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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

1.5.2 Understanding Friction

What is Solid Friction?

Solid friction is the resistance encountered when one solid surface slides over another. This force plays a crucial role in our everyday lives and is fundamental in physics for understanding the motion of objects.

Types of Solid Friction

  • Static Friction: This type of friction acts on an object when it is at rest. It is the force that must be overcome to start moving an object. Static friction is generally higher than other types of friction.
  • Kinetic (Sliding) Friction: This occurs when an object is already moving. It is usually lower than static friction and remains relatively constant with continuous motion.
  • Rolling Friction: Encountered when an object rolls over a surface, like a ball or wheel. It is significantly less than sliding friction and is vital in transportation and machinery.

Effects of Solid Friction

Solid friction, while often seen as a hindrance to motion, has several critical effects:

  • Heat Generation: One of the most noticeable effects of friction is the generation of heat. When objects slide against each other, the energy from the motion is transformed into heat energy, often felt in machinery or even while rubbing hands together.
  • Wear and Tear: Prolonged friction can lead to the gradual wearing down of materials. This effect is crucial in the design of mechanical parts and requires regular maintenance and lubrication to mitigate.
  • Noise Production: Friction can also result in noise, a common issue in various machinery and automotive parts.
  • Energy Dissipation: In mechanical systems, frictional forces lead to a loss of mechanical energy, usually converted into heat, making systems less efficient.

Applications and Management of Solid Friction

  • Braking Systems: In vehicles, friction is harnessed in braking systems to slow down or stop motion.
  • Climbing and Walking: Friction between our shoes and the ground provides the grip necessary for walking, especially on inclined surfaces.
  • Machinery Design: Engineers design machine components considering friction to ensure efficiency and longevity.

Friction in Liquids and Gases (Drag)

When objects move through fluids (liquids and gases), they experience a type of friction known as drag. This force acts in opposition to the direction of motion and is influenced by various factors.

Characteristics of Drag

  • Velocity-Dependent: Unlike solid friction, drag increases with the speed of the object moving through the fluid.
  • Influenced by Fluid Properties: The density and viscosity of the fluid play a significant role in the magnitude of drag experienced by an object.
  • Shape Factor: The shape of the object significantly affects drag. Streamlined shapes are designed to reduce drag, enhancing efficiency in vehicles and aircraft.

Effects of Drag

  • Air Resistance: Perhaps the most familiar form of drag, air resistance affects everything from falling leaves to high-speed vehicles and aircraft.
  • Influences on Motion: Drag forces can significantly alter the velocity and trajectory of an object moving through a fluid, requiring adjustments in energy and direction to maintain desired motion.
  • Energy Efficiency: In vehicles and aircraft, overcoming drag requires additional energy, impacting fuel efficiency and performance.

Managing Drag

  • Streamlining: Designing objects with streamlined shapes reduces drag, crucial in transportation and aerospace engineering.
  • Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Designs: Vehicles and ships are designed considering aerodynamic and hydrodynamic principles to minimize drag.
  • Training in Sports: Athletes in sports like swimming and cycling train to minimize drag, enhancing their performance.

Real-World Examples and Applications

  • Parachutes: Parachutes use the concept of air resistance to slow down descent, a vital application in safety equipment.
  • Vehicle Design: Cars, airplanes, and boats are designed with an emphasis on reducing drag to improve fuel efficiency and speed.
  • Sports Equipment: The design of sports equipment, like golf balls with dimples, utilises principles of drag to enhance performance.


Understanding friction in its various forms is crucial for physics students. It helps in grasping fundamental concepts in mechanics and is pivotal in numerous practical applications ranging from engineering and design to everyday phenomena. Recognising the intricacies of solid friction and the dynamics of drag in fluids allows us to comprehend the complex interplay of forces that shape our world and drive innovation in technology and design.


The difference in ease between starting an object moving and keeping it moving can be attributed to static and kinetic friction. Static friction, which acts when an object is at rest, is usually greater than kinetic friction, experienced when the object is moving. The reason lies in the microscopic irregularities and interlocking between the surfaces at rest. These irregularities need to be overcome to start motion, requiring more force. Once the object starts moving, there is less time for these irregularities to interlock, and thus, the kinetic friction is lower. This is why it takes more effort to start moving an object than to keep it moving.

The surface area of contact between two surfaces does not directly affect the magnitude of friction under normal conditions. Friction is primarily dependent on the nature of the surfaces and the normal force (the force perpendicular to the surfaces in contact). This counterintuitive fact arises because, as the contact area increases, the actual pressure (force per unit area) on each part of the surface decreases if the same normal force is distributed over a larger area. However, the real-world scenario can be complex as larger contact areas might mean more microscopic irregularities can interlock, potentially affecting the friction experienced in practical situations.

Friction is essential in our daily lives and offers numerous benefits. It allows us to walk or drive without slipping, as the friction between our feet or vehicle tyres and the ground provides the necessary grip. In mechanical devices, friction between gears and other components enables them to transfer force and motion effectively. Frictional forces in brakes allow vehicles to slow down or stop safely. Even simple tasks like writing with a pencil or gripping objects rely on friction. Without friction, basic movements and many mechanical functions we take for granted would be impossible, leading to a lack of control in everyday activities.

Lubricants reduce friction by creating a thin layer between two surfaces, minimizing their direct contact. This layer can be a liquid, such as oil, or a solid, like graphite. The primary function of a lubricant is to replace the solid-solid contact with a less resistive layer of liquid-solid or solid-solid contact. Lubricants work because their molecules are structured to provide a slippery, smooth layer, which reduces the interlocking of surface irregularities and hence the friction. Additionally, lubricants can also carry away heat generated by friction, which helps in maintaining the integrity of the surfaces and preventing damage due to overheating.

Temperature can significantly impact solid friction. As temperature increases, the surfaces of most materials expand and soften, leading to changes in their surface properties. This can cause an increase in the area of contact between the two surfaces, potentially increasing friction. For example, in metals, higher temperatures can lead to softer surface layers, which deform more easily under pressure, increasing the area of contact and thus friction. However, for certain materials like polymers, increased temperature may actually reduce friction as they become more slippery. Additionally, heat generated by friction can further change the characteristics of the surfaces in contact, creating a dynamic interplay between temperature and friction.

Practice Questions

Explain how the shape of an object affects its motion through air and provide an example to illustrate your explanation.

A well-crafted answer would address how the shape of an object influences air resistance or drag, impacting its motion through air. For instance, streamlined shapes, like those of aeroplanes or sports cars, are designed to minimise air resistance, allowing them to move more efficiently. This is because a streamlined shape reduces the air turbulence around the object, thereby decreasing the drag force. The lesser the drag, the less energy is required to maintain a certain speed, enhancing the object's motion efficiency. An example of this is the design of a modern aeroplane, which has a sleek, streamlined shape to cut through air with minimal resistance, making it faster and more fuel-efficient.

Describe the phenomenon of kinetic friction and its effect on the motion of a sliding object. Include an explanation of how kinetic friction can be reduced.

Kinetic friction is the force that opposes the motion of an object sliding over a surface. It acts in the direction opposite to the object's movement and is generally less than the static friction experienced before the object starts moving. Kinetic friction converts some of the object's kinetic energy into heat, effectively slowing down the object over time. To reduce kinetic friction, surfaces can be made smoother, lubricants can be used, or the contact area between the surfaces can be minimised. For instance, in machinery, lubricating oils are used between moving parts to reduce kinetic friction, thereby enhancing efficiency and preventing overheating.

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