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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

1.3.2 Gravitational Field Strength

Fundamental Understanding of Gravitational Field Strength

  • Definition and Nature: Gravitational field strength is a measure of the force exerted by a gravitational field on a unit mass. It's a vector quantity, indicating that it has both magnitude and direction. This force is what we commonly refer to as gravity.
  • Mathematical Representation: The formula for gravitational field strength (g) is g = F/m, where g represents gravitational field strength, F is the gravitational force, and m is the mass of the object.
  • Units and Measurements: In the International System of Units (SI), gravitational field strength is expressed in newtons per kilogram (N/kg). This unit reflects the nature of gravitational field strength as a force exerted per unit mass.

Detailed Exploration of Gravitational Field Strength and Weight

  • Weight as a Manifestation of Gravity: Weight is the force that a gravitational field exerts on an object. This force is the product of the object's mass and the gravitational field strength (W=m×g).
  • Interplay Between Weight and Gravitational Field Strength: The weight of an object directly correlates with the gravitational field strength of the location. Therefore, an object's weight will vary with changes in gravitational field strength, even when its mass remains constant.

Gravitational Field Strength in the Context of Free Fall

  • Acceleration Due to Gravity: In a gravitational field, all objects accelerate at the same rate when in free fall, irrespective of their mass. This acceleration is equivalent to the gravitational field strength (g).
  • Understanding the Equation g = W/m: The equation g = W/m is vital in understanding gravitational fields. Here, g is the gravitational field strength, W is the weight of the object, and m is its mass. This equation illustrates that gravitational field strength is synonymous with the acceleration of an object in free fall.

Gravitational Field Strength in Various Contexts

  • Variations on Earth: The Earth's gravitational field strength is not uniform. It is slightly stronger at the poles than at the equator due to the oblate shape of the Earth. This variation is essential for precise scientific measurements and calculations.
  • Implications in Astronautics: Understanding gravitational field strength is crucial for space exploration. For instance, the Moon's gravitational field strength is about one-sixth that of Earth's, which significantly impacts the weight of objects and astronauts on the Moon.

Experimental Measurement of Gravitational Field Strength

  • Methods of Measurement: Gravitational field strength can be experimentally determined using pendulums, falling objects, or spring scales. These experiments provide practical insights into the concept of gravitational force.
  • Calculating Gravitational Field Strength: The formula g = W/m can be used to calculate gravitational field strength, where W is the weight measured using a scale, and m is the object's mass.

Applications and Real-World Scenarios

  • Engineering and Design: Gravitational field strength is a critical factor in engineering, particularly in building structures like bridges and skyscrapers, where weight distribution and stability under gravity are key concerns.
  • Astronomical Studies: In astronomy, understanding the gravitational field strength of different celestial bodies helps in studying their physical properties and the dynamics of their orbits.

Teaching Gravitational Field Strength in Classrooms

  • Practical Demonstrations: Educators can use simple experiments, such as measuring the period of a pendulum or observing the acceleration of falling objects, to demonstrate gravitational field strength practically.
  • Problem-Solving Exercises: Incorporating problem-solving exercises that involve calculating gravitational field strength helps students apply the concept in various scenarios, enhancing their understanding.

Challenges in Measurement and Interpretation

  • Accuracy and Precision: Measuring gravitational field strength accurately can be challenging due to external factors like air resistance and Earth's rotation. Precision in measurements is crucial for scientific studies and practical applications.
  • Theoretical vs. Practical Discrepancies: Students should be aware of potential discrepancies between theoretical values and actual measurements. These differences can arise due to environmental variations or limitations in measuring instruments.

Gravitational Field Strength Across Different Planetary Bodies

  • Comparative Analysis of Planetary Gravity: The gravitational field strength varies significantly across different planets and moons in our solar system. For example, Mars has a lower gravitational field strength compared to Earth, affecting the weight of objects on its surface.
  • Implications for Space Missions: This variation in gravitational field strength is a critical consideration in the design and execution of space missions, including spacecraft trajectory and the physical well-being of astronauts.

The Broader Relevance of Gravitational Field Strength

  • Everyday Life Applications: The concept of gravitational field strength explains everyday phenomena, such as why objects fall to the ground and why our weight differs on different planets.
  • Relevance in Sciences: Beyond physics, gravitational field strength is relevant in fields like geology, where it helps in understanding phenomena like tectonic movements and the Earth's internal structure.

Role of Gravitational Field Strength in Astrophysics

  • Studying Extreme Gravitational Fields: Astrophysics often deals with extreme gravitational fields, such as those around black holes, where gravity is so strong that it significantly alters the fabric of space and time.
  • Planetary and Satellite Orbits: Understanding gravitational field strength is essential for explaining the orbits of planets and satellites, a key aspect of astrophysics and space exploration.

Encouraging a Deeper Understanding in Students

  • Interactive Learning: Teachers can use interactive simulations and models to help students visualize gravitational fields and understand their effects on objects.
  • Linking to Real-World Examples: By relating gravitational field strength to real-world examples and current events in space exploration, educators can make the topic more engaging and relevant for students.


In summary, gravitational field strength is a cornerstone concept in IGCSE Physics, integral to the understanding of numerous other physics topics. Its relevance extends beyond academic learning, finding applications in various scientific, engineering, and real-world contexts. By blending theoretical knowledge with practical experiments and real-life examples, students can develop a comprehensive and applied understanding of gravitational field strength, preparing them for further studies and practical applications in the field.


Gravitational field strength is fundamental in understanding tides on Earth because tides are primarily caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon and, to a lesser extent, the Sun. The Moon's gravitational field exerts a force on Earth's oceans, pulling the water towards it and creating a bulge, which we perceive as a high tide. On the opposite side of the Earth, another high tide occurs due to the centrifugal force created as Earth and the Moon orbit their common centre of mass. The variation in gravitational field strength across the Earth's surface, due to the changing distance from the Moon (and the Sun), leads to the cyclical rise and fall of tides. Understanding the nuances of gravitational field strength, including how it varies with distance and mass, is crucial in predicting tide patterns, which is important for navigation, coastal management, and understanding

Earth's marine ecosystems. Additionally, the gravitational pull of the Sun, although less than that of the Moon, also affects tides, especially during new and full moons when the Sun, Moon, and Earth align, leading to spring tides with higher highs and lower lows. This alignment amplifies the gravitational effects on tides, demonstrating the interconnectedness of gravitational field strength and tidal phenomena.

Gravitational field strength can be zero, but this occurs only under very specific and extreme conditions. In space, far away from any mass (such as stars, planets, or other celestial bodies), the gravitational field strength can approach zero. This is because gravitational field strength decreases with the square of the distance from the mass causing the gravity. In theory, at the exact centre of a symmetrically mass-distributed body, like a sphere with uniform density, the gravitational field strength would be zero. This is because the gravitational forces exerted by all parts of the sphere would cancel each other out. However, such conditions are practically impossible to find or create in reality. In space exploration and astrophysics, understanding these conditions is important, especially when considering the gravitational influences on spacecraft travelling vast distances.

Gravitational field strength plays a crucial role in the formation and stability of orbits. An orbit is essentially a balance between the forward motion of a body, like a planet or satellite, and the gravitational pull of another body, like a star or planet. The gravitational field strength of the larger body, such as the Earth or the Sun, exerts a force on the smaller body, pulling it towards the centre of the larger body. However, due to the smaller body's tangential velocity, instead of falling straight into the larger body, it falls around it, creating an orbit. The stronger the gravitational field strength, the faster the smaller body must travel to maintain its orbit without being pulled in. This is why the International Space Station, orbiting close to Earth, must travel at high speeds – to counteract the Earth's strong gravitational pull. In contrast, planets in our solar system orbiting the Sun at greater distances have slower orbital speeds due to the Sun's gravitational field strength being weaker at those distances.

The gravitational field strength varies at different points on Earth due to several factors. The most significant is the Earth's rotation. The centrifugal force caused by the Earth's rotation is strongest at the equator and nonexistent at the poles. This force effectively reduces the gravitational pull at the equator, making the gravitational field strength slightly weaker there compared to the poles. Additionally, the Earth is not a perfect sphere; it is an oblate spheroid, meaning it's slightly flattened at the poles and bulges at the equator. This shape causes objects at the poles to be closer to the Earth's centre, where gravity is stronger, compared to objects at the equator. Variations in the Earth's density, such as mountain ranges or ocean trenches, can also cause local variations in gravitational field strength. These geographical differences impact the local gravitational field strength, explaining why it varies at different locations on Earth.

Understanding gravitational field strength is key to explaining the weightlessness experienced by astronauts in orbit. While it's a common misconception that there is no gravity in space, in reality, astronauts in orbit around Earth are still within the Earth's gravitational field. However, they experience weightlessness because they are in a state of free fall towards Earth, but their forward motion keeps them in orbit instead of falling directly to the surface. This phenomenon creates what is known as microgravity. The spacecraft and the astronauts inside it are both falling towards Earth at the same rate, creating the sensation of weightlessness. This effect occurs because the gravitational field strength, though weaker than on Earth's surface, is still significant at the altitude of most orbits. The concept of gravitational field strength helps us understand that weightlessness in space is not due to the absence of gravity but due to the conditions of orbital motion within a gravitational field. This understanding is crucial for space travel, as it affects everything from astronauts' physiological responses to the behavior of objects and fluids in space.

Practice Questions

A student measures the weight of an object as 9.8 N. If the mass of the object is 1 kg, calculate the gravitational field strength at the location where the measurement was taken.

To calculate the gravitational field strength, we use the formula g = W / m, where W is the weight of the object, and m is its mass. In this scenario, the weight W is given as 9.8 N, and the mass m is 1 kg. Therefore, the gravitational field strength g is calculated as g = 9.8 N / 1 kg. This simplifies to g = 9.8 N/kg. The gravitational field strength at the location is 9.8 N/kg, which is typical for a location on the Earth's surface. This calculation demonstrates the direct relationship between weight, mass, and gravitational field strength.

On the Moon, the gravitational field strength is approximately one-sixth of that on Earth. If an astronaut's mass is 72 kg, what would be their weight on the Moon?

The weight of an object (or person) can be calculated using the formula W = m x g, where W is the weight, m is the mass, and g is the gravitational field strength. On Earth, the gravitational field strength is approximately 9.8 N/kg, and on the Moon, it is about one-sixth of this value. Therefore, the Moon's gravitational field strength is approximately 9.8 N/kg / 6, which is about 1.63 N/kg. The astronaut's mass is 72 kg, so their weight on the Moon is W = 72 kg x 1.63 N/kg = 117.36 N. Thus, the astronaut would weigh 117.36 N on the Moon, significantly less than their weight on Earth. This calculation illustrates the effect of varying gravitational field strengths on different celestial bodies.

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