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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

22.4.2 Calculating Energy Changes in Atoms

Introduction to Atomic Energy Levels

Understanding atomic energy levels is crucial for comprehending the behaviour of electrons within an atom. Electrons exist in specific energy states, and transitions between these states involve either the absorption or emission of energy.

Discrete Energy Levels and Photon Energy

Equation hf = E₁ – E₂

  • Concept of Photon Energy: The energy of a photon is calculated using the equation hf = E₁ – E₂. This equation is fundamental in quantum physics and is key in understanding atomic transitions.
    • h: Planck's constant (6.62607015 × 10-34 Js), a fundamental constant in quantum mechanics.
    • f: Frequency of the photon, related to the energy of the photon.
    • E₁ and E₂: The energy levels between which the electron transitions.
  • Quantum Jumps: Electrons in an atom jump between fixed energy levels, emitting or absorbing photons. These jumps are quantum in nature, meaning they occur in discrete steps.
Diagram explaining photon energy and discrete energy level

Photon energy

Image Courtesy BYJU’S

Calculating Photon Energy

  • Emission of Photons: In an emission spectrum, an electron drops from a higher energy level (E₁) to a lower level (E₂), emitting a photon of energy equal to the difference between these levels.
  • Absorption of Photons: In absorption spectra, electrons absorb photons and jump to higher energy levels. This requires photons of specific energies matching the energy gap between the levels.

Line Spectra: Evidence of Energy Levels

Understanding Emission and Absorption Spectra

  • Emission Line Spectra: Characterized by bright lines on a dark background. Each line represents a photon emitted by electrons falling to lower energy levels.
  • Absorption Line Spectra: These show dark lines against a bright, continuous spectrum. These lines are formed when electrons absorb photons and move to higher energy levels.
Image showing emission and absorption spectra

Emission spectra and absorption spectra

Image Courtesy BYJU’S

Line Spectra in Scientific Analysis

  • Element Identification: The unique pattern of lines in the spectra of elements allows for their identification, a method extensively used in astrophysics and chemical analysis.
  • Understanding Atomic Structure: The study of these spectra provides insights into the structure of atoms and the energy levels within.

Practical Application: Spectroscopy

  • Astrophysics: Used for determining the composition of stars and galaxies.
  • Chemical Analysis: Helps in identifying elements in various substances.

Practical Exercise: Analysing a Hydrogen Line Spectrum

Detailed Analysis Steps

  • 1. Spectrum Observation: First, observe the line spectrum of hydrogen under a spectroscope.
  • 2. Line Identification: Identify the distinct emission or absorption lines.
  • 3. Wavelength Measurement: Use a spectrometer to accurately measure the wavelengths of these lines.
  • 4. Frequency Calculation: Convert the measured wavelengths into frequencies using c = lambda f (where c is the speed of light).
  • 5.Applying the Energy Equation: Use the equation hf = E₁ – E₂ to calculate the energy transitions corresponding to the observed lines.

Example Case Study

  • Objective: Examine the visible line spectrum of hydrogen.
  • Procedure: Using a spectroscope, identify the prominent lines in the hydrogen spectrum, such as the Balmer series.
  • Analysis: Calculate the energy transitions for each line, providing insights into the energy levels of the hydrogen atom.

Advanced Considerations in Energy Level Calculations

Beyond the Basic Equation

  • Complex Atoms: For atoms more complex than hydrogen, the energy levels are affected by additional factors like electron-electron interactions and spin-orbit coupling.
  • Quantum Mechanics: A deeper understanding of these concepts requires knowledge of quantum mechanics, which explains the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels.

Enhancing Student Understanding

  • Laboratory Work: Engaging in practical experiments to observe line spectra firsthand.
  • Exploratory Learning: Encouraging students to research and present on advanced topics related to atomic energy levels and spectroscopy.

In conclusion, the study of energy changes in atoms, specifically through the calculation of photon energy and the analysis of line spectra, offers profound insights into the quantum world. This knowledge is not only foundational in the field of physics but also has practical applications in various scientific disciplines. Understanding these concepts is crucial for A-Level Physics students, bridging the gap between theoretical physics and real-world phenomena.


Yes, the energy levels in atoms can be altered externally, typically through the application of external fields or changes in environmental conditions. One common method is through the application of an electric field, known as the Stark effect, which can cause shifts and splitting of the atomic energy levels. Similarly, the Zeeman effect occurs when magnetic fields are applied to atoms, leading to the splitting of energy levels. These effects alter the energy levels by changing the way electrons are distributed within the atom, thereby affecting their energy states. Additionally, changes in environmental conditions, such as pressure and temperature, can also influence energy levels. For example, at high pressures or temperatures, atoms can be excited to higher energy states. These external influences are crucial in experimental physics and are used to probe the structure of atoms and molecules.

'Quantum jumps' signify a departure from the classical idea of electron orbits, which depicted electrons moving in defined circular paths around the nucleus. In quantum mechanics, electrons are described as existing in discrete energy levels and not in fixed orbits. A quantum jump occurs when an electron transitions between these levels, absorbing or emitting a photon in the process. This concept is fundamentally different from the classical trajectory of an electron. In classical physics, energy changes are continuous and smooth, whereas in quantum mechanics, these changes are abrupt and discrete, occurring in 'jumps'. This quantum view explains phenomena like line spectra, which cannot be accounted for by classical theories. Quantum mechanics, thus, provides a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of atomic structure, where electrons are better described by probabilities and wavefunctions rather than definite orbits.

Line spectra play a pivotal role in understanding the universe, particularly in the field of astrophysics. By analysing the light emitted from stars and galaxies, scientists can identify the elements present and determine their abundance, temperature, density, and movement. This analysis is possible because each element emits or absorbs light at specific wavelengths, creating a unique spectral fingerprint. For instance, the identification of helium was first made through its spectral lines in the sun before it was found on Earth. Additionally, line spectra are crucial in understanding stellar lifecycles, galactic composition, and the expansion of the universe. The redshift and blueshift of spectral lines provide information about the movement of celestial bodies, helping astronomers determine whether these bodies are moving towards or away from us, which is integral to the study of the expanding universe. Thus, line spectra are an indispensable tool in cosmology and astrophysics, offering insights into the fundamental workings of the universe.

Multi-electron atoms exhibit more complex line spectra compared to hydrogen due to electron-electron interactions and the influence of additional subshells. In hydrogen, with only one electron, the energy levels depend solely on the principal quantum number. However, in multi-electron atoms, electrons in the same principal energy level (shell) can occupy different subshells (s, p, d, f), which have slightly different energy levels due to electron-electron repulsion and the shielding effect. This results in a splitting of energy levels, known as fine structure, making the spectra more intricate. Additionally, the interaction between the spin and orbital angular momentum of electrons (spin-orbit coupling) further splits these energy levels, leading to even more lines in the spectrum. Thus, the complexity of line spectra in multi-electron atoms is a reflection of the more complicated electronic structure and interactions within these atoms.

The uncertainty principle, formulated by Werner Heisenberg, states that it is impossible to simultaneously know both the precise position and momentum of a particle. In the context of discrete energy levels in atoms, this principle has significant implications. Electrons within an atom do not have a defined path or location; instead, they exist in 'clouds' or 'orbitals' around the nucleus. This indeterminacy is a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics. The discrete energy levels are a result of this uncertainty. Since electrons cannot have defined orbits like planets around the sun due to their wave-particle duality, they exist in these probabilistic states, which define their energy levels. When an electron transitions between these levels, it either absorbs or emits energy, but the exact position and momentum of the electron at any given moment remain uncertain. This uncertainty principle thereby reinforces the idea of discrete energy levels and the quantum nature of atoms.

Practice Questions

Calculate the energy of a photon emitted when an electron in a hydrogen atom transitions from the n=3 level to the n=2 level. Use the following values: Planck's constant (h) = 6.626 × 10^-34 Js, Speed of light (c) = 3.00 × 10^8 m/s. (Remember to first calculate the frequency using the Rydberg formula for hydrogen: 1/λ = R(1/n₁² - 1/n₂²), where R = 1.097 × 10^7 m^-1.)

The energy of the photon can be calculated using the Rydberg formula to find the wavelength and then applying the equation E = hf. Firstly, using the Rydberg formula, 1/λ = 1.097 × 107 m-1 (1/2² - 1/3²) gives λ = 6.56 × 10-7 m. The frequency, f, is then c/λ, which equals 3.00 × 108 m/s ÷ 6.56 × 10-7 m, resulting in f ≈ 4.57 × 1014 Hz. Subsequently, using E = hf gives E = 6.626 × 10-34 Js × 4.57 × 1014 Hz ≈ 3.03 × 10-19 J. Therefore, the energy of the photon is approximately 3.03 × 10-19 joules.

A spectral line is observed at a wavelength of 486.1 nm in the visible spectrum of a distant star. Assuming this line is due to a transition in the hydrogen atom, identify the possible electronic transition in the hydrogen atom that could result in this spectral line.

The observed wavelength of 486.1 nm (which is 486.1 × 10-9 m) corresponds to the Balmer series in the hydrogen spectrum, where electrons transition to the n=2 level from higher levels. Using the Rydberg formula for hydrogen, 1/λ = R(1/2² - 1/n²), and rearranging for n, we get n² = 1/(Rλ + 1/4). Substituting R = 1.097 × 107 m-1 and λ = 486.1 × 10-9 m, we find n² ≈ 36, implying n ≈ 6. Therefore, the spectral line observed is likely due to an electronic transition from the n=6 level to the n=2 level in the hydrogen atom.

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