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

1.7.5 Understanding Efficiency in Energy and Power

Definition of Efficiency

Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of a system in converting input energy into useful output energy. It is expressed as a percentage, offering a quantitative insight into the performance of energy and power systems. Understanding efficiency involves two primary aspects:

  • Energy Efficiency: This refers to the ratio of useful energy output to the total energy input in any system.
  • Power Efficiency: Similarly, power efficiency measures the ratio of useful power output to the total power input.

The Importance of Efficiency

Efficiency is crucial for several reasons, making it an essential topic in physics:

  • Energy Conservation: High efficiency in systems ensures minimal waste of energy, leading to more sustainable energy usage.
  • Economic Benefits: Systems with higher efficiency are cost-effective as they require less energy input for the same output, reducing operational costs.
  • Environmental Impact: Efficient systems often result in lower emissions, thus having a smaller environmental footprint.

Calculating Efficiency

The calculation of efficiency is straightforward but vital for understanding how well different systems utilize energy:

Energy Efficiency Equation:

  • Efficiency = (Useful Energy Output / Total Energy Input) x 100%

Power Efficiency Equation:

  • Efficiency = (Useful Power Output / Total Power Input) x 100%

These formulas are the backbone for evaluating the performance of various energy and power systems.

Example Calculation

For instance, consider a motor that uses 200 joules of electrical energy and does 120 joules of mechanical work. The energy efficiency of the motor is calculated as:

  • Efficiency = (120 / 200) x 100% = 60%

This implies that 60% of the electrical energy is effectively used for mechanical work, with the remainder possibly dissipated as heat.

Applications of Efficiency in Everyday Life

Efficiency finds its relevance in numerous everyday applications:

  • Home Appliances: The efficiency of refrigerators, air conditioners, and heaters directly impacts electricity bills and energy consumption.
  • Transportation: Fuel efficiency in cars and airplanes is critical for cost-effectiveness and reducing carbon emissions.
  • Renewable Energy: The efficiency of solar panels and wind turbines is key to their viability as sustainable energy sources.
  • Industrial Processes: In industries, efficiency of machinery and processes can significantly affect production costs and environmental impact.

Challenges in Achieving High Efficiency

Despite its importance, achieving high efficiency is often met with challenges:

  • Technological Constraints: Certain physical and technological limitations can cap the maximum achievable efficiency.
  • Cost Implications: Systems with higher efficiency may require more advanced technology, leading to increased costs.
  • Environmental Trade-offs: In some cases, the methods used to increase efficiency can have adverse environmental effects.

Efficiency in Renewable Energy

The role of efficiency is particularly prominent in renewable energy systems:

  • Solar Panels: Their efficiency determines how much of the sunlight can be converted into electrical energy.
  • Wind Turbines: Efficiency affects how effectively wind energy is converted into electrical power.

Historical Perspective on Efficiency

The concept of efficiency has evolved significantly:

  • Early Discoveries: Historical developments in thermodynamics laid the foundation for understanding efficiency.
  • Industrial Revolution: The need for efficient machines was accelerated during this period.
  • Modern Developments: Advances in technology have continuously improved the efficiency of various systems.

Future of Efficiency

Looking ahead, efficiency will continue to be a driving factor in energy and power systems:

  • Technological Innovations: Emerging technologies promise higher efficiency in energy conversion and usage.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Efficiency improvements are integral to achieving sustainable energy solutions.
  • Economic Impacts: Enhanced efficiency can lead to significant cost savings in both the domestic and industrial sectors.


In summary, efficiency in energy and power is a cornerstone concept in physics with wide-ranging implications. From household appliances to industrial machinery, the efficient conversion and use of energy are central to both economic viability and environmental sustainability. Understanding and applying the principles of efficiency through its equations and concepts is crucial for students studying IGCSE Physics.


Energy efficiency and fuel efficiency, while related, refer to different aspects of efficiency in energy use. Energy efficiency is a broader term that applies to the ratio of useful energy output to total energy input in any system or process. It is applicable in various contexts, from electrical appliances to industrial machinery. Energy efficiency focuses on how well energy is converted and used for its intended purpose, regardless of the energy source.

Fuel efficiency, on the other hand, specifically refers to how effectively a vehicle or engine uses fuel to produce motion or power. It is usually measured in terms of distance travelled per unit of fuel (like miles per gallon or kilometers per liter). Fuel efficiency is a critical measure in the automotive industry and is directly related to environmental impact and operating costs. It is particularly important in reducing fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector.

The efficiency of renewable energy sources, like solar and wind power, differs significantly from that of traditional fossil fuels, both in terms of energy conversion and environmental impact. Solar panels, for example, have a conversion efficiency of about 15-20%, which is the ratio of sunlight energy converted to electrical energy. Wind turbines have a theoretical maximum efficiency (Betz limit) of 59.3%, but practical efficiencies are lower. In contrast, fossil fuel-based power plants have higher conversion efficiencies, often above 30%, with some modern plants reaching over 50%.

However, it's important to consider the environmental efficiency of these sources. Fossil fuels, despite higher conversion efficiencies, have a substantial environmental cost, including greenhouse gas emissions and resource depletion. Renewable sources, while having lower conversion efficiencies, offer significant environmental benefits: they are clean, sustainable, and have minimal emissions. Hence, when evaluating efficiency, it's crucial to consider both the energy conversion efficiency and the environmental efficiency to get a complete picture.

Paradoxically, improvements in energy efficiency can sometimes lead to an increase in overall energy consumption, a phenomenon known as the rebound effect. This effect occurs when the cost savings from efficiency improvements result in increased usage of the efficient device or are spent on other energy-consuming activities. For instance, if a car becomes more fuel-efficient, the running costs decrease, which might encourage the owner to drive more, potentially offsetting some of the fuel savings. Similarly, cost savings from efficient appliances might be used to purchase additional electronic devices, thereby increasing total energy consumption. However, the extent of the rebound effect varies and is influenced by various factors like consumer behaviour, economic conditions, and regulatory policies. While the rebound effect poses a challenge, the net impact of efficiency improvements is still positive in terms of overall energy savings and environmental benefits.

Efficiency has a direct and significant impact on environmental conservation. Higher efficiency in energy and power systems means more effective use of resources, leading to reduced consumption of fuels, especially fossil fuels. This in turn results in lower emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants, which are major contributors to global warming and environmental degradation. For instance, energy-efficient appliances consume less electricity, reducing the demand on power plants, which might be using non-renewable sources. Similarly, fuel-efficient vehicles emit less carbon dioxide per mile travelled. In the context of renewable energy, efficient systems like solar panels and wind turbines maximise energy production from sustainable sources, further reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Thus, improving efficiency is not only economically beneficial but also crucial for reducing the environmental impact of energy production and consumption.

Achieving 100% efficiency in energy conversions is theoretically and practically impossible due to the laws of thermodynamics, particularly the Second Law. This law states that in any energy transfer or transformation, some energy is always lost in the form of unusable heat energy. This is especially true in machines where mechanical motion is involved, such as engines and turbines. Friction, air resistance, and heat generated from moving parts contribute to energy losses. Even in electrical systems, factors like resistance in wires lead to heat generation, which is energy not used for the intended purpose. In renewable energy systems like solar panels, limitations arise from material imperfections and the inability to capture all wavelengths of light. Thus, while efficiencies can be improved with advanced technologies, a 100% efficient system remains unattainable due to these inherent physical limitations.

Practice Questions

A car engine is rated at 40% efficiency. It uses 2000 Joules of chemical energy from fuel. Calculate the useful energy output of the engine.

The efficiency of the car engine is 40%, meaning it converts 40% of the input energy into useful energy. The total input energy is 2000 Joules. To find the useful energy output, we use the efficiency formula: Efficiency = (Useful Energy Output / Total Energy Input) x 100%. Rearranging this formula gives us Useful Energy Output = (Efficiency x Total Energy Input) / 100%. Substituting the given values, we get Useful Energy Output = (40 x 2000) / 100 = 800 Joules. Therefore, the engine effectively uses 800 Joules of energy for its operation, with the rest lost as waste, likely in the form of heat.

A lightbulb converts 5% of the electrical energy it receives into light, with the rest wasted as heat. If the lightbulb uses 60 Joules of electrical energy, how much energy is converted into light?

The lightbulb has an energy efficiency of 5%, meaning only 5% of the input electrical energy is converted into light. The total energy input is 60 Joules. To calculate the energy converted into light, we use the formula: Useful Energy Output = (Efficiency x Total Energy Input) / 100%. Plugging in the values, we get Useful Energy Output = (5 x 60) / 100 = 3 Joules. Thus, the lightbulb converts 3 Joules of electrical energy into light. The significant remainder, 57 Joules, is dissipated as heat, highlighting the low efficiency of this lightbulb in terms of light production.

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