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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

1.3.4 Weight and Gravity

The Concept of Weight

Weight is fundamentally the force exerted by gravity on any object possessing mass. In any gravitational field, such as that of the Earth, an object is subjected to this force.

Key Characteristics of Weight

  • Dependent on Gravity: An object's weight is not a constant value; it varies in direct proportion to the strength of the gravitational field it is in. For instance, an object on Earth will have a different weight than the same object on the Moon due to the Moon's weaker gravitational field.
  • A Vector Quantity: Weight is a vector, which means it has both magnitude and direction. The direction of the weight force is always towards the centre of the gravitational field, typically downwards towards the centre of the Earth.
  • Measured in Newtons (N): As a force, weight is measured in Newtons, a unit named after Sir Isaac Newton in recognition of his work in classical mechanics.

Gravitational Fields

A gravitational field is an area where an object with mass experiences a force due to gravity. It is an essential concept in understanding the nature of weight.

Properties of Gravitational Fields

  • Invisible Force Fields: These fields are not visible to the naked eye but are detectable through the force they exert on objects with mass.
  • Universal Presence: Every object with mass, from the smallest particle to the largest celestial body, creates a gravitational field around itself.
  • Strength Variations: The strength of a gravitational field is not uniform; it decreases with increased distance from the mass creating the field. This is why astronauts experience less gravity (and thus less weight) when they are in orbit far from Earth’s surface.

Interaction of Mass and Gravity

The interplay between mass and gravity results in the phenomenon of weight. Mass, a measure of the quantity of matter in an object, remains constant regardless of its location. Weight, however, varies with the gravitational field strength.

Understanding Mass and Weight

  • Mass: A scalar quantity representing the amount of matter in an object. It is invariant and does not change whether an object is on Earth, the Moon, or in outer space.
  • Weight: A force resulting from the action of a gravitational field on a mass. Unlike mass, weight is variable and is contingent on the gravitational field strength where the object is located.

Gravitational Force on Different Planets

The force of gravity, and thus the weight of objects, varies significantly across different planets due to their diverse sizes and masses.

Implications of Varying Gravitational Force

  • Lighter on the Moon: An object will weigh less on the Moon than on Earth because the Moon has a weaker gravitational field.
  • Heavier on Larger Planets: On larger planets like Jupiter, which have a stronger gravitational field, objects will weigh more compared to their weight on Earth.

Calculating Weight

The weight of an object can be calculated using the formula:

Weight(W) = Mass(m) × GravitationalFieldStrength (g)

Application of the Formula

  • Understanding 'g': The gravitational field strength, denoted as 'g', varies depending on the celestial body in question. For instance, 'g' on Earth is approximately 9.8 N/kg, whereas on the Moon, it is about 1.6 N/kg.
  • Units: In this formula, weight is measured in Newtons (N), mass in kilograms (kg), and gravitational field strength in newtons per kilogram (N/kg). This formula is a practical tool for calculating the weight of an object on different planets or celestial bodies.

Everyday Effects of Gravity

The influence of gravity is omnipresent in our daily lives, dictating everything from the falling of objects to the sensation of our own weight.

Examples of Gravity at Work

  • Falling Objects: When we drop an object, it falls towards the ground due to Earth's gravitational pull. The speed of the fall and the impact upon landing are directly influenced by Earth's gravity.
  • Our Weight: The sensation of weight that we experience is a result of Earth's gravitational field acting on our mass. The force that pulls us towards the Earth's center is what we perceive as weight.

Weight Variations with Altitude

As we move away from the Earth's surface, the gravitational field strength decreases. This results in a slight reduction in weight with increasing altitude.

High Altitude Effects

  • Mountain Peaks: On high mountain peaks, an object would weigh slightly less than at sea level due to being farther from the Earth's center.
  • Aviation: In aircraft cruising at high altitudes, the reduction in weight is observable but minimal.

Gravitational Fields of Other Celestial Bodies

Understanding gravity extends beyond Earth. The Moon, planets, and even stars have their gravitational fields, affecting the weight of objects differently.

Variability Across the Solar System

  • Lunar Gravity: On the Moon, gravity is about one-sixth of Earth's, significantly reducing the weight of objects.
  • Jovian Gravity: Jupiter's intense gravitational pull means an object would weigh considerably more there than on Earth.

Historical Understanding of Gravity

The understanding of gravity has evolved over time, from the early ideas of Aristotle and Galileo to the groundbreaking work of Newton and Einstein.

Evolution of Gravitational Theory

  • Aristotle's and Galileo’s Contributions: They laid the foundational understanding of how objects behave under gravity.
  • Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation: This law formalized the concept of gravity as a force attracting two masses.
  • Einstein's Theory of General Relativity: This theory provided a more comprehensive understanding of gravity, describing it as the warping of space-time by mass.

Practical Applications of Gravitational Understanding

Gravitational knowledge is not just academic; it has practical applications in various fields.

Real-World Applications

  • Space Exploration: Understanding gravity is crucial for spacecraft navigation and the planning of space missions.
  • Engineering and Architecture: Considerations of gravitational forces are essential in the design of structures and vehicles.
  • Geology and Oceanography: Gravity affects phenomena like tectonic movements and ocean tides.

Gravity in Physics Education

Exploring gravity and weight provides students with a foundational understanding of physics, fostering a deeper appreciation of the natural world.

Educational Significance

  • Critical Thinking: Studying gravity encourages problem-solving and analytical skills.
  • Foundation for Advanced Concepts: Gravitational concepts lay the groundwork for more complex physics topics like quantum mechanics and cosmology.

In conclusion, the exploration of weight and gravity is pivotal in understanding our physical world. This section, tailored for IGCSE Physics students, aims to elucidate these concepts in a comprehensive manner, enhancing their grasp of fundamental physics principles.


While gravity is indeed a force of attraction that acts between all masses, the strength of this force is directly dependent on the masses of the objects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centres. This is described by Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation. In the case of everyday objects like buildings or cars, although they have mass, their masses are relatively small compared to the Earth. Additionally, the distances between these objects and a person are large enough that the gravitational force they exert is extremely weak, to the point of being negligible. The Earth, on the other hand, has a significantly larger mass and thus exerts a gravitational force strong enough to be noticeable. In summary, the gravitational attraction from everyday objects exists but is imperceptible due to their relatively small masses and the distances involved.

Gravity plays a crucial role in the motion of satellites orbiting the Earth. A satellite in orbit is essentially in free fall towards the Earth, but it also has a forward velocity that keeps it moving around the Earth instead of crashing into it. This is a perfect example of Newton’s First Law of Motion, where an object in motion remains in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. In this case, gravity acts as the centripetal force that continuously changes the direction of the satellite’s velocity, keeping it in orbit. Without gravity, the satellite would move off in a straight line into space. The balance between the satellite’s velocity and the Earth's gravitational pull ensures that the satellite stays in a stable orbit. This concept is vital for understanding how satellites maintain their orbits and how varying either the velocity or the altitude of the satellite can change its orbital path.

Gravity can approach zero in certain conditions in space, particularly at points known as Lagrange points. These are positions in space where the gravitational forces of two large bodies, such as the Earth and the Moon, effectively balance each other out, and they are combined with the centripetal force required for a small object to move with them. At these points, a smaller object, like a spacecraft, can theoretically remain stationary relative to the two larger bodies. It's important to note that gravity isn't truly zero at these points, but the forces are balanced in such a way that the net gravitational

effect can be considered negligible. This phenomenon is a result of the complex interplay between the gravitational forces of multiple bodies and their relative positions and motions. It's an essential concept in astrodynamics and has practical applications in space exploration, allowing spacecraft to conserve fuel by 'parking' in these regions of balanced gravitational forces. However, in the vast majority of space, gravity, though diminishing with distance, never truly reaches zero. Even in the depths of interstellar space, far from stars and planets, there is still a minuscule gravitational influence from distant celestial bodies.

When an object is in a lift, its weight appears to change as the lift accelerates either upwards or downwards. This phenomenon is closely related to the concept of apparent weight and the influence of gravity. Apparent weight is the normal force exerted by a surface to support an object's weight. In a stationary lift or one moving at constant speed, the apparent weight is equal to the actual weight. However, when the lift accelerates upwards, the normal force increases to counteract both the object's weight and the upward acceleration, making the object feel heavier. Conversely, when the lift accelerates downwards, the normal force decreases since it needs to counteract less force due to the downward acceleration, making the object feel lighter. This change in apparent weight is a result of the change in acceleration due to gravity acting on the object, illustrating Newton's Second Law of Motion, where force is the product of mass and acceleration.

On a hypothetical planet with extremely low gravitational field strength, the concept of weight would be significantly different from that on Earth. Weight, being the force exerted by gravity on an object with mass, would be drastically reduced in such an environment. An object that feels heavy on Earth would feel much lighter on this planet. This reduced weight would impact various aspects of life and physical phenomena. For instance, objects would fall more slowly, and the muscle strength developed on Earth would allow for much easier movement and lifting of objects. However, this change in weight does not affect an object’s mass, which remains constant regardless of the gravitational field strength. This scenario highlights the distinction between mass and weight, where mass is an intrinsic property of matter, whereas weight is a force dependent on external gravitational influences. Such a planet would provide a fascinating setting for studying physics, offering unique insights into motion, strength, and the effects of gravity on various processes.

Practice Questions

On the Moon, the gravitational field strength is approximately 1.6 N/kg. If an astronaut has a mass of 80 kg, calculate the weight of the astronaut on the Moon. Explain how this weight differs from the astronaut's weight on Earth.

The weight of the astronaut on the Moon can be calculated using the formula Weight = Mass × Gravitational Field Strength. Here, the astronaut’s mass is 80 kg and the gravitational field strength on the Moon is 1.6 N/kg. Therefore, the weight on the Moon = 80 kg × 1.6 N/kg = 128 N. This weight is significantly less than the astronaut’s weight on Earth because the gravitational field strength on Earth is about 9.8 N/kg. On Earth, the same astronaut would weigh 80 kg × 9.8 N/kg = 784 N. The difference in weight is due to the difference in the gravitational field strength of the Moon and Earth.

Describe how the weight of an object changes as it is taken from the Earth’s surface to a high altitude, such as the top of Mount Everest, and explain why this change occurs.

As an object is taken from the Earth’s surface to a high altitude, such as the top of Mount Everest, its weight slightly decreases. This decrease in weight is because the gravitational field strength diminishes with an increase in altitude from the Earth's surface. The Earth's gravitational force weakens as the distance from the centre of the Earth increases. Therefore, at the top of Mount Everest, which is farther from the Earth’s centre compared to the sea level, the gravitational pull on the object is slightly weaker, leading to a small reduction in its weight. However, this change in weight is usually minimal and not easily noticeable in everyday situations.

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