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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

23.2.3 Radioactive Decay: Half-Life

Introduction to Half-Life

Half-life is a term that denotes the time period required for half of the radioactive nuclei in a sample to decay. This concept is not just a theoretical construct but a practical tool used across various scientific disciplines. It is a fixed property of each radioactive isotope and remains constant regardless of external conditions.

What is Half-Life?


  • Fundamental Concept: The half-life of a radioactive isotope is the time taken for half of the atoms in a sample to undergo radioactive decay.
  • Characteristic Property: Each radioactive isotope has a unique half-life, which is an intrinsic property of the isotope.


  • Radioactive Decay Rate: Half-life helps in understanding and predicting the decay rate of radioactive materials.
  • Applications: This concept is critical in various fields, including environmental science, medicine, and archaeology.

Calculation of Half-Life

The calculation of half-life is a vital skill for students to understand the dynamics of radioactive decay.


  • Mathematical Representation: The half-life formula is expressed as t(1/2) = ln(2) / lambda, where lambda is the decay constant.
  • Decay Equation: This formula is derived from the exponential decay equation N = N0 * e(-lambda * t).
Image explaining radioactive decay half-life

Radioactive decay half-life

Image Courtesy Expii

Sample Problems

  • Example 1: Calculating the half-life of a substance with a known decay constant.
  • Example 2: Using the half-life to determine the remaining quantity of a radioactive substance after a certain period.

Applications of Half-Life

Understanding half-life has practical implications in various scientific and industrial fields.

Predicting Decay Rates

  • Safety Protocols: In nuclear physics, knowing the half-life of substances is crucial for handling and storage protocols.
  • Medical Dosage: In medical applications, the half-life of isotopes is used to determine safe and effective dosages for treatments.

Real-World Examples

  • Radiocarbon Dating: Carbon-14, with a half-life of about 5730 years, is used to date organic materials.
  • Medical Imaging: Isotopes like Technetium-99m are used in medical imaging, with their effectiveness dependent on their half-life.

In-Depth Analysis

Exploring the complexities of half-life offers a deeper understanding of radioactive decay.

Graphical Representation

  • Exponential Decay Curve: A graph depicting the decay of a substance over time, illustrating the concept of half-life.
  • Interpreting the Graph: The initial steep decline represents the rapid decay of half the nuclei, followed by a slower rate of decay.

Factors Influencing Half-Life

  • Inherent Property: The half-life of an isotope is not influenced by environmental factors like temperature or pressure.
  • Predictability: This constancy makes half-life a reliable metric for predicting decay rates.

Summary and Implications

The study of half-life extends beyond theoretical physics, having significant practical implications.

Environmental Impact

  • Long-term Effects: Understanding the half-life of radioactive elements helps in assessing their impact on the environment.

Nuclear Energy

  • Reactor Management: In nuclear reactors, the half-life of fuel elements is a key factor in determining their lifespan and efficiency.


The concept of half-life is critical in the management of nuclear waste, as it helps in determining how long the waste will remain hazardous and guides the strategies for its safe storage and disposal. Radioactive waste contains a variety of isotopes, each with a different half-life, ranging from a few days to thousands of years. By understanding these half-lives, scientists and engineers can predict the duration for which the waste will emit harmful radiation. This knowledge is essential for designing containment facilities that can remain secure for the necessary period. For example, isotopes with short half-lives may need secure storage for a few years, while those with longer half-lives require robust, long-term solutions. Additionally, understanding half-lives aids in categorising waste into low, intermediate, and high-level waste, each requiring different handling and disposal techniques.

The half-life of an isotope is not affected by external factors like temperature or pressure. It is an intrinsic property of the isotope, determined by the forces within the nucleus of the atom. This stability arises from the fact that radioactive decay is a nuclear process, governed by the interactions of protons and neutrons in the nucleus, which are largely unaffected by external environmental conditions. This principle is fundamental to the reliability of methods like radiometric dating, where the half-life of isotopes like Uranium or Carbon-14 provides accurate age estimations regardless of the sample's history of temperature and pressure conditions. This invariance under different environmental conditions is a key aspect that distinguishes nuclear reactions from chemical reactions, which are significantly influenced by external factors.

The concept of half-life is pivotal in medical diagnostics and treatment, particularly in the fields of nuclear medicine and radiopharmacy. In diagnostic imaging techniques, such as PET scans, isotopes with short half-lives are used to trace processes within the body. The short half-life ensures that the isotopes decay quickly, reducing the patient's exposure to radiation. For example, Technetium-99m, with a half-life of about 6 hours, is widely used in medical imaging due to its favourable properties, including its rapid decay. In treatment, understanding the half-life of isotopes helps in determining the effective dosage and timing for radiotherapy treatments. Isotopes used in treatment need to have a sufficient half-life to affect the targeted cells but not so long that they pose a prolonged radiation risk to the patient. This balance is crucial for maximizing the efficacy of the treatment while minimizing potential side effects.

Half-life is considered a more reliable measure than initial activity for understanding radioactive decay because it is a constant characteristic of a radioactive isotope, irrespective of the initial amount of the substance. Initial activity, which is the rate of decay at a given time, can vary based on the quantity of the radioactive material present. However, half-life remains the same regardless of how much of the isotope exists or the conditions it is under. This consistency makes half-life a fundamental and dependable metric for comparing different isotopes and predicting their behaviour over time. For instance, when determining the age of an archaeological artifact using radiocarbon dating, it is the half-life of Carbon-14 that provides a reliable basis for calculation, rather than the initial activity, which could have varied depending on the sample size and other factors.

The concept of half-life is applicable to all radioactive isotopes, regardless of the length of the half-life. For isotopes with very long half-lives, such as Uranium-238 (about 4.5 billion years), the process of decay occurs extremely slowly. This means that significant changes in their activity levels are observable over geological time scales. These isotopes are often used in dating geological formations or archaeological samples. On the other hand, isotopes with very short half-lives, like Oxygen-15 (about 122 seconds), decay rapidly. These isotopes are typically used in medical applications, such as in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans, where their rapid decay is advantageous for minimizing radiation exposure to the patient. In both cases, understanding the half-life is crucial for determining the isotope’s usability and safety, whether it's for long-term geological studies or short-lived medical procedures.

Practice Questions

A sample of a radioactive isotope has an initial activity of 1000 decays per second. After 24 hours, its activity reduces to 125 decays per second. Calculate the half-life of the isotope.

To calculate the half-life of the isotope, we first note that the activity has reduced to 1/8th of its original value in 24 hours. Since activity is directly proportional to the number of undecayed nuclei, we can use the half-life formula. If the activity becomes half in one half-life, it becomes 1/8th in three half-lives (as 1/23 = 1/8). Thus, three half-lives equal 24 hours. Therefore, one half-life is 24 hours divided by 3, which equals 8 hours. The half-life of the isotope is 8 hours.

If a radioactive substance has a half-life of 6 years and initially contains 160 grams, how much of the substance will remain undecayed after 18 years?

In this scenario, the substance goes through three half-lives in 18 years (since 18 years divided by 6 years per half-life equals 3 half-lives). In each half-life, the remaining amount of the substance halves. Therefore, after the first half-life, 80 grams remain; after the second, 40 grams; and after the third, 20 grams. Hence, after 18 years, 20 grams of the substance will remain undecayed. This calculation demonstrates the exponential nature of radioactive decay, where the quantity of a substance decreases by half in each successive half-life.

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