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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

22.4.1 Discrete Energy Levels in Atoms

Introduction to Atomic Structure and Energy Levels

Atoms, the smallest units of matter, consist of a nucleus encircled by electrons. Unlike the orbits in a planetary system, electrons in atoms occupy specific energy levels.

  • Quantised Energy Levels: Atoms feature distinct energy levels, each representing a certain amount of energy that an electron can possess. These levels are quantised, meaning electrons can't exist between these levels.
  • Ground State and Excited State: The lowest energy level, known as the ground state, is where electrons are most stable. When an electron gains energy, it moves to an excited state, a higher energy level.

Quantum Jumps and Electron Transitions

Quantum jumps describe the transitions of electrons between different energy levels in an atom.

  • Absorption of Energy: An electron ascends to a higher energy level by absorbing energy, usually from electromagnetic radiation like light.
  • Emission of Energy: When an electron descends back to a lower level, it emits energy, typically as a photon.
Diagram showing absorption of energy when electrons move to a higher level (left) and release of energy when electrons move to a lower level (right).

Energy absorption and release by electrons moving between energy levels.

Image Courtesy Stack Exchange Inc

Characteristics of Quantum Jumps

  • Photon Absorption and Emission: The energy absorbed or emitted during these transitions is quantised and carried by photons, the basic units of light.
  • Energy of Photons: The energy of these photons is equal to the difference in energy levels, following the formula: energy (E) equals Planck's constant (h) times frequency (f), or E = hf.

Formation of Emission and Absorption Line Spectra

Understanding atomic energy levels and quantum jumps is essential for comprehending the line spectra, which are unique to each element.

Emission Line Spectra

  • Production: When an electron drops to a lower energy level, it emits a photon. This process creates bright lines on a dark background in a spectrum.
  • Unique Spectral Lines: Each element has its own set of energy levels, leading to a unique emission spectrum.
A diagram showing the Emission spectrum of Iron

Emission spectrum of Iron (Fe)

Image Courtesy Nilda

Absorption Line Spectra

  • Formation: Absorption occurs when electrons in a gas absorb photons, moving to higher energy levels.
  • Dark Lines in Spectrum: This process results in dark lines in a continuous spectrum, unique to each element.
Diagram showing Absorption spectrum lines for Hydrogen

Absorption spectrum lines for Hydrogen

Image Courtesy Astronomy Know How

Spectroscopic Analysis

  • Astronomical Applications: Spectroscopy is crucial for analyzing the composition of stars and galaxies.
  • Energy Level Insights: The patterns in line spectra reveal information about the energy levels in atoms.

Practical Applications and Significance

The knowledge of atomic energy levels and their spectra has vast applications in various scientific domains.

  • Astrophysics: Spectroscopy is a key tool for studying the properties of celestial objects.
  • Quantum Mechanics: These concepts underpin quantum mechanics.
  • Material Science: Understanding how light interacts with matter is vital for developing new materials and technologies.

Challenges and Further Developments

While the discrete energy level model explains many phenomena, it also has limitations, leading to more advanced theories in quantum physics.

  • Complexity of Atomic Structure: The atomic structure is more intricate than the simplified model of discrete energy levels.
  • Advancements in Quantum Theory: These limitations have paved the way for more comprehensive theories, such as quantum field theory.

In summary, an understanding of discrete energy levels within atoms and the concept of quantum jumps is fundamental in physics. It not only elucidates the formation of emission and absorption line spectra but also opens the door to a deeper understanding of quantum mechanics and astrophysics. This knowledge not only enhances our comprehension of the atomic world but also has significant implications in technology and astronomy.


Planck's constant (denoted as h) is a fundamental constant in quantum mechanics and plays a crucial role in the context of atomic energy levels and the behaviour of particles at the quantum level. It is the proportionality constant in the formula E = hf, where E is the energy of a photon and f is its frequency. This relationship illustrates the quantisation of energy, as it shows that the energy of a photon (and thus the energy exchanged in atomic transitions) is quantised and directly proportional to its frequency. Planck's constant essentially sets the scale for these energy quantisations and is fundamental to the understanding of the discrete nature of energy exchange in atomic and subatomic processes. Its value dictates the scale at which quantum mechanical effects become significant and provides a bridge between the macroscopic classical world and the microscopic quantum world. It is also a cornerstone in the development of other quantum theories and principles, such as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

Line spectra are considered 'fingerprints' for elements due to their unique and specific patterns for each element. When an element is heated or excited, its electrons transition between different energy levels, emitting or absorbing photons of specific energies. These energies correspond to specific wavelengths of light, resulting in distinct spectral lines at those wavelengths. Since each element has a unique set of energy levels due to its electron configuration, the pattern of these spectral lines is unique to each element. This uniqueness allows scientists to identify elements by their line spectra. For instance, by analysing the light from a distant star and matching its spectral lines with known elements' spectra, astronomers can determine the star's composition. This distinctiveness of line spectra as elemental 'fingerprints' is a powerful tool in analytical chemistry, astrophysics, and various other fields, enabling precise identification of elements even in complex mixtures or remote celestial bodies.

Electrons cannot exist between quantised energy levels in an atom due to the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics. In quantum theory, energy levels are seen as discrete states with specific energy values. These discrete states arise from the wave-like nature of electrons, as described by the Schrödinger equation. The solutions to this equation, which represent the probability distribution of finding an electron, only yield certain allowed energy values, leading to quantised energy levels. Any intermediate energy value does not correspond to a solution of the Schrödinger equation and thus is not a permissible state for an electron. This quantisation is a direct consequence of the wave properties of particles at the atomic and subatomic level and is a fundamental aspect of quantum physics, distinguishing it markedly from classical physics where energy can vary continuously.

The quantum mechanical model of the atom provides a more comprehensive and accurate explanation of energy levels compared to the Bohr model. While the Bohr model introduced the concept of quantised orbits for electrons, it still treated electrons as particles in fixed orbits around the nucleus, similar to planets orbiting a star. The quantum mechanical model, however, introduces the concept of electron orbitals - regions of space around the nucleus where an electron is likely to be found. Unlike the Bohr model, it does not define exact paths for the electrons but rather probability distributions. This model is based on the principles of wave-particle duality and uncertainty, which state that the exact position and momentum of an electron cannot be simultaneously known. This approach allows for a more accurate prediction of chemical and physical properties of elements, as it considers electrons as waves distributed in space rather than particles in fixed orbits.

The photoelectric effect supports the concept of quantised energy levels in atoms by demonstrating that light interacts with matter in a quantised manner. In the photoelectric effect, photons of light are absorbed by electrons in a material. If the energy of the photon matches or exceeds the binding energy of an electron, the electron is ejected from the material. The key point here is that only photons with a certain minimum energy (threshold frequency) can cause this ejection. This phenomenon aligns with the idea of quantised energy levels, as it shows that electrons can only absorb or emit energy in specific, quantised amounts. The effect directly contradicts the classical wave theory of light, which predicted that light of any frequency, given sufficient time, should be able to impart enough energy to an electron. Instead, it supports the quantum theory where energy is transferred in discrete packets (quanta), thus reinforcing the concept of quantised energy levels in atoms.

Practice Questions

Explain the process of electron transition in an atom that leads to the emission of a photon. Describe how the energy of the emitted photon is related to the energy levels involved in the transition.

In an atom, when an electron transitions from a higher energy level to a lower one, it emits a photon. This process occurs because the electron loses energy, which is then released as a photon. The energy of the emitted photon is equal to the difference in energy between the two levels. Specifically, if an electron falls from an energy level E2 to a lower level E1, the energy of the photon, E, is given by E = E2 - E1. This is because the energy lost by the electron is conserved in the form of the emitted photon. The frequency of the emitted photon can be calculated using the formula E = hf, where h is Planck's constant and f is the frequency.

Describe how the absorption line spectrum of an element is formed and explain its significance in identifying elements.

The absorption line spectrum of an element is formed when electrons in its atoms absorb photons of specific energies. This absorption occurs when the energy of the photon matches the energy difference required for an electron to jump from a lower to a higher energy level. As a result, certain wavelengths of light are absorbed, leaving dark lines in the continuous spectrum. Each element has a unique set of energy levels, so the pattern of absorbed wavelengths (and thus the pattern of dark lines in the spectrum) is unique to each element. This uniqueness makes absorption spectra a valuable tool for identifying elements, as the specific pattern of lines acts like a fingerprint for each element. In astrophysics, this is crucial for determining the composition of distant stars and galaxies.

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