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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

1.7.3 Work Done in Physics

Introduction to Work Done

Work done is a key concept in physics, representing the energy transfer that occurs when a force causes an object to move. It's essential for understanding various phenomena in mechanics, electricity, and other areas of physics.

Definition of Work Done

Work done is defined as the energy transferred when a force is applied to an object causing it to move. The amount of work done is dependent on both the force applied and the distance over which it acts.

Equation for Mechanical Work Done

The equation for calculating mechanical work done is given by:

W = F × d


  • W is the work done, measured in joules (J)
  • F is the force applied, measured in newtons (N)
  • d is the displacement of the object, measured in metres (m)

Joules and Newtons

  • Joules (J): The SI unit of work or energy. It represents the amount of work done when a force of one newton moves an object over a distance of one metre.
  • Newtons (N): The SI unit of force, defined as the force that gives a mass of one kilogram an acceleration of one metre per second squared.

Deep Dive into Work Done

Mechanical Work

Mechanical work involves forces and movements. It's vital in understanding how machines function and how energy is transferred in physical systems.

Real-World Examples

  • Pushing a trolley: Work is done when you apply a force to push a trolley over a distance.
  • Winding a clock: Turning the key to wind a clock involves work done against the mechanical resistance of the clock's mechanism.

Energy Transfer

Work done is synonymous with energy transfer. When work is done, energy is transferred from one form to another, typically from potential to kinetic energy or vice versa.

The Work-Energy Principle

This principle states that the work done on an object results in a change in its kinetic energy. For instance, when a car accelerates, the engine does work, converting chemical energy into kinetic energy.

Applying the Work Done Equation

Problem-Solving Strategy

  • 1. Identify the Force: Determine both the magnitude and direction of the force.
  • 2. Measure Displacement: Calculate the distance the object moves in the direction of the force.
  • 3. Calculate Work Done: Use the equation W = F × d to determine the work done.

Case Studies for Application

  • Archery: Calculating the work done by an archer when pulling back the bowstring.
  • Hydraulics: Understanding the work done in hydraulic systems used in machines like cranes and lifts.

Challenges in Understanding Work Done

Common misunderstandings include confusing force with work done, and not recognizing that displacement must be in the direction of the force for work to be done.

Work Done in Electrical Contexts

Work done is also a crucial concept in electrical physics, especially in the context of power generation and electrical circuits.

Electrical Work

In electrical terms, work done can be thought of as the movement of electric charges in a circuit. The work done in moving these charges is what powers electrical devices.

Examples in Electrical Contexts

  • Charging a Battery: When a battery is charged, electrical work is done to move charges, storing energy in the battery.
  • Operating an Electric Motor: An electric motor converts electrical energy into mechanical work, moving parts of a machine.

Advanced Concepts in Work Done

Non-Conservative Forces

In some scenarios, forces like friction can cause the energy to be transferred into non-mechanical forms, like heat, challenging the direct application of the work-energy principle.

Work Done in Rotational Motion

Understanding work in the context of rotational motion is essential, especially in systems where torque is applied, such as in gears and engines.

Recap and Importance

  • Fundamental Principle: Work done is a foundational concept in physics, essential for understanding energy transfer.
  • Wide Application: The principles of work done apply across numerous physical contexts, from simple lever systems to complex electrical networks.

Engaging deeply with the concept of work done enables students to grasp a wide range of physical phenomena, laying the groundwork for more advanced studies in physics and engineering disciplines. This knowledge is not only academically rewarding but also empowers students with a deeper understanding of the physical world around them.


The concept of work done is closely related to the principle of energy conservation. According to this principle, energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed from one form to another. When work is done, energy is transferred from one form to another but not lost. For example, when a force does work on an object by causing it to move, the energy of the force (such as chemical energy in muscles or electrical energy in a motor) is transferred to the object, often becoming kinetic energy. Similarly, when work is done against gravitational force, mechanical energy is converted to potential energy. This concept reinforces the idea that work done in any system results in energy transfer, aligning with the law of conservation of energy.

The angle at which a force is applied significantly affects the work done. The work done is maximised when the force is applied in the same direction as the displacement. The general formula for work done considering the angle θ between the force and the direction of displacement is W = F × d × cos(θ). When the force is applied parallel to the displacement (θ = 0°), cos(θ) is 1, and the work done is maximum, equal to F × d. If the force is perpendicular to the displacement (θ = 90°), cos(θ) becomes 0, and no work is done. This concept is crucial in analysing real-world situations like pulling or pushing an object at an angle, where only the component of force in the direction of the movement contributes to the work done.

Yes, work can be negative. Negative work occurs when the force applied on an object and the displacement of the object are in opposite directions. In such scenarios, the formula W = F × d results in a negative value because the angle θ between the force and displacement is 180°, making cos(θ) equal to -1. An example of negative work is when an object is slowing down; the force (like friction or air resistance) is opposite to the direction of the object's movement. In this case, the energy is being transferred from the object (in the form of kinetic energy) to another form (such as heat), thus the work done by these opposing forces is considered negative.

The concept of work done is fundamental in calculating the efficiency of machines. Efficiency is defined as the ratio of useful work output to total work input, expressed as a percentage. In any machine, energy is input (work is done on the machine), and energy is output (work done by the machine). However, due to factors like friction, not all the input energy is converted into useful output. The efficiency formula is Efficiency = (Useful Energy Output / Total Energy Input) × 100%. To calculate this, we need to understand the work done at both the input and output stages. By analysing how much of the work (or energy) input into a machine is converted into useful work output, we can determine the efficiency of the machine. This concept is crucial in engineering and physics to evaluate and improve the performance of machines and systems.

No, work cannot be done on an object if there is no movement. In physics, the concept of work is intrinsically linked to displacement. The fundamental equation for work done is W = F × d, where W is work, F is force, and d is displacement. If the displacement (d) is zero, irrespective of the amount of force applied, the work done will also be zero. This principle is crucial in understanding scenarios where force is applied but no movement occurs, such as pushing against a wall. In these cases, while energy may be expended by the person applying the force, from a physics standpoint, no work is done on the wall because it does not move.

Practice Questions

A worker pushes a box with a force of 30 N for a distance of 5 metres across a smooth surface. Calculate the work done by the worker on the box.

The work done by the worker can be calculated using the formula W = F × d. Here, W is the work done, F is the force applied, and d is the distance over which the force is applied. In this scenario, the force applied is 30 N and the distance is 5 metres. Thus, the work done is W = 30 N × 5 m = 150 joules. The worker does 150 joules of work on the box. This calculation assumes that the force is applied in the same direction as the movement of the box, which is typically the case in such scenarios.

A student lifts a 2 kg textbook from the floor to a shelf 1.5 metres above the ground. Calculate the work done by the student in lifting the textbook. (Take g = 10 m/s²)

The work done in lifting an object against gravity is equal to the change in gravitational potential energy. The formula for gravitational potential energy is Ep = m × g × h, where m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height. For the textbook, the mass m = 2 kg, g = 10 m/s², and h = 1.5 metres. Therefore, the work done by the student is Ep = 2 kg × 10 m/s² × 1.5 m = 30 joules. The student does 30 joules of work in lifting the textbook to the shelf.

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