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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

1.5.5 Turning Effect of Forces

Introduction to Moments

The moment of a force is a fundamental concept in physics, representing the rotational effect of a force applied to an object.

Definition and Calculation

  • Moment of a Force: The moment of a force (often just called a 'moment') is the measure of its tendency to cause a body to rotate about a specific point or axis. It is determined by two factors: the magnitude of the force and the distance from the pivot to the line of action of the force.
  • Calculation Formula: The moment of a force is calculated using the formula: moment = force × perpendicular distance from the pivot. This distance is the shortest distance from the pivot to the line of action of the force.

Key Concepts

  • Line of Action: The line along which a force acts on a body.
  • Pivot: The point about which the object rotates or could rotate.
  • Clockwise and Anticlockwise Moments: The direction of rotation caused by a force (either clockwise or anticlockwise) is crucial in understanding moments.

Everyday Examples of Moments

The concept of moments is not just limited to physics classrooms but is observed in numerous everyday situations:

  • Opening Doors: When we apply a force to open a door, we are essentially applying a moment. The door rotates about its hinges (the pivot) due to the force applied.
  • Turning a Nut with a Spanner: The longer the spanner, the lesser the force required to turn the nut because the moment increases with an increase in distance from the pivot.

Detailed Exploration of Moment Equation

The equation for the moment of a force is a vital part of this topic and is used extensively in physics problems and real-life applications.

  • Mathematical Expression: The equation is expressed as M = F × d, where M is the moment, F is the force applied, and d is the perpendicular distance from the line of action of the force to the pivot.
  • Unit of Measurement: The moment is measured in Newton-metre (Nm), where the force is in Newtons (N) and distance is measured in metres (m).
  • Directional Nature: The equation does not inherently indicate the direction of the moment (clockwise or anticlockwise). This must be inferred from the context of the problem.

Application in Problem Solving

  • In problems involving levers, such as a seesaw, the moment equation helps determine the forces needed at different points to maintain balance.
  • In construction, it helps calculate the forces acting on beams and girders, ensuring they are built to withstand these forces without failing.

Principle of Moments and Equilibrium

One of the key applications of the concept of moments is in understanding equilibrium.

Understanding Equilibrium

  • Equilibrium: A body is said to be in equilibrium when the sum of all forces and moments acting on it is zero, resulting in no linear or rotational movement.
  • Principle of Moments: For an object to be in equilibrium, the sum of clockwise moments about any point must equal the sum of anticlockwise moments about that same point.

Practical Applications

  • Balancing a Seesaw: A seesaw is a classic example of equilibrium where the moments on either side of the pivot need to be equal for the seesaw to be balanced.
  • Architectural Design: In designing buildings, especially those with overhanging structures, architects use the principle of moments to ensure stability.

Advanced Concepts in Moments

Delving deeper, there are more advanced aspects of moments that are crucial for a comprehensive understanding.

Lever Arm and Force Angle

  • Lever Arm: Sometimes referred to as the 'moment arm', it is the perpendicular distance from the pivot to the line of action of the force.
  • Force Angle: The angle at which the force is applied affects the effective lever arm length, and hence the moment. The greatest moment is produced when the force is applied perpendicular to the lever arm.

Centre of Gravity and Moments

  • The centre of gravity of an object is the point where the weight of the object seems to act. In the context of moments, this is crucial as the weight of the object creates a moment about any pivot point.

Real-World Implications and Examples

The theory of moments is not just academic but has real-world implications in various fields.

Engineering and Construction

  • In engineering, the concept of moments is vital in designing structures like cranes, bridges, and buildings, ensuring they can withstand various forces.

Everyday Mechanics

  • Simple machines like pliers and nutcrackers work on the principle of moments, where a small force applied over a larger distance results in a larger force over a shorter distance.

Sports Science

  • In sports, understanding moments can help in analyzing movements, improving techniques, and designing better equipment.

Summary and Key Takeaways

  • Moment of Force: A measure of the turning effect of a force.
  • Equation: Moment = Force × Perpendicular Distance.
  • Equilibrium: Achieved when clockwise moments equal anticlockwise moments.
  • Applications: Vast, ranging from simple machines to complex engineering structures.

In summary, the turning effect of forces, or moments, is an essential concept in physics, crucial for understanding the mechanics of rotation and equilibrium. Its applications span daily life, engineering, construction, and beyond, making it a key topic for IGCSE Physics students.


Yes, an object can have more than one pivot point, and this often complicates the calculation of moments. Each pivot point provides a different axis of rotation, and the moment of a force about each pivot can differ. When calculating moments in such scenarios, it's important to consider the perpendicular distance from each pivot to the line of action of the force. The moments about different pivots need to be calculated separately, considering the specific distances and forces relative to each pivot. This situation is common in complex mechanical systems and structures where multiple rotation points exist. Understanding this concept helps in analysing the stability and equilibrium of such systems, as each pivot point can contribute differently to the overall dynamics of the object.

The concept of moments is crucial in understanding the stability of objects, especially in architecture and engineering. The stability of an object depends on the distribution of its weight (or centre of gravity) relative to its base of support and the position of any external forces acting on it. An object is stable if any moments created by external forces and the weight of the object do not cause it to tip over. This involves ensuring that the centre of gravity is positioned such that the moments generated are counteracted by the support base. For example, a tower with a low centre of gravity and a wide base is more stable because the moments caused by external forces (like wind) are less likely to exceed the moments that the base can counteract. In contrast, a tall, narrow tower with a high centre of gravity is less stable, as it is easier for external forces to create tipping moments. This application of moments is essential in designing buildings, vehicles, and even in arranging loads on vehicles or ships to maintain stability. Understanding the interplay of forces, moments, and the centre of gravity allows engineers and designers to create structures and systems that remain stable under various conditions.

The angle at which a force is applied significantly impacts the moment it creates. The maximum moment occurs when the force is applied perpendicularly to the lever arm (the line from the pivot to the point of force application). This is because the moment of a force is a function of the perpendicular distance from the pivot to the line of action of the force. When the force is applied at an angle, only the component of the force perpendicular to the lever arm contributes to the moment. As the angle deviates from 90 degrees, this perpendicular component decreases, thus reducing the moment. This principle is crucial in scenarios like tightening bolts with a wrench, where applying force at the correct angle maximises efficiency.

The centre of gravity and the pivot point are distinct concepts in the study of moments, each playing a different role. The centre of gravity of an object is the point at which its weight is considered to act, effectively the balance point of the object's mass distribution. It's important because the weight of the object creates a moment about any pivot point, which affects the object's rotational motion. On the other hand, the pivot point (or fulcrum) is the point about which the object rotates or pivots. It does not necessarily coincide with the centre of gravity. For instance, in a seesaw, the pivot is at the centre, whereas the centre of gravity changes based on the distribution of weight on either side. In problems involving equilibrium and moments, both these points are crucial: the pivot provides the axis of rotation, and the centre of gravity determines how the weight of the object influences this rotation.

The length of the lever arm is a critical factor in determining the turning effect of forces. The lever arm is the distance from the pivot point to the point of force application, and it directly influences the moment of force. A longer lever arm increases the moment for a given force, making it easier to rotate or move an object. This principle is evident in everyday tools such as wrenches or crowbars, where a longer tool provides a greater mechanical advantage, allowing for more significant turning effect with the same amount of applied force. In physics, this concept helps students understand how levers work and how mechanical advantage can be achieved. For example, in a seesaw, if one side is longer than the other, a smaller force on the longer side can balance a larger force on the shorter side, demonstrating the principle of moments and the impact of the lever arm's length.

Practice Questions

A uniform metre ruler is balanced horizontally on a pivot placed at the 40 cm mark. A weight of 1.5 N is hung at the 10 cm mark. At what position (in cm) from the pivot should a weight of 2.0 N be hung to keep the ruler in equilibrium?

To maintain equilibrium, the clockwise moments must equal the anticlockwise moments. The moment due to the 1.5 N weight is 1.5 N times 30 cm. For equilibrium, the moment due to the 2.0 N weight, which acts anticlockwise, should be equal to this. Therefore, 2.0 N times distance = 1.5 N times 30 cm. Rearranging gives distance = (1.5 N times 30 cm) / 2.0 N = 22.5 cm. So, the 2.0 N weight should be placed 22.5 cm from the pivot on the opposite side to the 1.5 N weight.

A seesaw is 4 meters long and balanced in the middle. A child weighing 400 N sits 1.5 meters from the pivot on one side. How far from the pivot must a second child, weighing 320 N, sit on the other side for the seesaw to be balanced?

The principle of moments states that for a seesaw to be balanced, the moments on either side of the pivot must be equal. The moment due to the first child is 400 N times 1.5 m = 600 Nm. For equilibrium, the moment due to the second child must be equal to this. Therefore, 320 N times distance = 600 Nm. Solving for the distance, distance = 600 Nm / 320 N = 1.875 m. Thus, the second child must sit 1.875 meters from the pivot on the other side to balance the seesaw. This demonstrates how the principle of moments is applied to find the equilibrium position in practical situations, ensuring that the moments caused by the weights on either side of the pivot are balanced.

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