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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

23.2.4 Exponential Decay in Radioactive Materials

Understanding Exponential Decay

Radioactive decay is a spontaneous and random process, intrinsic to certain unstable atomic nuclei. This decay leads to the emission of particles or electromagnetic radiation. Understanding its nature and mathematical description is key to mastering topics in nuclear physics.

The Nature of Exponential Decay

  • Exponential decay refers to the decrease in the quantity of a radioactive substance at a rate proportional to its current amount.
  • The decay process is consistent, indicated by a constant half-life, regardless of the initial quantity of the substance.

Key Characteristics

  • Spontaneity: This decay occurs without external provocation, solely due to the unstable nature of certain nuclei.
  • Unpredictability: The exact time of decay of an individual nucleus cannot be predicted, embodying the randomness of the process.
  • Statistical Consistency: Despite individual unpredictability, larger samples of radioactive materials exhibit remarkably consistent decay patterns.

Mathematical Description of Decay

The exponential decay of radioactive materials is mathematically expressed by the equation N = N₀e(-λt), encapsulating the essence of this phenomenon.

Image showing the mathematical description of radioactive decay

Radioactive decay

Image Courtesy Expii

Components of the Formula

  • N: Represents the number of undecayed nuclei at a given time.
  • N₀: The initial number of undecayed nuclei at the starting point of observation.
  • e: Euler's number, a fundamental constant approximately equal to 2.71828, is the base of natural logarithms.
  • λ (lambda): The decay constant, indicative of the probability of a single nucleus decaying per unit time.
  • t: Time elapsed since the start of observation.

Interpretation of the Formula

  • The formula shows how the number of undecayed nuclei in a sample diminishes over time in a non-linear, exponential manner.
  • It highlights the inverse relationship between the number of undecayed nuclei and time.

Decay Constant (λ)

The decay constant, λ, is central to the concept of exponential decay, defining the rate at which a radioactive substance undergoes decay.

Definition and Importance

  • λ is a measure of the likelihood of decay of a nucleus per unit time.
  • Each radioactive isotope has a unique decay constant, acting as a distinctive identifier.

Calculation Considerations

  • Experimentally, λ is determined by measuring the decay rate over a certain period.
  • Its constancy over time is a critical aspect that differentiates exponential decay from other types of decay processes.

Practical Applications

The understanding of exponential decay is not just academic; it has practical applications in various fields.

Dating Archaeological Finds

  • Radiocarbon dating, using the known half-life of carbon-14, allows scientists to estimate the age of organic materials.
A diagram showing the radioactive decay of four elements into stable isotopes over different time spans used in radioactive dating

Radioactive dating

Image Courtesy Geologyin

Medical Applications

  • Radioactive isotopes are used in both treatments and diagnostics. Understanding their decay rates is crucial for safe and effective application.

Environmental Studies

  • The study of naturally occurring isotopes and their decay assists in environmental monitoring, research, and understanding ecological dynamics.


Exponential decay is a cornerstone concept in physics, providing deep insights into the nature of radioactive materials. Mastery of this topic is essential for students studying nuclear physics and its applications.


The half-life of a radioactive substance is intimately related to its decay constant. The half-life is defined as the time it takes for half of the radioactive nuclei in a sample to decay. Mathematically, the half-life (T₁/₂) is inversely related to the decay constant (λ) and can be calculated using the formula T₁/₂ = ln(2)/λ. This relationship highlights that a larger decay constant indicates a shorter half-life, meaning the substance decays more quickly. Conversely, a smaller decay constant suggests a longer half-life, implying the substance is more stable. This relationship is fundamental in understanding the behaviour of radioactive materials, as it allows for the determination of how long a given radioactive substance will remain active or dangerous.

The decay constant of a radioactive isotope is a fundamental property and cannot be altered by any external physical or chemical means. It is determined by the forces operating within the nucleus, particularly the balance between the strong nuclear force and electromagnetic force. Since these forces are intrinsic properties of the particles within the nucleus, external factors such as temperature, pressure, or chemical changes do not affect the decay constant. The only way to change the decay rate of a substance is through nuclear reactions, such as neutron capture, which can convert the nucleus into a different isotope with a different decay constant. However, these are not changes to the original decay constant but rather a transformation into a different nuclear species.

Exponential decay is described as 'memoryless' because the probability of decay of a radioactive nucleus in a given time interval is independent of how long it has existed without decaying. In simpler terms, the chance of a nucleus decaying in the next second is the same whether it was formed a second ago or a million years ago. This is a distinctive characteristic of exponential processes. In radioactive decay, each nucleus has a fixed probability of decaying per unit time, defined by the decay constant, λ. This probability remains constant over time, meaning the past history of the nucleus does not influence its future behaviour. This property is crucial in applications like radiocarbon dating, where the age of a sample is calculated based on the current amount of undecayed material, regardless of when the material was formed.

Understanding exponential decay is crucial for the safe handling of radioactive materials. Firstly, knowledge of the decay constant and half-life allows for accurate prediction of the material's activity over time, essential in planning safe storage and disposal. Radioactive materials with short half-lives decay quickly, becoming less hazardous over a shorter period, but they are initially much more dangerous. Conversely, materials with long half-lives pose a long-term hazard. Additionally, the exponential nature of decay means that the intensity of radiation decreases significantly over multiple half-lives, which is critical in determining safety protocols such as shielding requirements and exposure times for personnel. Understanding these factors ensures that radioactive materials are handled and stored in a manner that minimises the risk of radiation exposure, aligning with health and safety regulations.

Temperature does not affect the rate of radioactive decay. This is a fundamental aspect of radioactive decay that distinguishes it from many chemical reactions. Radioactive decay is governed by the instability of the atomic nucleus, a feature that is unaffected by external conditions such as temperature, pressure, or chemical state. This invariance is due to the decay process being a nuclear event, occurring in the atomic nucleus, which is largely isolated from external influences that typically affect the electrons in an atom. Hence, even in extreme temperatures, the decay constant and the half-life of a radioactive isotope remain unchanged. This principle is vital in applications like geological dating and medical uses of radioisotopes, where consistent decay rates, irrespective of environmental conditions, are crucial.

Practice Questions

A sample of a radioactive substance initially has 8000 undecayed nuclei. After 3 hours, only 1000 undecayed nuclei remain. Calculate the decay constant for the substance.

To find the decay constant, we use the formula N = N₀e(-λt). Rearranging this formula to solve for λ gives λ = -ln(N/N₀)/t. Substituting the given values, N₀ = 8000, N = 1000, and t = 3 hours (which should be converted into seconds for consistency in units), we find λ. Assuming 1 hour = 3600 seconds, t becomes 10800 seconds. Thus, λ = -ln(1000/8000) / 10800 ≈ 0.000169 s(-1). This calculation shows the decay constant of the substance, indicating how rapidly it decays over time.

Explain the significance of the decay constant in the context of exponential decay, particularly in medical applications like radiotherapy.

The decay constant, represented by λ in the exponential decay formula, is crucial as it quantifies the rate at which a radioactive substance decays. In medical applications such as radiotherapy, understanding the decay constant is vital for several reasons. Firstly, it allows for precise calculation of the dosage and timing of treatment, ensuring maximum effectiveness while minimising harm to the patient. The decay constant helps in selecting appropriate isotopes with suitable half-lives for treatment, ensuring that the radioactive substance remains active for the desired duration. Additionally, understanding the decay rate assists in safety protocols and storage requirements for radioactive materials, ensuring the wellbeing of medical staff and patients alike.

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